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= "Alchemergy takes change out of the hands of politicians and back into the control of an enlightened populace".



Dennis William Hauck:

"There has always been a political or social component to alchemy. In fact, our founding fathers were very familiar with alchemical principles and openly tried to apply them to the new democracy, and there was much debate about how far they should go. Benjamin Franklin and the great French philosopher Rousseau even wrote a constitution for America based on the Emerald Tablet. Alchemy is about the universal methods of transformation and perfection that apply to all aspects of human activity.


Alchemergy is about the merging of ancient spiritual traditions and methods and their emergence in modern popular culture. Alchemy is no longer a secret discipline for a small band of reclusive practitioners but an open secret that is finding acceptance in totally new areas. These include the Green Movement, conscious eating and living groups, animal and nature preservation groups, spiritual movements, transformation of business and government, and many personal transformation groups. It is based on social networking and action. The Guild even opened up a new website devoted entirely to this concept at with a kind of MySpace for alchemists at " (


Dennis William Hauck (interviewed by Willi Paul):

What is the major difference between Christianity, Witch Craft and Alchemy?

Alchemy and witchcraft are close cousins on different paths. Both pay close attention to nature, herbs, planetary energies, the elements, etc. Some see witchcraft as the feminine approach and alchemy as the masculine approach to the same tradition. The history of alchemy and Christianity is closely intertwined, and historians have shown that the roots of their common philosophy go back to Egypt. The Church of the Middle Ages was very wary of alchemy competing for the hearts and soul of mankind and persecuted many alchemists for voicing such beliefs as a person could contact God in the privacy of their own prayer and meditation at home. There is a whole tradition of Christian Alchemy based on the idea of Christ as Lapis (Philosopher's Stone) that is part of the mystical Christian tradition and can be seen in the writings of alchemists like Jacob Boehme and organizations like the Rosicrucians.

How do science and alchemy intersect, clash or support each other these days?

The cutting edge of science, especially quantum physics and astrophysics, actually complement the alchemical view of nature very well. Psychology pays homage to alchemy on many different levels, and many psychologists actually recognize alchemical operations as effective tools in therapy. Chemistry is actually the worst fit to alchemy, as it arose out of a late tradition in alchemy known as the "puffers", so called because they work primarily with high heat and spent hours frantically pushing bellows trying reach high temperature. Their approach was materialistic and they work purely physical, and they were interested only in making gold for wealth. Kind of like some modern chemists seeking to create the next golden drug at pharmaceutical companies.

How can the use of alchemy create a sustainable environment locally and globally?

The alchemists called themselves philosophers of fire, which was their code word for pure energy. In their work, they attempted to free the deepest energetic essences of things and purify them to the level at which they became empowered, embodied, and perfected. Inefficiency and waster were the dark forces in their experiments that they sought to separate out to bring their processes to new levels of full expression. This is the idealized view of any environmentalist - to create the purest energy with the least waste. The alchemist's Ouroboros symbol (serpent or dragon eating its own tail in a circle of endless transformation) was how they expressed this idea of the eternal recycling of the whole universe. From their love of nature, I think the ancient alchemists would be at the forefront of environment efforts both locally and globally. They gave us the whole secret to a sustainable environment in their universal operations of how to transform one thing into another.

Is sustainability like a religion?

It does have a religious feel to it for some people. I think it is the idea of being in balance with the earth and cosmic laws that makes sustainability have this spiritual connotation to it. Of course, the alchemists all the way back to Egypt would have insisted it be treated as a spiritual quest. They saw Nature as the one great truth to which we have direct access, and revered her and tried to server her. They were and remain primarily Philosophers of Nature. (