This wiki section is dedicated to the topic of "How do we make Peer Production sustainable? How do we fund it ?
How do we achieve Transvestment: the transfer value from the system of capital to the system of peer production ?
A potential future solution:
- Commons-Oriented Decentralised Programmed Organisations, i.e. cDPOs "are frameworks to bootstrap, develop & sustain commons projects"., aka, the commons-oriented version of DAO's. More info in the article: Programmed Decentralised Commons Production. [1]
Also read:
- How Open Source Development is Funded, study of the funding of open source projects
- Shared Financing of Community-Based Businesses; (applies to the U.S.A.). By Jenny Kassan of SELC
- Crowdfunding and the Law. Janelle Orsi, SELC
- Autonomy, Labour, and the Political Economy of Social Media. By Dmytri Kleiner
- Donations-based business model
- Crowdfunding business model
- Freemium as a business model
To be developed:
- Ethical finance
- Social investment and philantropic venture capital
- Microfinance
- Social lending
- Prizes
Important Initiatives
- The Open Venturing Accelerator of the Hub Launchpad, an expression of the Open Venture Movement that funds open and transparent companies (see also the proposals for an Open Limited Company form and a (Open Company Sector
- Goteo, commons and community oriented crowdfunding platform
- Gittip is a way to give small weekly cash gifts to people you love and are inspired by.
- Flattr [2], a system for social micro-donations to support online creative work
- Kachingle, quite similar to Flattr, but uses Paypal and proportionally distributes amongst number of visits to sites users wish to support
- CivicSponsor [3] is a new twist to crowdfunding--it allows folks to contribute to public projects in their neighborhood. Get new bike lanes from your local government, receive a tax deduction. Great participatory budgeting initiative.
Indy Johar on the Open Venture Movement
"Our hypothesis
1. Venturing + Activism = one of the best instruments democratic instruments for changing the world
2. Open is both; Open as in radically transparent + Open as in (Openly Shareable + Openly Editable + Openly re-shareable) = a systemic pathway to a radically democratic economy
3. We believe Open is going from the Open web to the the Open Everyday
4. We have built a £4m framework accelerator to seed this Open everyday economy..
5. This will be a learning journey for us, the startups,..."
Transitioning from Extractive Capital Models to Generative Capital Models
1. Michel Bauwens:
We have today the emergence of 'ethical' entrepreneurial coalitions around Commons-Based Peer Production, like Sensorica and Enspiral, but obviously these emerging and nice projects are embedded in a dominant system which has another logic, so the questions emerges, how does the new ethical economy deal with mainstream forces, especially in the context of needing capital for development. Two obvious choices are: 1) full separatism , i.e. some parts of the solidarity economy refuse any dealings with the for-profit world 2) cooptation, in which the generative ethical players start behaving extractively, echocing the old logic
The middle way is therefore to consider a set of transitional strategies which regulate the cooperation between the old exctractive economy and the new generative economy, but on the terms of the generative players ?
2. Tiberius Brastaviceanu of Sensorica: on Transferring Assets to the Ethical Economy:
"If the proposition to investors is to pump $ into projects and get more $ in return, we are just feeding the beast. Instead, the proposition should be transfer of assets.
This is how it goes. When you have a major economic transition what was used to store value in the old system might not work in the new system. Smart people move their assets in order to keep their wealth. For example, selling land and buying equity in new means of production (factories) during the transition from feudalism to capitalism.
So we need to tell investors that I3C helps them to transfer their assets to the new economy, using $ to buy equity into new means of production, divesting from old business models into new business models. They give us $, to organizations like SENSORICA, and others, who function based on new relations of production, we use it during the transition to buy equipment, tools, food, pay rent, invest in infrastructure, for as long as these things are purchased in $, we scale, but we are ready to switch to other reward mechanisms, redistribution schemes and currencies. These investors gain equity in these new ventures, so they are able to maintain their wealth. But, the difference is that their role in this new economy will not be the same. They will not own p2p means of production. It's like loosing old social status, titles and benefits during the industrial revolution, when new social classes were formed.
