Attention Trust

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The Attention Trust

= set of principles to govern the Attention Economy based on the self-ownership of the data we create, and specialized software to regulate their use.



the key to facilitating the attention marketplace is in decoupling of attention capturing, attention storage and attention recording services

"AttentionTrust was recently established to promote the principle that we as individuals should have the ability to control the data that we create.

Specifically, AttentionTrust believes that we all have the right 1) to own at least a copy of our data, 2) to store that data where we want and move it when we want, 3) to exchange it for something of value to us, and 4) to know what others intend to do with our data, so that we can make informed decisions about who should have access to it." (


set of principles that define the rules of the game, by outlining the basic consumer rights in the Attention Economy:

  • Property: You own your attention and can store it wherever you wish. You have CONTROL.
  • Mobility: You can securely move your attention wherever you want, whenever you want to. You have the ability to TRANSFER your attention.
  • Economy: You can pay attention to whomever you wish and receive value in return. Your attention has WORTH.
  • Transparency: You can see exactly how your attention is being used.



The Attention Recorder

"AttentionTrust, has developed a free, open source piece of software that allows you to record information about the websites you visit and pay attention to. This "Attention Recorder" makes it possible for you to store, analyze and share this data with anyone you choose." (

"a Firefox add-on called AttentionRecorder which captures clickstream and redirects to a vault. The user also has a choice of where to store the data. A standard protocol between the attention capturing software and storage software ensures that users have the choice.

The user information that is stored in the database can be accessed by trusted services. These services, approved by the user in advance, have the opportunity to take advantage of the user information to deliver personalization. For example, Netflix can take advantage of the user data to personalize movie recommendations. Newsvine can use the user's OPML to personalize news and Google can use the data to prioritize and filter their search results. So from a technical point of view, the key to facilitating the attention marketplace is in decoupling of attention capturing, attention storage and attention recording services." (

More Information

  1. General article on the Attention Economy
  2. Attention Architecture graph
  3. Overview article