Michel Laloux
"Economist and philosopher of education, Michel Laloux carries out research on lighter and evolutive forms of organising society and institutions, so as to allow human initiative and creativity to constantly animate and renew them.
A graduate of l'Institut Supérieur du Commerce de Paris (the Higher Institute of Commerce in Paris), Michel Laloux worked in marketing before moving to the education of youth and the adult training, notably as a professor of economy. He quickly found himself faced with the mismatch between the needs of youth and the school system. It seemed to him that between the heavy machinery of State education on one side, and a private-liberal system on the other, there was the place for a public education service directly run by its actors; the teachers and parents. He therefore created the concept of the Civil Society School, which he developed in his first essay "L'éducation Dénationale" (Non-State education) (L'Atelier, 1977), and then in “Torrent de Jeunesse” (Torrent of Youth) (Les Trois Arches, 1992).
But the State school is itself the product of a centralized concept of democracy, which proves itself unfit to evolve at the same pace as the needs of the civil society. Top-down governance seem to Michel Laloux to be outdated and inadequate, so he designed lightweight and evolutive administration modes, which enable civil society to directly address the issues that are usually delegated to the Government (Executive) and to the National Assembly (Parliament). His essay La Démocratie Évolutive (Evolutive Democracy) (Yves Michel, 2007) proposes, in its first part, practical tools to metamorphose the unitary State and the representative democracy."
In the second part, it describes what would be necessary, at the economic level, for such a democracy to function. His new essay, Dépolluer l'Économie (Decontaminate the Economy), goes much further by proposing new concepts and methods to implement them." (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AEKJbFRKATEB2ByznSJTPiYiC7pT5ffP_FeFE9xcHTs/pub)