Essentially the message is: keep your old assets and your wealth will melt down progressively. Transfer your assets and you'll maintain (some of) your wealth. We show you how."
3. Joshua Vial on Capped Returns:
The idea of capped returns, proposed and discussed by Joshua Vial the Enspiral Foundation and community, is to accept private investments but to cap their possible returns, after which the funded resource is ceremoniously donated to the commons, with attribution to the investor(s).
See this talk by Joshua Vial: .
"For many free open source software projects, no-one profits with ... but rather everyone because of it. And therein lies both the broad opportunity and the deep problem. If everyone secures the return on investment, if the profit cannot be privatised, who exactly is going to make the investment?"
- Philip Sheldrake [ ; email April 2017)
Key Resources
Key Articles
- Venture Capital Investments in P2P Companies
- On the Goteo project: Moving crowdfunding from commodity- to commons-based dynamics
- How to Finance Your Start-Up on Shareable Terms: using Direct Public Offerings
- A New Form of Association for the Internet Generation, part 1 part 2; By Xavier Damman of the Open Collective
- App Coins and the dawn of the Decentralized Business Model: creating new decentralized currencies to crowdfund and kickstart your business (Coinbase)
- Getting Started with Crowdfunding (Cobudget)
Key Books
- Onchain Capital Allocation Handbook - by Kevin Owocki. Allo, 2024 [4]
"Capital allocation, from paying bills to complex organizational funding, often suffers from inefficiencies and lack of transparency. Crypto, with programmable smart contracts, has the potential to revolutionize this by enabling more efficient, effective, and transparent capital distribution. By addressing coordination failures and introducing new onchain strategies, crypto could transform how society allocates resources, similar to how the internet revolutionized information sharing. This book explores these possibilities within the web3 space, offering a comprehensive guide to the emerging innovations in capital allocation."
Key Policies
Key Reports
* Report: Democratic Money and Capital for the Commons. By Pat Conaty and David Bollier. Commons Strategies Group / Heinrich Boll Foundation, 2016.
URL = pdf
Report based on a intensive 'deep dive' conversation by experts from the funding world and actors in peer production, which examined funding possibilties for the commons and commons-based projects.
Key Tools
- CoBudget, a open source tool from Enspiral, to allow network members to re-invest in each other's projects
- Balance, an open-source tool to keep track of shared finances for groups
Key Videos and Podcasts
- "While Lending Club and Prosper were attacking consumer lending, OnDeck, Kabbage and Funding Circle went after the small-business lending space. They focused on business loans ranging from $100,000-$200,000 for businesses who wanted to pay for inventory, franchises, equipment, etc.
While these online small business lending sites expanded, lending from large banks decreased dramatically. According to bank regulatory filings, the 10 largest banks lent $44.7 billion in 2014, which is down 38 percent from its peak of $72.5 billion in 2006." [5]
* 2015 USA:
"Prosper just announced its numbers for 2015. In the last year, Prosper originated $3.7 billion in loans (with $1.15 billion coming in a record-breaking Q4). This growth was double that of the previous year, with revenues of more than $200 million in 2015 — up from $81 million in 2014.
Lending Club hasn’t released their 2015 numbers yet, but it’s estimated they will have originated more than $8 billion in loans, as they had already done $5.8 billion in the first three quarters of 2015." [6]
Crowdfunding Directory
Energy Crowdfunding Platforms
Directory with links at
- Crowdfunding-Based Startup Investments ; Equity-Based_Crowdfunding, investing for profit-sharing
- Crowdfunding-Based Project Support
- Crowdfunding-Based P2P Lending
- Crowdfunding-Based Microcredit
- Crowdfunding-Based Donations
See also: Crowdfunding for Social Change Projects, a top 10 directory compiled by Dowser
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