This category includes topics related to a P2P-oriented views of relations. Relationships, in the p2p tradition, are both inventive and exploratory.
See the Introduction to the P2P Foundation Wiki Material about Relational Topics by Michel Bauwens for a wide-ranging guide. Also of interest: Quotes on P2P and Commons-Based Relationality!
Key Quotes
"Cooperativity is fundamental ... There is no dictator in cell regulation, no first among equals, no master regulator, no top-down system of governance."
— Toby J. Gibson, molecular biologist [1]
"We are emerging from a long dominator era into one that demands mutuality. The dominator (hierarchical) mode appears strong, but in reality is too slow to respond to the crisis of the time. Mutualism, on the other hand, is liable to be too fragile in the face of dominator pressures: the only way to resist these, based on intricacy, "is for small circles to join hands in a collaborative network that is broader and tighter than anything domination can provide.(p 286)" The keys to doing this, which she works out through many practical examples, are "education, empowerment, infrastructure, support networks, liberation and love."
— Sally Goerner, from: After the Clockwork Universe: The Emerging Science and Culture of Integral Society
"The new science keeps reminding us that in this participative universe, nothing lives alone. Everything comes into form because of relationship. We are constantly called into relationship — to information, people, events, ideas, and life. Even reality is created through our participation in relationships. We chose what we notice; we relate to certain things and ignore others. Through these chosen relationships we co-create our world. If we are interested in effecting change, it is crucial to remember that we are working within webs of relations, not with machines."
— Margaret J. Wheatley (1999)[2]
“What is the ethical specificity of the human?
It would perhaps reside in the fulfillment of this ethical capacity to the universal, in the tension towards universality, in the tendential universalism of the human species which can take the form of an altruism extended to everything. that is, to everything that exists. The human, therefore, would not be fully human when he is a specieist: on the contrary, he would never be more human than when he transcends narrow humanism, the specieist egoism that is anthropocentrism. There is in humans a tendency and a tension towards universality, towards objectivity, the absolute, the truth, which makes them perhaps and possibly the ethical species par excellence, the most ethical species. Capable of a universalism which would not be an imperialism of human reason, but also of a relativism which gives rise to a sense of perspectivism and relationalism: an ability to recognize the particularity, the singularity of each being, from each point of view, to take into account the perspective character of existence, but also the co-constitutive relations between all beings. There seem to be cognitive and emotional capacities in human beings which would enable them both to view things from a general, even universal point of view, through the point of view of the whole, and to recognize relativism. Perspectivism from every point of view - including his own. ”
Falk Van Gaver (Krisis, No. 49, 12/2018, p. 59)
Key Concepts of This Category
Social and economic relations have been categorised in various ways.
Alan Page Fiske in his Relational Model Typology - Fiske states that "People use just four fundamental models for organizing most aspects of sociality most of the time in all cultures. These models are:
- Communal Sharing
- Authority Ranking
- Equality Matching
- Market Pricing"
Grid-Group Theory introduces four primary ways of organizing, perceiving, and justifying social relations (usually called ‘ways of life,’ or ‘social solidarities’): egalitarianism, hierarchy, individualism and fatalism.
Useful learning resources
- Roman Krznaric on Moving from the Age of Introspection to the Age of Outrospection - The Power of Outrospection 10-minute video (2012) is a wide ranging brief talk about Empathy and Social Change, illuminatingly illustrated by RSA ANIMATE.
- Bruce Lipton on Why Natural and Human Evolution is Communal, not Individual 5 minute video on Youtube
- P2P Interpretation of Soul as Intersubjective Reality and Spirit as Interobjective Reality endorsed as spiritual theory by Michel Bauwens
- Eric Schaezle's Introduction to Multi-Perspectival Relationalist Philosophies [3]: Very good introduction to the various branches of relational thought, both East and West.
