Anti-Utilitarian Movement in the Social Sciences

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Alain Caille:

'The specificity of the anti-utilitarian school is to link together the question of the political and religious foundation of societies with the question of the gift, of recognition and of the building of individual and collective identities. Its main hypothesis is that men are not only selfinterested animals, eager only to get and own more and more things and riches, but that first of all they desire to be recognized (the craving for money and richness being interpretated as the mots current translation of the need of recognition). The main present international philosophical discussion (which is now substituting the debate abour Rawls’ Theory of Justice) now bears on the problem of recognition and identity (Charles Taylor, Axel Honneth, Nancy Fraser). The anti-utilitarian hypothesis is that Human beings’ first desire is to be recognized and valued as givers." (

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