Can we imagine an open inquiry into spiritual issues, where the experience of every peer is honoured ? That is the promise of 'peer to peer spirituality' and which creates a commons of knowledge and experience.
For more, see: Introduction to the P2P Foundation Wiki Material about Spirituality
Topical Quotes
“Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world may come to being.”
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man (quoted e.g. in [1])
"Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime; Therefore we must be saved by hope.
Nothing which is true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; Therefore we must be saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; Therefore we must be saved by love."
- Reinhold Niebuhr [2]
William Irwin Thompson: Transitions are Catastrophes
"The transition from one World to another is a catastrophe, in the sense of the catastrophe theory of René Thom. Indeed, a catastrophe is the making conscious of an Unconscious Polity; it is the feeling in Being of a domain that is unknown to thinking. Catastrophes are often stimulated by the failure to feel the emergence of a domain, and so what cannot be felt in the imagination is experienced as embodied sensation in the catastrophe. When rational knowing and political governance no longer serve to feel the actual life of a World, then consciousness becomes embodied in experience outside the world-picture but still within the invisible meta-domain. The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious process is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling. Catastrophes are discontinuous transitions in Culture- Nature through which knowing has an opening to Being. This moment of passing-together through a catastrophe, this occasion of com-passionate participation, presents an opportunity for a shift from karmic activity to Enlightenment. Thus the transition from one World-Structure to another is characterized by catastrophes in which the Unconscious Polities become visible. At such times there can be a rapid flip-over or reversal in which the unthinkable becomes possible.
No governing elite will allow us to think this transition from one World-Structure to another, but imagination and compassion will allow us to feel what we cannot understand. As "Nature" comes to its end in our scientific culture, the relationship between conscious and unconscious will change and the awareness of immanent mind in bacteria and of autopoesis in devices of Artificial Intelligence will give us a new appreciation of the animism of ancient world-picture. The "Man" of the historical set of Culture-Nature will come to his end in a new irrational world of angels and devils, elementals and cyborgs. In this science fiction landscape, this invisible meta-domain in which we already live, the end of Nature as unconscious karma makes of Enlightenment and Compassion a new political possibility."
- More quotes here
Topical P2P Writers
Key Concepts of This Category
Participatory Spirituality means both that spirituality is being thought of not simply in terms of objective reality, but also subjective and inter-subjective; and that it is not mediated through a hierarchy. It has three basic principles:
- Equipotentiality: everyone can potentially be an equal player in spiritual matters;
- Equiplurality: different spiritual approaches can be equally holistic and liberating;
- Equiprimacy: no human spiritual attribute is superior or morally more evolved than any other.
The idea of Collective Presencing, while not being explicitly spiritual, is about what happens when people come together related through the 'heart' or the 'source' of being. The peer-to-peer practice of being together in a circle (both in dialogue and in silence) enables people to relate more readily at a spiritual level. People are able to get beyond the individual, purely self-interested rational 'mind', or ego, and turn their attention to 'higher' things. These spiritually related ideas, from outside spiritual traditions, institutions or established thinking, are also to be found in Theory U from Otto Scharmer.
Concepts such as the Quaker ones of 'inner light' and "answering that of God in every one" are also very much in tune with a P2P approach to spirituality.
Useful learning resources
- P2P Interpretation of Soul as Intersubjective Reality and Spirit as Interobjective Reality by Joe Corbett, 2014
- Collective Spiritual Leadership, from the writing of Charles Eisenstein, 2011
Deeper Study
- The Next Buddha Will Be A Collective: spiritual expression in the peer to peer era, by Michel Bauwens, 2007
- Relational Spirituality and other Heresies in New Age Transpersonalism by Gregg Lahood, 2010
- Introduction to the P2P Foundation Wiki Material about Spirituality compiled by Michel Bauwens
- Recommended book: Revisioning Transpersonal Theory. A participatory vision of human spirituality. By Jorge Ferrer.
Related Categories
- Our Category: Relational is broader, dealing with all peer-to-peer relations, not just on a spiritual plane.