Deeper Study
- Collective Presencing (2019)
- Grid-Group Theory
- Relational Model Typology - Fiske
- Evan Thompson on the Primacy of Intersubjectivity
- Christophe Aguiton and Dominique Cardon on why Contemporary Individualization is Relational
- Chris Lucas on Integral Intersubjectivity: "I" and "It" perspectives need to be complemented by "We" perspectives.
- Margaret Archer on Why Morphogenesis Implies Peer to Peer Socialization
- Paolo Virno on Collectivity and Individuality: Collectivity as a Precondition for Individuality
- Against Digital Dualism : the real is not separate from the virtual!!
Material from the P2P Foundation
- Peer-to-Peer Relationality by Michel Bauwens
- Introduction on Individuality, Relationality, and Collectivity from Michel Bauwens, 2006
- Introduction to P2P Relationality
These links and more in the Introduction to the P2P Foundation Wiki Material about Relational Topics by Michel Bauwens
Related Categories
- Category: Community: is a particular relational context relevant to P2P
- Category: Ecology: involves relations between systems beyond the human
- Category: Governance covers a formal dimension of relationality
- Category: P2P Theory deals with wider issues emerging from P2P relationality
- Category: Participation is a particular aspect of relationality
- Category: Sharing is a mode of P2P relating outside the scope of traditional economics
- Category: Spirituality: offers both relationality with what is beyond us, and guidance on relating to one another
- Category: Synergy can be an outcome of particular ways of relating
Pages in category "Relational"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,266 total.
(previous page) (next page)/
- Abolish Human Rentals
- Abolishing Human Rentals and the Neo-Abolitionist Movement
- Abolishing the Employer-Employee Relationship
- Absencing vs Presencing
- Abundance Logic
- Abundance Logic vs Scarcity Logic
- Abundance vs. Scarcity
- Abundance vs. Scarcity Mentality
- Abundant Community
- Accidental Influential
- Accountability Based Influence
- Achieving Personal and Relational Coherence Through Enabling Constraints
- Acquaintanceship
- Activity Stream
- Activity Streams
- Ad Hoc Temporary Social Networks
- Adrian Chan
- Adversarial Interoperability
- Adversary Systems
- Advogado on the Mechanics of Reputation
- Affect Theory
- Affective Capitalism
- Affective Commons of Coworking
- Affective Dimensions of Infrastructuring the Commons
- Affinity Group
- Against the Professional Cooptation of Community
- Agape
- Age of Connection
- Age of Empathy
- Agonistic Giving
- Agreements
- Alan Moore on Community and Identity
- Alex Steffen on the Sharing Economy
- Algorithmic Authority
- Algorithmic Self
- Algorithms of Oppression
- Alignment
- Allen Butcher
- Aloha
- Alone Together
- Alternative Heterodox Lineage in Evolutionary Thought and Its Emphasis on the Role of Consciousness
- Alternatives to Liberal Individualism and Authoritarian Collectivism
- Altruism
- Altruism and the Perception of a Common Humanity
- Altruism Revolution
- Altruism, Reciprocity and Social Image in Peer Production Economy
- Altruistic Creative Love
- Altruization
- Amara's Law
- Amber Case on Cyborg Anthropology
- Ambient Awareness
- Ambient Intimacy
- American Teen Sociality in Networked Publics
- Amitological Paradigm
- Amitology
- Andreas Kluth on the New Nomadism
- Anglo-American Neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Conflict Theory
- Animals as Persons
- Animism as Reciprocity
- Anomie
- Anoptism
- Another Perfect World
- Answer People
- Anthony McCann on the Philosophy of Proximity
- Anthropic Society
- Anthropology and the Economy of Sharing
- Anthropology of Economy
- Anthropology of the Commons
- Anthropology of Unequal Society
- Anti-Matters
