A directory of social and political movements related to the P2P (participatory), open (open access to knowledge), and 'commons' paradigms.
Please read:
- Overview Essay: Prophets and Advocates of Peer Production. By George Dafermos. Chapter 7: The Handbook of Peer Production. Wiley, 2020
Marco Berlinguer:
"The free culture movements comprise a wide range of experiences mainly emerging around the internet and the digital revolution. They have generally developed independently, but they are loosely aligned and show a mutually reinforcing dynamism – a ‘viral spiral’, as David Bollier terms it.
All these movements emerged as practical and cultural critiques of the aggressive attempts by corporations, aided by Northern governments, to extend intellectual property rights to knowledge, culture, information, communication and even organisms and data. The process has been described as ‘the second enclosures movement’ – the first being the enclosing of common land and turning it into private property in late and post-medieval England.
Following Felix Stalder, we can group these movements into three different clusters:
- the Free Software Movement, focusing on software source code;
- the Free Culture Movement, focusing on cultural goods; and
- the Access To Knowledge (A2K) movement, focusing on access to knowledge-intensive goods."
- Benjamin Mako Hill explains the Difference between the Free Software and Free Culture Movement
- Conflicts in open source discourse: review of idea currents in the free and open source software movement.
- David Bollier: Is the Commons a movement?
Introductory Articles
- Immanuel Wallerstein: Antisystemic Movements and the Future of Capitalism
Sister Organizations
The following are most similar in intent:
- Commons Strategies Group
- Oekonux
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- On The Commons
- Francophone Network for the Commons
We support this call: Towards a Federation of DIY Communities!
CitationsOn P2P dialogue across the political spectrum"If anything, the Internet has allowed various decentralist traditions to cross-pollinate and reach a mainstream audience to a far larger extent than could have been imagined in the mid-90s. There are many online venues where mutualists, agrarians, distributists, Georgists, social crediters, Catholic Workers, Rothbardians and Greens compare their views, amiably for the most part, and find out how much they have in common." - Thomas Woods [2]
Key Movements | |
The 'Open' ParadigmKey Movements supporting the Open paradigm
Open Education
Open Knowledge
Public Domain: Open Licensing
Open MediaOpen MoneyOpen Software
Open StandardsOpen Design and Open Manufacturing
The P2P/Participative ParadigmKey P2P/Participative MovementsCooperation/CollaborationParticipative Political MovementsAlternative Political Economy
The Commons Paradigm
The Sharing ParadigmFrom a directory of Sharing Movements by Cat Johnson [6]: Local
P2P Mass Mobilizations
Approaches to Technology |
Key Resources
- 'monitoring global protest movements' through CrowdVoice
Key Articles
- A strategy for the commons in the context of social transformation: Massimo de Angelis, Crises, Movements and Commons. Borderlands e-journal, VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2, 2012. [7]
See also:
- David M. Berry, 2004. “The Contestation of Code: A preliminary investigation into the discourse of the free/libre and open source movement,” Critical Discourse Studies, volume 1, number 1 (April), pp. 65–89 [8]
- Benjamin Mako Hill, 2005. “Towards a standard of freedom: Creative Commons and the Free Software Movement,” [9]
- The Politics of the Libre Commons by David M. Berry and Giles Moss. First Monday, volume 11, number 9 [10]
- On the Convergence of social movements to fight IPRs on information in various fields: 10 contributions
- Stefan Meretz: Ten Theses About Global Commons Movement
- The Evolution of Social Systems: A summary of processes of decay and renewal by Seb Paquet
Key Books
- Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming. by Paul Hawken. Viking, 2007
Pages in category "Movements"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,622 total.
