Abundance Logic

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David de Ugarte:

"In distributed networks, as moving from a subnetwork to another is really low cost and there is not a structural dependence between nodes, we have no adherence nor participation but interaction.

A closer look to the social dynamics of interaction will show us the abundance logic in motion. Abundance logic is a seminal concept introduced by Juan Urrutia in 2002 as the basis on which to understand what was then known as the “new economy”. The classic example is the comparison between newspapers and the blogsphere. In a newspaper, with a limited paper surface, publishing one more line in an article entails suppressing a line somewhere else as in a zero-sum game. By contrast, in the blogsphere, a space where the social cost of an extra post is zero, any blogger’s publishing his or her information does not decrease anyone else’s publication possibilities. The marginal cost is zero. The need to collectively decide what is published and what is not simply disappears. As opposed to scarcity logic, which generates the need for democratic (or authoritarian) decision, abundance logic opens the door to pluriarchy, a system where every individual actor can decide only for itself but has no opportunity to decide on the other actors. Plurarchy makes appear any democratic or authoritarian decision process as an artificial generation of scarcity, a decrease in diversity, and an impoverishment for all." (http://elarte.coop/neovenetianism-in-a-nutshell-from-networks-to-phyles/)

More Information

More extensive treatment at: Abundance Logic vs Scarcity Logic