Anne-Catherine Lorrain
"a lawyer with expertise in copyright law. She is currently Policy Advisor in the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA political group. From September 2014 until September 2015, she was accredited parliamentary assistant / policy advisor to Julia Reda, Member of the European Parliament in the Greens/EFA group and member of the Pirate Party, focusing on the drafting and on the discussion of the 'Reda Report' on the implementation of the InfoSoc Directive.
She is associated researcher at the CERDI research institute (Université Paris Sud-11, France), where she has conducted PhD research on the issue of territoriality of copyright in the digital environment. She is co-founder of the COMMUNIA Association, an international non-for-profit organisation promoting the digital public domain ([1]).
She used to work as a legal advisor in the music industry for the French division of the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) in Paris (France), before representing the interests of consumers as the coordinator of the IP Policy Committee of the Trans-Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) in Brussels (Belgium) and Washington D.C. (US). She was a visiting scholar at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition (Munich, Germany) in 2011-2013." (