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For general information see France.
This category has only the following subcategory.
- Association P2P Foundation France (empty)
Pages in category "France"
The following 174 pages are in this category, out of 174 total.
- Accorderie
- Accès aux Savoirs
- ADABio Autoconstruction
- Agenda P2P Foundation France
- Alpha Taxis
- Amacca
- Anne-Catherine Lorrain
- Anne-Sophie Novel
- Anne‐Sophie Novel
- Appeal to the Commons - France
- Association Valeureux
- Associative Garages
- Atelier Paysan
- Ateliers Fab Lab at ENSCI
- Atlas of the Charters of the Urban Commons
- Calculating the Value of the Commons
- Chambre des Communs
- City of Nantes Chamber of Compensation
- Claudia Neubauer
- Co-Communs
- Co-Revolution
- Collaborative Economy in France
- Collaborative Ecosystem Development and Roadmap Innovating for the Commons
- Collaborative Platforms, Labor and Social Protection
- Collective for a Society of the Commons - France
- Collective Intelligence Research Institute
- Commons for Commons-Research in France
- Commons Funding Initiatives in France
- Commons Proposals for the French Municipal Elections of 2019
- Commons to Commons
- Commons: the model of “post” liberal capitalism
- Commonspolis
- Communality
- Communecter
- Constantin Petcou
- Constitution of Intermittent Labor
- Constitutionalization of the Commons in France
- Constitutionalizing Common Goods
- Contract for Salaried Entrepreneur
- Coop des Communs
- Coopaname
- Corvées
- COVID-Entraide France
- Célya Gruson-Daniel
- Fab Mob Reciprocal License for the Legal Contractualisation of Commons
- FabLabs as New Spaces for Commons-Based Peer Production in France
- FabLabs in France
- FDN Federation
- Federation des Murs à Pêches
- Fondation Sciences Citoyennes
- Framasoft
- France
- Francesca Musiani
- Francois Bafoil
- Francophone Network for the Commons
- Frederic Sultan
- French Course on the History of the Law of the Commons
- French Roadmap for the Circular Economy
- French Solidarism of Leon Bourgeois
- French-Speaking Empowering Circles
- Frédéric Sultan
- Land Usage and Local Habitation Rights as Juridical Reforms for Land Property in France
- Law and the Commons
- Learning Third Places
- Legal Developments for Territorial Makerspaces in France
- Legal Service For Commons
- Legal Services For Commons
- Lilian Ricaud
- Living School
- Local Currencies for Global Resilience
- Lurzaindia
- P2P FoodLab
- Paillasse
- Paris Citizens Assembly
- Phalanstere
- Philippe Aigrain
- Philippe Borrell
- PING Association
- Place of the Commons in the French Presidential Election of 2017
- POC21
- Point Communs
- Policy Proposals for Land Commons in France
- Politics for the Commons - France
- Problematic of the Commons in France
- Proof Of Concept 21
- Proof Of Concept Documentary on Building a Open Source Circular Economy
- Proposed Constitutional Amendment To Introduce the Commons in the French Constitution
- Public-Commons Partnerships in France
- Share Economy at LeWeb 2011
- Sharelex
- ShareLex
- Sharers and Workers - France
- Simon Sarazin
- So Data
- Société d’Acceptation et de Répartition des Dons
- Solidarism
- Stamped Scrip in France
- Stanislas Jourdan
- Stéphane Riot
- Summary of the Commons-Oriented Policy Recommendations of the French National Council of Digital Technology
- Sybille Saint Girons