- Our Category: Participation is related through Participatory Spirituality
- Much religion is rooted in tradition, so Category: Neotraditional overlaps with traditional approaches to spirituality.
Pages in category "Spirituality"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 838 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- A.M. Hocart on the Role of Ritual and Mythology in Human Governance
- Abundance vs. Scarcity
- Abundance vs. Scarcity Mentality
- African Ecological Ethics and Spirituality
- Agata Bielik-Robson on Positively Embracing the Finitude of Life
- Age of Spiritual Machines
- Alan Chapman on Open Enlightenment
- Alchemergy
- Alchemy of Change
- Alexa Clay
- Alexander Bard on Syntheism and the Paths Ahead for Spirituality in the 21st Century
- Alexander Bard on Syntheism and the Syntheist Movement
- Alexander Bard on Syntheism as the Coming Religion for the Technological Age
- Alexander Bard on Syntheism the Creation of God in the Internet Age
- Alexander Bard on Technology Gods
- Alexander Dugin
- Alphabet versus the Goddess
- Altruization
- American Awakening
- Anatheism
- Animism as Reciprocity
- Antaios
- Antifestivals
- Aperspectivism
- Apophaticism
- Ascent of Humanity
- Asha vs Druj in Zoroastrian Ethics
- Asian Moral Methaphysics vs Western Metaphysics of Morals
- Aspects of Truth
- Astounding Growth in the Psychological Evolution of the Human Self
- Attention 101
- Attuning to Natural Energy Flows vs. Abstract Economic Rationality
- Aurea Social/es
- Authenticity as Resistance Against the New Hegemonic Ideologies
- Authoritarian Blight in Spirituality
- Awakening from the Meaning Crisis
- Axial Age
- Bahai Global Governance System
- Balance of Consciousness
- Bald Ambition
- Basarab Nicolescu on Transdisciplinarity
- Benedictan Rules as a Hacker Protocol
- Beyond Religion
- Binarius as the Spiritual Archetype of Digital Technology
- Biocultural Community Protocol
- Bioculture
- Biospiritual Virtues
- Birth of the Gods and the Origins of Agriculture
- Bogdanov's Ten Laws of Conscience
- Bohmian Dialogue
- Bolsena Monastery Code Sprints
- Brendan Graham Dempsey on How the Epic of Evolution Continues in the Psycho-Cultural Domain
- Brendan Graham Dempsey on the Emergence of Metamodern Religion
- Bret Bernhoft About Spiritual Transhumanism
- Bruce Alderman on Integral Pluralism, Meta-Religion and Metamodern Spirituality
- Bruderhof
- Bruderhof's Introduction to the Tradition of Christian Socialism
- Buddhism and Peer to Peer
- Buddhism and Social Engagement
- Buddhist Approach to Economic Transformation
- Buddhist Economics
- Burning Man
- Camilla Power on Reconstructing the Religion of Hunter-Gatherer Societies
- Capitalism Is the Total Desacralization of Property
- Cardiac Intellect
- Caritas in Veritate
- Carolyn Baker on the Demise of Heroic Consciousness
- Carolyn Baker on the Sacred Demise of Industrial Civilization
- Cartesian-Newtonian Paradigm
- Catholic Church in the Age of Digital Formats
- Catholic Labor Movements in Europe
- Catholic Occupy
- Catholic Social Thought and the Openness Revolution
- Catholics and Cooperatives
- Cellular Church
- Center for Integral Wisdom
- Centers for Consciousness Research
- Charlene Spretnak
- Charles Eisenstein on the Spirituality of Money
- Charles Eistenstein on Sacred Economics
- Charter for Compassion
- Chinese Bamboo Grove Communities in the Warring States Period
- Chinese Humanism
- Chreods, Homeorhesis and Biofields
- Christian Anarchism
- Christian Community of Goods Through the Centuries
- Christian Left
- Christian Nondual Approach of Bernadette Roberts
- Christian Perspective on Global Economy
- Christianity and the History of Technology
- Church 2.0
- Church of the Churchless
