Advocacy Organizations for Open Access

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a selection:

  • @ccess, An offshoot of the Open Knowledge Foundation.
  • Access to Knowledge Global Academy: Focused on "research, education, and policy advice promoting access to knowledge" worldwide, and especially in developing countries.
  • Access to Knowledge for Development Center (A2K4D), Focused on A2K in the developing world.
  • African Access to Knowledge Alliance (AAKA); Focused on A2K in Africa, including OA.
  • African Copyright & Access to Knowledge Project (ACA2K)
  • Alliance for Taxpayer Access (ATA): Focused on OA for publicly-funded research in the US.
  • Center for the Study of the Public Domain (CSPD): Focused on "promot[ing] research and scholarship on the contributions of the public domain to speech, culture, science and innovation, to promote debate about the balance needed in our intellectual property system" and " translat[ing] academic research into public policy solutions."
  • Coalition of Open Access Policy Institutions (COAPI): Focusing on the implementation of university OA policies in North America.
  • Commons Strategies Group: Focused on "advanc[ing] the commons as a paradigm in diverse settings -- both in theory and practice."
  • Communia Association: Focused on the mission "to educate about, advocate for, offer expertise and research about the public domain in the digital age within society and with policy-makers."
  • Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR)
  • Creative Commons (CC): Focused on spreading open licenses and libre OA, for all kinds of digital content, worldwide.
  • Enabling Open Scholarship (EOS): Focused on helping universities adopt OA policies.
  • European Network for Copyright in support of Education and Science (ENCES): Focused on copyright reforms to facilitate OA (and OER) in Europe.
  • Foundation for P2P Alternatives
  • Free Knowledge Institute
  • iCommons: Focused on "open education, access to knowledge, free software, open access publishing and free culture communities around the world."
  • IFLA Open Access Taskforce: From the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).; Focused on OA through the UN, through national governments worldwide, through member institutions, and through partner OA-advocacy organizations.
  • International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP): Focused on improving availability in developing countries, including through OA.
  • Knowledge Ecology International (KEI): Focused on "better outcomes, including new solutions, to the management of knowledge resources. KEI is focused on social justice, particularly for the most vulnerable populations, including low-income persons and marginalized groups."
  • OAK Law (Open Access to Knowledge) Law Project: Focused on OA in Australia, especially copyright and licensing issues.
  • Open Access Communication for Science (OACS): Focused on research about the growth and consequences of OA.
  • Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA)
  • Open Book Alliance (OBA): Focused on OA books worldwide.
  • Open Content Alliance (OCA): Focused on digitizing and providing OA to books, worldwide.
  • Open Data Foundation (ODaF): Focused on open data, and open standards for metadata, and open-source software for statistical data.
  • Open Humanities Alliance (OHA): Focused on community-building for the Open Humanities Press.
  • Open Knowledge Commons (OKC): Focused on digitization for OA. A spin-off of the Open Content Alliance (above).
  • Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN): Working for OA and open data worldwide, especially in the UK.
  • Open Science Federation (OSF): Focused on the advance of open access, open data, and open science.
  • Public Knowledge (PK): Focused on user rights in the digital culture, including OA to publicly-funded research in the US.
  • (PRO): Focused on providing OA to public-domain government information in the US, including the primary sources of US law.
  • Students for Free Culture: Focused on advancing free culture, including OA from funding agencies and universities, especially in the US.

National Sites

         o The national site for OA in Denmark. 

         o The national site for OA in Greece. 

         o The national site for OA in Hong Kong. 

         o The national site for OA in Iceland. 

  • Open Access Italy
         o The national site for OA in Italy. 

  • Open Access Korea
         o The national site for OA in Korea. 

         o The national site for OA in the Netherlands. 

         o The national site for OA in Norway. 

  • Open Access Peru
         o The national site for OA in Peru. 

  • Open Access Slovenia
         o The national site for OA in Slovenia. 

         o The national site for OA in Sweden.