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"Together we know everything, together we have everything"

Welcome to the P2P Foundation Wiki

The P2P Foundation is an international organization focused on studying, researching, documenting and promoting peer to peer practices in a very broad sense. This wiki is our knowledge commons. Our motto is "Together we know everything, together we have everything", i.e. pooling our resources through commons, creates prosperity for all. We document thousands of initiatives going in that direction on order to create "Hope with evidence" or Proofs of Possibility: "building proactive portfolios that demonstrate viable alternatives through real-world applications. These can be developed and implemented on a small scale before a crisis toserve as critical antecedents for political buy-in and rapid scaling." [1]

The central question we address is the following:

* "How can we enable and encourage the formation of Global Cooperative Networks within the existing Global Adversarial Network? How could these bubbles form, grow, merge and eventually shift the whole civilisation towards a more cooperative generative process." (John Ringland [2])

For a quick introduction to the P2P Foundation see our new homepage. For an introduction to our worldview, see the Commons Transition Primer website.

Scroll down to browse through our various sections

"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called." ~ Buckminster Fuller ~

“Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around.” ~ Milton Friedman ~

Watch this 20 min overview of our key proposals and introductory videos.

See our mandala graphic on the Role of the Commons in Civilizational Transitions

click for higher resolution

Source: With thanks to graphic artist Juliane Höhle ; twitter = @JulianeHoehle; and Leif Ostman, Uppsala University and Katrien Van Poeck, RUG-CDO.

Explore Our Publications

Dive into a world of knowledge on peer-to-peer dynamics, commons-based solutions, and transformative innovations. Visit our Publications Page to access groundbreaking articles, in-depth reports, and pioneering research.

P2P Foundation Publications

The Foundation

  • Read':
  1. Prophets and Advocates of Peer Production. By George Dafermos. [3]. Excellent introduction to the role of the P2P Foundation in the context of the re-emergence of a commons movement that is linked to digitally-enabled self-organization.
  1. Digital Commons: Cyber-Commoners, Peer Producers and the Project of a Post-Capitalist Transition. By George Dafermos. [4]: Excellent introduction to the theoretical and strategic work of the P2P Foundation.

For Beginners:

  • Commons Transition and P2P Primer. Primer: Commons Transition and P2P: A Primer. By Michel Bauwens, Vasilis Kostakis, Stacco Troncoso and Ann-Marie Ultratel: An introduction to the commons and peer to peer dynamics.

The P2P Foundation consists of autonomous but internetworked initiatives:

  1. The knowledge commons, such as this wiki, a blog, and a network of half a dozen FB groups where we do a pluralistic curation of p2p/commons developments.
  2. The P2P Foundation Research Network, coordinated by Jose Ramos, which focuses on monitoring and activating research.
  3. An official non-profit, chaired by Evi Swinnen, in Ghent, Belgium. (The original 'Foundation', established in Amsterdam, is in the process of being transferred to our research network)

Thanks to Javier Arturo Rodriguez for the technical help in maintaining this wiki, and for the huge editorial assistance by Simon Grant.

Our Ideas

The theoretical foundations are based on the work of Michel Bauwens and others.


  1. Category: P2P Theory
  2. Category: P2P Hierarchy Theory
  3. Category: P2P Class Theory

Find out more about our practice here:

Our Key Resources

* new! : check out our Multi-Category Search for Combined Category Searching ! Explanations here!

Join Our Learning Community!

Learning More

Who We Are

Introduction to P2P Theory

This video series was done, with excellent technical conditions, at Lignan University in Hong Kong, at the behest of Prof. Kin Chi Lau and colleagues, during the months of January 2019:


We are looking for maintainers for our subject pages! Interested?

The P2P Paradigms

See also:

The Three Aspects of Application in Society

  1. P2P Civil Society Approaches
  2. P2P Market Approaches
  3. P2P State Approaches

Hot Topics 'Right Now'

The Peer-Driven Collaborative and Ethical Economy

New P2P Culture

P2P Provisioning Systems

Providing the essential provisions for human life:

  1. Air Water Food
  2. Clothing and Products
  3. Energy
  4. Health Care
  5. Housing and Shelter
  6. Transportation

Other Domains of Application

How P2P Influences Society

P2P Perspectives


Case Studies

Companies with P2P business models

Conferences on P2P topics

Courses: P2P Curricula

Encyclopedia : New! Mini-version

Events Calendar P2P Foundation Calendar

Individuals, Who's Who in P2P

Licences: open and free licenses


Movements, P2P and commons-oriented org's


Research on P2P

Resources and tools


Statistics on P2P trends

Media Resources

Articles on P2P topics

Books on P2P topics

Fiction with P2P themes


Podcasts and Audio

Webcasts and Video

Special Projects

Civilizational Analysis and the Pulsation of the Commons

A ongoing study of what macrohistorians have learned about the overall evolution of humanity, life, and the cosmos, in order to understand the role of the commons in human history:

Here is our resource base:

Annotated Bibliography on Civilizational Analysis



Scenarios for the Future

Civilizational and Ecological Collapse

Biophysical Basis of Human Civilization

Theory Projects

P2P Foundation Theory Project

Our eBooks

Our Printed Books

Available as low-cost paperback at:

  • French: Sauver le monde. Vers une société post-capitaliste avec le peer-to-peer. Par Michel Bauwens et Jean Lievens. Les Liens qui Liberent, 2015.
  • Dutch: De wereld redden. Met peer-to-peer naar een postkapitalistische samenleving. Van Michel Bauwens en Jean Lievens. Houtekiet, 2013.

Overview of P2P Transition Proposals

This is a summary of our key structural arguments for commons/p2p-centric social change:

  1. in capitalism there is a specific articulation of market/community (nation)/command (state) in which the market is dominant.
  2. a commons-centric economy has a different articulation in which the communal mechanisms of pooling shared resources are dominant.
  3. the commons-based processes are increasing in importance within capitalism facing systemic crises
  4. It is possible to develop a strategy for deepening and expanding the weight of the commons-based processes (transvestment, etc.).
  5. If sustained, such a strategy could ultimate erode the dominance of capitalism and create a new post-capitalist and commons-centric society.

P2P Wiki By Language Category

* Page d'accueil francophone pour le wiki

* Materiaux Francophones

Catalan-Language ; Chinese-Language - Croation-Language - Dutch-Language - French-Language - German-Language - Greek-Language - Hungarian-Language - Italian-Language - Latvian-Language - Malayalam-Language - Mongolian-Language - Polish-Language - Portuguese-Language - Romanian-Language - Russian-Language - Serbian-Language - Spanish-Language - Swedish-Language - Thai-Language


Entrepreneur Commons

More friends and partners: Appropedia ; Global Village Network ; Platoniq ; United Diversity; Ethical Markets TV;

See also: Our Wiki Neighbours

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Currently this wiki contains

  • 43,622 content pages with 145808 total editions.
  • 2277 registered users

This wiki have been visited more than 92 658 967 times; our home page was visited 3 929 378 times. (updated November 23, 2020)