For a list of pages see Category:Brazil.
This page is for information on P2P-related events (participatory practices, commons and open paradigm related as well) in Brazil.
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- Karla Schuch Brunet: Do-it-yourself as free culture practices. Perspectives of Brazilian network: This paper intends to show some perspectives of do-it-yourself in Brazil. They are projects by independent media, artists, activists, culture jammers, protesters and musician that are, in a way, applying the theories of free culture, free software, tactical media and multitude. Their way of doing that is through resistance, collaboration, enthusiasm and believing. Through do-it-yourself they practice free culture.
See also:
- Gilberto Gil on Brazil's Peeracy Policy! (and: an assessment of his policy record after his resignation in August 2008)
- Book review: Brazil's Digital Culture
Citation 1
"Brazil is at the forefront of a new movement challenging established Intellectual Property regimes in a variety of ways. In the past it has negotiated international conventions on drug patents to make HIV/AIDS medication available at cheaper prices. More recently, it has been promoting Open Source software to decrease dependency on proprietary software. Given the tradition of a vibrant popular culture, especially music, Brazil is also embracing Creative Commons, an alternative copyright framework, which encourages the sharing and distribution of cultural works. In this context it is building the "Canto Livre" project; an archive and collaborative production platform on the Internet to produce and make music available to the world. Here again Brazil challenges established market forces. Music distribution, like the pharmaceutical sector or the computer and software market, is dominated by US and European companies. In addition, Brazil and Argentina were the proponents of a new agenda for the World Intellectual Property Organization, seeking to promote a more balanced international regime on Intellectual Property vis a vis the pursuit of development."
(Source =
Citation 2
"Brazil, despite its relatively strong copyright law on the books, has been a hotbed of commons-based activity in practice. The entire genre of Baile funk, which has emerged from Brazil's ghetto-like favelas and has begun to pervade mainstream culture there, relies almost exclusively on remixing. Go to a Funk Ball, or Baile, in the favela of Rocinha in Rio de Janeiro, and you will likely recognize samples and snippets of a good amount of the music you hear – from Prince to New Order to 50 Cent.
What's more, the music is created without any regard to copyright, and this is what allows it to flourish. Artists freely borrow and remix from others, and CDs are sold on the streets for little more than the cost of the production of the physical CD. Artists don't receive royalties from the CDs, but instead view them as promotion of their work and their performances, and some of the parties that are organised attract tens of thousands of fans. Needless to say, these Bailes can be extremely lucrative for the funk artists. Brazil has also been extremely progressive in supporting open business models (or those that do not rely on restricting access to content or culture), has been active in patent-busting, and has generally viewed culture as a space to which citizens have a right to access, as opposed to a commodity to which consumers have a right to purchase."
(Source: Elizabeth Stark in Open Democracy [1])
See also this description of the Tecno Brega open music model.
Key Articles
- Why Brazil Loves Linux: excellent analysis by Gustavo Duarte.
Interesting comparison on the disappearance of the market for illegal computers but the growth of 'illegal' music distribution, and the economics behind it. This article was written by JOAQUIM FALCÃO, the Director of Fundação Getúlio Vargas School of Law in Rio de Janeiro and serves as member of the National Council for Justice.
Description of the Baile Funk and Techno-Brega scenes, which operate outside the official music industry.
- Update on Open Source in Brazil (March 2009)
Key Individuals
- [Jose Murilo]], works at Ministry of Culture
See also: [2]
- Sérgio Amadeu (Brasil) - @samadeu
Sociólogo e Doutor em Ciência Política pela Universidade de São Paulo. É professor da pós-graduação da Faculdade de Comunicação Cásper Líbero. Militante do Software Livre, é autor de várias publicações, entre elas: Exclusão Digital: a miséria na era da informação.
- Ivana Bentes (Brasil) - @ivanabentes
Ensaísta, professora, curadora, apresentadora de TV e pesquisadora acadêmica brasileira, atuante na área de comunicação e cultura, com ênfase nas questões relativas ao papel da comunicação, da produção audiovisual e das novas tecnologias na cultura contemporânea.
- Rodrigo Savazoni (Brasil) - @rodrigosavazoni
Realizador multimídia. Jornalista formado pela Faculdade de Comunicação Social Casper Líbero (2001). Mestrando em Ciências Humanas na Universidade Federal do ABC. Autor do livro e diretor-geral do Festival Cultura Digital.Br. Um dos criadores da Casa da Cultura Digital.
- Giuseppe Cocco (Itália/Brasil) – @beppo22
Professor da UFRJ e milita na Rede Universidade Nômade. Escreveu com Antonio Negri o livro “GlobAL: biopoder e luta em uma América Latina globalizada”.
- Cláudio Prado (Brasil) – @pradoclaudio
Produtor cultural e teórico da contracultura e da cultura digital. Foi coordenador da ação de Cultura Digital da Secretaria de Programas e Projetos do Ministério da Cultura entre 2004 e 2008, e hoje coordena a ONG Laboratório Brasileiro de Cultura Digital.
- Mario Teza (Brasil) – @mlteza
Um dos fundadores do Projeto Software Livre Brasil, gerente do escritório da Dataprev (Empresa de TI do Ministério da Previdência Social do Brasil) no Rio Grande do Sul e assessor da diretoria e vice-presidente da Procergs (Companhia de Processamento de Dados do Estado do RS), atualmente é diretor geral da Campus Party no Brasil.
Key Podcasts and Webcasts
Listen to Bruno Souza talk about Open Source in Brazil
Brazil as Free Culture Nation, video/audio of the panel at the Wizard of OS 4, 2006 conference
Key Resources
This is a collection of links to the P2P-related media activists in Brazil.
More information can be obtained by email from Karla Brunet (email[at]
Midia Tática Brasil
It is a website to reunite tactical media projects in Brazil. It was very active in 2004 with AutoLabs They created workshops to stimulate teeangers from the suburbs of São Paulo to use the media in a questioning and expressive way. The idea is to show the young people they could be producers of media, not mere consumers.
It was an event that happened in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in 2004. They proposed a used of the media in an anthropophagic way, to assimilate, digest it and spit it out as a new transformed piece.
Recicle1Político and
Project during election campaigns to recycle a politician. It works with the political propaganda material thrown on the street, the idea is to grab them, recycle in order to create new images with new meaning, and, at the same time, clean up the garbage left on the streets.
A project to enhance and create a network of people who are working and acting in the culture points (pontos de cultura).
MetaReciclagem and
This project was born from a group discussion on a former mailing list called Metafora. They propose to recycle computers, use free software and provide access and tools for the ones that otherwise would not have it.
Radio livre,
A network of free radios in Brazil. Very active and fluid, they gather many of the community radios all around the country.
Re:combo and
It is project to encourage the mixing, sampling and free use of music and images. Discussing on copyleft licenses, they reunite artists, musicians, video makers, DJs, VJs, and so on to enable a collaborative use of the media.
Linkania - The Hyperconected Multitude By Hernani Dimantas,
This is an interesting text by Dimantas that using Marcelo Estraviz’ concept of “linkania" shows some particularities of the collaborative culture existing in Brazil.
Other interesting links on the theme:
IP://Interface' Pública
Contra TV
Solidarity Economics organizations: ;