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- A2K Access to Knowledge
- A2K Movement
- Abolish Human Rentals
- Abolishing Human Rentals and the Neo-Abolitionist Movement
- Abundance League
- Accelerationism
- Accelerationist Manifesto
- Access
- Access Foundation
- Access to Health
- Access To Knowledge
- Access to Knowledge Movement
- Access to Land
- Access to Medicines
- Accountability 21
- Accès aux Savoirs
- Actions Options Tool
- Activism Without Leadership
- ActivMob Health Platform
- Ada Colau, Barcelona's New Mayor, on Spain's Political Revolution
- Additivism
- Advanced Civilization
- Advocacy Organizations for Open Access
- Advogados Ativistas
- African Commons Project
- African Copyright and Access to Knowledge Project
- Against Professional Philosophy
- Against the Internet-Centric Totalizing Anti-Hierarchy and Anti-Centralization Ideology
- Agora 99
- Agorism
- Agriculturalism in China
- Agro Biogenics
- AgStack Foundation
- AI Commons
- Akasha Foundation
- Al Jazeera Documentary on the Indignants
- Albasol
- Alchemergy
- Alfredo Lopez on Radical Techies
- Algorithm Watch
- Algorithmic Justice League
- Ali Abunimah on the Electronic Intifada
- Alison Powell on Open Forms of Politics
- All for All
- All Tech Is Human
- Alliance 21
- Alliance for Global Resilience and Regeneration
- Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation
- Alliance for Public Technology
- Alliance for Self-Directed Education
- Alliance for Taxpayers Access
- Alliance of Community Trainers
- Alliance of the Commons - Greece
- Alliance of the Libertarian Left
- Alliance Public-Artistes
- Alliances of the P2P Foundation
- Allied Media Projects
- AllSeen Alliance
- Alma Swan on the Open Access Movement
- Alnoor Ladha
- Alt-Labor Movement
- Alterglobalization Movement
- Alterglobalization Movement - Epistemological Aspects
- Alterglobalization Movement - Meshwork Aspects
- Alterglobalization Movement - Networked Aspects
- Alterglobalization movement sites
- Alternate Collective
- Alternative Academia
- Alternative Economies Subgroup of OWS Arts and Labor
- Alternative Economy
- Alternative Education Resource Organization
- Alternative Futures of Globalisation
- Alternative Heterodox Lineage in Evolutionary Thought and Its Emphasis on the Role of Consciousness
- Alternative Information Technologies Association - Turkey
- Alternative Law Forum
- Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance
- Alternatives Confluence - India
- Alternatives Confluence in India
- Alternativet
- Altroconsumo
- Altruistic Economics
- Amacca
- American Commons
- American Moshav Movement
- Amigos del Agua de Mar/es
- AmpedStatus Network
- Anacyclosis Institute
- Anagorism
- Analysis of the Agricultural Cooperative Movement in Greece
- Anarchism and Authority
- Anarchism and the Cybernetics of Self-Organising Systems
- Anarchism and the Promise of a Post-Capitalist Collaborative Commons
- Anatomy of Revolution
- Andrew Doyle and Douglas Murray on Woke Activism
- Anonymous
- Anonymous and Decentralized Networks
- Anonymous and the War on Scientology
- Anonymous as an Antinomian Movement
- Anonymous Party
- Anthony Barnett on Occupy and the Left
- Anthromodernism
- Anthropocene
- Anthropology of Hackers
- Anthroposphere Institute
- Anti Cinema Collective
- Anti-Capitalism
- Anti-DCMA
- Anti-Developmentalism
- Anti-Disinformation
- Anti-Eviction Movement
- Anti-Free Software Movement
- Anti-Humanism
- Anti-Leaders in Social Movements
- Anti-Malthussian Mutual Aid Tradition Within Post-Darwinistic Thought
- Anti-Racism
- Anti-Spyware Coalition
- Anti-Tech Collective Library of Technology Criticism
- Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences
- Anticapitalism and Culture
- Antigonish Movement
- Antisystemic Movements and the Future of Capitalism
- Apache Software Foundation
- Apertus Association
- Apocalypticism
- Appeal to the Commons - France
- Appropedia
- Appropedia Foundation
- Appropriate Economics
- Appropriate Technology Villages
- Arab Commons
- Arbeits Gruppe Commons Piraten Partei Deutschland
- Archdisciplinary Research Center
- Argentine Assembly Movement
- ArkFab Innovation Foundation
- Arnold Schroder on the Three Ecological Strategies
- Arquitecturas Colectivas/es
- Art and the Commons
- Art Leaks
- Artificial Intelligence and Equality Initiative
- Artificial Superintelligence Alliance
- ArtLeaks
- Arts Assembly
- Arts, Culture and Commoning Working Group - USA
- Arwen O'Reilly on the DIY Renaissance
- Ashoka
- Asia Commons
- Asian OSS
- Asian Regional Exchange for New Alternatives
- Aspiration Tech
- Assessing the Radical Democracy of Indymedia
- Assessment Movement
- Assessment of Major Douglas and the Social Credit Movement
- Asset Transfer Unit (UK)
- Asset-Based Egalitarianism
- Asset-Sharing Movement
- Association for Community Networking
- Association For Free Software - UK
- Association for Interactive Democracy
- Association for Sustainability and Democracy
- Association for the Creation of Open Culture and Workshop Houses - Austria
- Association of Virtual Worlds
- Association of World Citizens
- Association pour l'Economie Distributive
- Association Valeureux
- Associationalism
- Associationism
- Associationist Socialism
- Associazione Imprese Software Libero - Italy
- Asymmetric Threats Contingency Alliance
- Ateneo Izar Beltz/es
- Attention Hackers
- Attraction of Activism from the Hacker Perspective
- Auroville
- Australian Free Software Association
- Australian Sharing Law Network
- Austria's Solar Self-Build Movement
- Autarchism
- Auto-Nomistic
- Autonet
- Autonomous
- Autonomous Marxism
- Autonomous Tech Collectives
- Avaaz