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The following documentation was originally taken from the endnotes of P2P and Human Evolution, per concept in alphabetic order.
Click on the internal links for more explanation, quotes, and resources. At this stage, it is therefore more a kind of dictionary of citations than a real encyclopedia: it is the raw material for future more elaborate encyclopedic articles but I hope it is already useful as is. You are welcome to elaborate on the entries, or add new ones.
Pages in category "Encyclopedia"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,795 total.
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- A2K Access to Knowledge
- Absencing vs Presencing
- Abundance Logic
- Abundance Logic vs Scarcity Logic
- Abundance vs. Scarcity
- Abundance vs. Scarcity Mentality
- Academic Commons
- Access Economy
- Access Platforms
- Access to Health
- Access To Knowledge
- Accessibility
- Acephalous Organisation
- Activation Network Organizational Frame
- Activitism
- Ad Hoc Mutual Aid
- Additive Fabrication
- Additivism
- Adhocism
- Adhocracy
- Adoption-Led Market
- Adventure Economy
- Adversarial Interoperability
- Aesthetic Commons
- Aethogenesis
- Affective Capitalism
- Affinity Investing
- Affinity Markets
- Agalmics
- Aggregator
- Agile Development
- Agnotology
- Agonistic Giving
- AI Sharecroppers
- Ajax
- Algocracy
- Algorithmic Authority
- Algorithmic Central Bank
- Algorithmic Governance
- Algorithmic Power
- Algorithmic Self
- Algorithmically–Defined Audiences
- Allsourcing
- Alterglobalization Movement - Networked Aspects
- Alternate Reality Games
- Alternative Currencies
- Alternative Internet Infrastructure
- Altruistic Creative Love
- Altruistic Economics
- Altruization
- Amateur Collectives
- Ambient Awareness
- Amitology
- Anarchive
- Anonymity
- Anonymity Tools
- Anonymous Market
- Anthropogaia
- Anti-Authoritarianism - Philosophy
- Anti-Censorship Tools
- Anti-Commons
- Anti-Credentialism
- Anti-Defense
- Anti-Leadership
- Anti-Power
- Anti-Rivalness of Free Software
- Anti-Rivalry
- Anti-Systemic Distributed Libraries
- Anticommons Property
- Antifestivals
- Antigoras
- Aperspectivism
- Apocaloptimism
- Apomediation
- Appropriation and Annotation Literacy
- Archeodatalogy
- Architectures of Control
- Art Gift Economy
- Artificial Capable Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Markets
- Artificial Property Rights
- Artificial Scarcity
- Artivism
- Asocial Individualism
- Assemblage Culture
- Assemblage Theory
- Assembly
- Asset Sharing
- Associationism in Epistemology
- Associative Economics
- Assurance Game
- Astroturfing
- Asymmetric Accounting
- Asymmetric Competition
- Asynchronous Collaborative Music Recording
- Asynchronous Learning
- Atechnogenesis
- Atmospheric Commons
- Attention
- Attention Curve
- Attention Data
- Attention Discourse
- Attention Economy
- Attention Hackers
- Attention Profiling Mark-up Language
- Attention Standards
- Attention Trust
- Attention-Centered Economy
- Attitudinal Fragmentation
- Attraction Economy
- Auction Culture
- Audience Commodity
- Audience-sourcing
- Augmented Collaborative Economy
- Augmented Revolution
- Augmented Social Cognition
- Augmented Social Networks
- Aural Architecture
- Author Pay Model in Open Access Publishing
- Authoring Society
- Authoritarian Deliberation
- Authorship Society
- Autonomism
- Autonomous Commons
- Autonomous Research
- Autonomous vs Systemic Innovation
- Autonomy
- Autonomy-Respecting Help
- Autopoiesis
- Awareness-Based Collective Action
- Bankful Society
- Barry Effect
- Barter
- Barter Trade
- Basic Income
- Batshit Jobs
- Bazaar Dynamics
- Because Effect
- Being in Common
- Beneficial General Intelligence
- Benefit Distribution Algorithm
- Benefit Sharing
- Benefit-Driven Production
- Benepreneur
- Benevolent Dictator
- Betweenness and Closeness - Indicators
- Beyonders
- Big Data
- Big Games
- Bikesharing
- Binary Economics
- Biocommunism
- Biocultural Rights
- Biomimesis
- Biophilia Revolution
- Biopiracy
- Bioprospecting
- Bioregional Cosmolocalism
- Bioregional State
- Bioregional Trusts
- Biosphere Politics
- Bioteaming
- Bittorrent
- Blended Value
- Blobject
- Blockchain Companies
- Blockchain Network
- Blockchain-Based Corporate V-Networks
- Blog
- Blog Carnivals
- Blog Mob
- Blog-Based Peer Review
- Blogging
- Blogjects
- Blogposium
- Blogtorrent
- Blook
- Bonding Networks vs Bridging Networks
- Book Commons
- Book Swapping
- Booster Currency
- Border Knowledges
- Born-Digital Electronic Scholarship
- Bottom of the Pyramid
- Bottom-up Broadband
- Boundary Commoning
- Boundary Object
- Boundary Spanner
- Boundaryless Organization
- Brakteaten Money
- Brave Spaces
- Brittle vs Resilient Systems
- Broadband
- Broadcast Machine
- Bubbling Mechanisms