Cooperative Community Fund
= cooperative funding of food coops
“we directly invest the principle in cooperative development by investing in credit unions, locally owned community banks that support cooperatives, the Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund, the National Cooperative Bank and other socially responsible funds. Every dollar we have works hard to achieve our aims. As a result, your Cooperative Community Fund program makes your dollars work in many ways for both cooperative development and community good.” (
“What is a Cooperative Community Fund?
A Cooperative Community Fund (CCF) is an endowment fund established for each participant co-op wherein the interest earned each year is donated by the sponsor co-op to nonprofits and cooperatives in their community. A CCF is sponsored by a local food co-op and administered within the Twin Pines Cooperative Foundation.
How many food co-ops presently participate in the CooperativeCommunity Fund program?
At the end of 2004, eleven food co-ops were sponsors. They are; North CoastCooperatives, Davis Food Co-op, Briarpatch Community Market, Co-opportunity, Isla Vista Food Co-op, Hanover Food Co-op, Weaver Street Market, Food Co-op Conspiracy,Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op, People's Food Co-op and Quincy Natural Foods Coop. We anticipate six more food co-ops joining during 2005.
How much have the Cooperative Community Funds donated tononprofits and other cooperatives at this time?
Our sponsor co-ops have already donated $30,000 to nonprofits andcooperatives in their local communities. In 2005 another $12,000 in donations will be made possible and in 2006 annual donations will grow to $15,000. By 2008 the donationswill reach $100,000 in combined giving.” (