15 May Revolution

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= This is the english website derived from the Toma la Plaza movement established on 15 May in Spain.

Official website: http://www.tomalaplaza.net/

Blog at http://15mayrevolution.wordpress.com/


Report on the internationalisation efforts of the movement

Report on the LISBON INTERNATIONAL MEETING of July 13th:

"International press: They compiled an archive of press divided in three folders: one with international artcles about the local situation, another about international movilisations and another about France, available to visitors in the information table and updated every day. They also compiled a digital archive with all the links along with the communication team.

International action: Created since the repression of the Paris camp, a group of 20 people started to camp in front of the French consulate in Barcelona to dennounce. They did actions to support Morroccans, Sirians and Italians too.

International networks: They made the first reviews of mobilisations and camps in other cities and contacts. Programmed live connections during the assemblies with other camps, like Coimbra, Atenas, Leipzig, Lyon, o New York. They received the foreign indignants coming from France, US, etc. Composed mainly by geeks, it made a big effort to create platforms like mailing lists(like cominterm and now squares), or n-1 groups for local and global groups, as now the Howto Camp, that shares methodologies for assemblies, pacific resiststance or legal issues, or coordinate international accions, websites, irc channels, spamming the europarlamentaries about the Pact of the Euro, etc.

We were also helping with the page takethesquare.net and created acampadabcninternacional.wordpress.com, a facebook (acampada bcn comision internacional and the twitter acampadabcn_int which allowed us to keep autonomy till now, regardless of fights, burnouts of the communication team or internet access. It is important to have several official media in case of divisions, manipulation or censorship.

We also did the first international callouts to take squares, trying to transform the mobilisation in support of the spanish people into local fights about local issues.

We also did a big international call out for the 19 of June against the Pact of the Euro, which was a big success.

We also collaborated with the other international callouts, like the anti banks action of the Greeks or the information about the Italian referendum.

We would inform every night about the international situation in the assembly, along with the live streams.

Finally, the members also participated in other commissions, as Dinamisation of the assembly, law, communication, night programs, etc. And stayed in the plaza catalunya until the eviction even when the movement decided to leave before.

On the road: In the beggining of july we started travelling through the different cities. Our goals were: compiling information of other cities, like reports about the camps (number of campers, assistants to assemblies, etc) , recopilation of experts and formation needs, practices sharing, creating new international call outs and actions, make the network stronger through face to face meetings, and informing about Barcelona as well.

Brussels: intervention in the Parliament during an event organised by Democracy international. Participation on Brussels assemblies, divided in several neighborhoods. We started to write a howtocamp in every city, based on interviews with the local indignants and our own observations, that is starting to be interlinked as well." (http://www.peoplesassemblies.org/2011/07/report-lisbon-international-meeting/)

More Information

On Spain:

  1. http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/naomi-klein-on-camp-sols-lessons-for-true-democracy/2011/06/05
  2. http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/from-spanish-to-european-and-globalrevolution/2011/06/03
  3. http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/background-to-spanishrevolution-asambleabarrios-europeanrevolution/2011/05/30
  4. http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/spain-is-ground-zero-for-the-p2p-revolution/2011/05/29
  5. http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/constructing-participatory-democracy-in-the-spanishrevolution-camps/2011/05/23
  6. http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/analysis-of-the-may-15-movement-in-spain/2011/05/22

Movement Resources

More informations about international actions and strategies here :

  1. our mail: [email protected]
  2. our blog: http://acampadabcninternacional.wordpress.com/
  3. our tool: https://n-1.cc/pg/groups/104127/take-the-square-international/
  4. facebook: Acampada BCN Comision Internacional
  5. twitter: @acampadabcn_int
  6. Main website: http://takethesquare.net/
  7. Mailing-List: http://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/cominterm
  8. Mailing-List: http://lists.takethesquare.net/mailman/listinfo/squares
  9. Radio: http://radio.takethesquare.net
  10. listen: http://giss.tv:8000/indignada.ogg.m3u
  11. IRC Channel: /join #takethesquare on irc.freenode.net
  12. Microblogging: #yeswecamp, #spanishrevolution, #worldrevolution, #globalrevolution, #takethesquare
  13. Collaborative Editors: http://piratepad.net/qRwZC9Sd6k \
  14. Maps: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/