- Civil Happiness
- Civilization of the Goddess
- Co-Designing Economies in Transition
- Collective Enlightenment
- Collective Enlightenment Through Postmetaphysical Eyes
- Collective Presencing
- Collective Spiritual Leadership
- College of St. Joseph the Worker
- Collegially Applied Spirituality
- Coming Dark Age
- Common Core Thesis of Mystical Experience
- Common Council for Monetary Justice
- Common Security Clubs
- Commons Principles
- Commons-Based Provisioning of Meaningful Livelihoods
- Communal Life and Values among the Mormons
- Communication Theology
- Communitarian Mysticism
- Community without Communicatio vs Communication without Community
- Comparing Civilizations as Systems
- Compassionate Instinct
- Comunalidad
- Conceptual Integration Techniques
- Confucian Anthropocentric Environmentalism
- Confucian Proposal of Robots as Rites-Bearers Not Rights-Bearers
- Connected Consciousness
- Conscious Circle of Humanity
- Conscious Evolution
- Conscious vs Real Knowledge According to the Daoist Tradition
- Consciousness and the Post-Capitalist Commons
- Consciousness for the Post-Capitalist Commons
- Contemplating the More-than-Human Commons
- Contemplative Commons
- Contemplative Net Project
- Contemplative Science
- Contemporary Evolutionary Holism
- Contentment
- Contributions of Buddhist Economics
- Convergent Friends
- Cooperative Inquiry
- Cosmic Liturgy
- Cosmic Mass - Participatory Ritual
- Cosmobiological Tradition
- CosmoErotic Humanism
- Cosmogenetic Principle
- Cosmological Myth
- Cosmopolitan Shamanism
- Cosmos and History
- Cosmos and Psyche
- Cosmos Coop
- Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come
- Cosmotheandric Experience
- Council Ceremony
- Creating Invisible Architectures for Collective Wisdom
- Creation Spirituality
- Creed of Sharing
- Crisis of Representation and Autonomy of Self
- Critical Theory and the Question of Secularization
- Cultural Creatives
- Cultwiki
- Cyber Hero
- Cybergrace
- Cyberhenge
- Cybertheology
- Cyborg Buddhas
- Cycle of Belonging
- Cynthia Bourgeault on the Common Good
- Cynthia Bourgeault on the Teilhardian Evolutionary Vision and Enstatic Personhood
- Damanhur
- Dana Klisanin
- Daniel Bitton on the Social Rationale of Cultural Taboos
- Daniel Dolan on Cults and the Internet
- Daniel Mezick on Ritual and Hierarchy in the Context of Egalitarianism
- Daniel Pinchbeck
- Darwin and the Battle for 21st Century Mind
- Data Meditations
- David Avery on the Decline of Bronze Age Mythology and its Replacement by the Electric Universe Cosmology
- David Chapman on Meaningness
- David Levy
- David Loy on Ending Separation
- David Nicol
- David Smith on a Meaningful Life Being of Use
- David Steindl-Rast on Contemplative Values in a Technological Society
- De-Divinization of the World
- Debashish Banerji on Posthumanism
- Debt Forgiveness
- Decentralized Nonduality Culture
- Declaration of Respect for Life and Human Security across the Global Commons
- Deep Dialogue
- Deliberately Developmental Spaces
- Derek K. Miller on Digital Executors
- Devices of the Soul
- Dharmanomics
- Dialectics of Myth
- Difference between Descending Depth-Psychological vs. Relational-Participatory Extending Aprroach to Spirituality
- Differences Between Non-Historical, Historical and Trans-Historical Visions
- Differences Between the First and the Second Shock of Existence
- Differences Between the Great Chain of Being and Emergentism
- Digital Altruism
- Digital Dharma
- Dignitarian Movement
- Disenclosing the Crises of Imagination and Power
- Dismantling Rankism and the Comparing Mind
- Distributed Networks, Transformational Communities and the New Monastics
- DIY Judaism
- Dogma
- Dream of the Earth
- Duchas