- Anti-Oedipal Collective Psychology
- Antifragile Things That Gain From Disorder
- Antisocial Notworking
- Aperspectivism
- Apomediation
- Appropriation and Annotation Literacy
- Archeodatalogy
- Architecture of Participation
- Architectures of Separation
- Are Open Source Communities Sexist
- Arena
- Aristotle on the Undivided Self
- Armillaria
- Arquitecturas Colectivas/es
- Art of Free Cooperation
- Art of Hosting
- Arthur Coulter
- Asabiyyah
- Asian Philosophical-Religious Roots of Marxist Dialectics
- Asocial Individualism
- Assemblage
- Assemblage Theory
- Assemblage Theory and Social Complexity
- Associationism in Epistemology
- Assortative Network
- Assurance Game
- Astounding Growth in the Psychological Evolution of the Human Self
- Attention
- Attention Data
- Attention Economy
- Attention Profiling
- Attention Trust
- Audience 2.0
- Audience-sourcing
- Augmented Social Cognition
- Augmented Social Networks
- Aural Architecture
- Austro-American Group Struggle Tradition
- Authenticity
- Authorship Through Networks
- Autonomous Reputation Framework
- Autonomy
- Autonomy and Control in the Era of Post-Privacy
- Autonomy of Migration and Mobile Commons
- Autonomy-Respecting Help
- Autopoetic Systems
- Autopoiesis
- Auzolan/es
- Avatar Anxiety
- Awareness Design
- Balancing Individualism and Communitarianism
- BanLink
- Barry Wellman on the New Social Network Operating System
- Barry Wellman on Twitter as a Case Study of a Networked Social Operating System
- Beckstrom's Law
- Behavioural Economics
- Being and Technology
- Being in Common
- Belonging Project
- Bernardo Huberman on Social Attention
- Betweenness and Closeness - Indicators
- Bias Narratives vs Development Narratives on Identity and Discrimination
- Bibliography on P2P Intersubjectivity
- Biocultural Community Protocol
- Biofield as a Bridge Between Mind and Body
- Biofields
- Biological Evolution of Friendlyness as Possible Basis for Networked Economy
- Biophilia Revolution
- Biophilic Nature of Humanity
- Biospiritual Virtues
- Bioteaming
- Birth of Impersonal Exchange
- Birthing Work
- Blockchain ID
- Blockchain-Based Digital Identity Providers
- Blog Mob
- Blogging
- Blogging Practices of Knowledge Workers
- Blogjects
- Blogposium
- Body Without Organs
- Bogdanov's Ten Laws of Conscience
- Bonding Networks vs Bridging Networks
- Books on Building Online Community
- Border Knowledges
- Born Digital
- Boundary Object
- Boundary Spanner
- Bow Tie Structures
- Brain Physiology of Egoistic and Empathic Motivation
- Breath of Life Theory
- Brian Hare on Self-Domestication and the Survival of the Friendliest
- Brian Hare on the Evolutionary Roots of Human Friendliness
- Brian Massumi on Relational Fields
- Brokerage, Boundary Spanning, and Leadership in Open Innovation Communities
- Brown Revolution
- Bruce Lipton on Why Natural and Human Evolution is Communal, not Individual
- Bruce Schneier on the Importance of Trust in Society
- Bruce Sterling on the Internet of Things and Spimes
- Buffer Vehicles as Commons in a Carpooling System
- Building Networks for Community Organizers
- Building Web 2.0 Reputation Systems
- Building Web Reputation Systems
- Business Models for Influence and Reputation
- Bystander Effect
- C. S. Lewis on the Four Loves
- Cambalache/es
- Camillo Power on How Selfish Gene Theory and Evolution Led To Human Capacity for Solidarity
- Campbell Mithun on Sharing Attitudes 2012
- Captation
- Captology
- Cardinal Human Principles
- Care
- Care-Centered Economy
- Caring
- Caring Relationship Tickets
- Carole Sherwood on the Cynical Therapies Book
- Carolyn Baker on the Demise of Heroic Consciousness
- Carsharing
- Catalytic Communities
- Category Theory
- Causes of Reactive Violence
- Celebrity, Publicity, and Self-Branding in Web 2.0
- Cellular Church