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A directory of social and political movements related to the P2P (participatory), open (open access to knowledge), and 'commons' paradigms.

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Marco Berlinguer:

"The free culture movements comprise a wide range of experiences mainly emerging around the internet and the digital revolution. They have generally developed independently, but they are loosely aligned and show a mutually reinforcing dynamism – a ‘viral spiral’, as David Bollier terms it.

All these movements emerged as practical and cultural critiques of the aggressive attempts by corporations, aided by Northern governments, to extend intellectual property rights to knowledge, culture, information, communication and even organisms and data. The process has been described as ‘the second enclosures movement’ – the first being the enclosing of common land and turning it into private property in late and post-medieval England.

Following Felix Stalder, we can group these movements into three different clusters:

  1. Benjamin Mako Hill explains the Difference between the Free Software and Free Culture Movement
  2. Conflicts in open source discourse: review of idea currents in the free and open source software movement.
  3. David Bollier: Is the Commons a movement?

Introductory Articles

Sister Organizations

The following are most similar in intent:

We support this call: Towards a Federation of DIY Communities!


On P2P dialogue across the political spectrum

"If anything, the Internet has allowed various decentralist traditions to cross-pollinate and reach a mainstream audience to a far larger extent than could have been imagined in the mid-90s. There are many online venues where mutualists, agrarians, distributists, Georgists, social crediters, Catholic Workers, Rothbardians and Greens compare their views, amiably for the most part, and find out how much they have in common."

- Thomas Woods [2]

Key Movements


The 'Open' Paradigm

Key Movements supporting the Open paradigm

Open Education

  1. Open Courseware Initiative
  2. Open Educational Resources

Open Knowledge

  1. A2K Access to Knowledge
  2. Budapest Open Access Initiative
  3. Open Access Movement
  4. Open Archives Initiative
  5. Open Content Alliance
  6. Open Knowledge Foundation

Public Domain:

  1. Public Domain Advocacy Organizations
  2. Union for the Public Domain

Open Licensing

Open Media

Open Money

Open Software

  1. Free Software Foundation
  2. Open Source Initiative
  3. Organizations for Freedom in Communication, a list maintained by the Free Software Foundation

Open Standards

Open Design and Open Manufacturing

  1. Open Design Movement
  2. Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance

The P2P/Participative Paradigm

Key P2P/Participative Movements


Participative Political Movements

Alternative Political Economy

The Commons Paradigm

  • A strategy for the commons in the context of social transformation: Massimo de Angelis, Crises, Movements and Commons. Borderlands e-journal, VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2, 2012. [5]
  1. Bien Publics a Echelle Mondiale
  2. Creative Commons
  3. Friends of the Commons
  4. ICommons
  5. Science Commons
  6. Union for the Public Domain

The Sharing Paradigm

From a directory of Sharing Movements by Cat Johnson [6]:


  1. Consumo Colaborativo‎, Spain
  2. KoKonsum, Germany
  3. People Who Share‎, UK
  4. Unstash, Toronto, Canada


  1. Collaborative Chats‎, San Francisco, USA
  2. Let’s Collaborate‎, NYC
  3. Share Exchange‎, Santa Rosa, USA
  4. Share Tompkins‎, Ithaca, NY
  5. Shared Squared, NYC
  6. Sharers of San Francisco‎

P2P Mass Mobilizations

  1. Alterglobalization Movement
  2. Occupy Wall Street
  3. 15M Movement - Spain
  4. Pirate Party

Approaches to Technology

  1. Technolibertarianism
  2. Technoprogressivism
  3. Technoindividualism
  4. Technoidealism

Key Resources

  • 'monitoring global protest movements' through CrowdVoice

Key Articles

  • A strategy for the commons in the context of social transformation: Massimo de Angelis, Crises, Movements and Commons. Borderlands e-journal, VOLUME 11 NUMBER 2, 2012. [7]

See also:

  1. David M. Berry, 2004. “The Contestation of Code: A preliminary investigation into the discourse of the free/libre and open source movement,” Critical Discourse Studies, volume 1, number 1 (April), pp. 65–89 [8]
  2. Benjamin Mako Hill, 2005. “Towards a standard of freedom: Creative Commons and the Free Software Movement,” [9]
  3. The Politics of the Libre Commons by David M. Berry and Giles Moss. First Monday, volume 11, number 9 [10]
  4. On the Convergence of social movements to fight IPRs on information in various fields: 10 contributions
  5. Stefan Meretz: Ten Theses About Global Commons Movement
  6. The Evolution of Social Systems: A summary of processes of decay and renewal by Seb Paquet

Key Books

  • Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming. by Paul Hawken. Viking, 2007

Pages in category "Movements"

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