Category:Commons Economics
- See: Introduction to the P2P Foundation Wiki Material about Commons Economics ; and: Quotes on Commons Economics
Commons Economics is, simply, economics that involves what we understand as Commons in one way or another. This has been a much neglected aspect of economics as taught in traditional business schools, which are often based on the assumptions of a capitalist economic system, and tends to ignore Commons, perhaps because they cannot be bought or sold. In contrast to neoclassical and neoliberal economics, Commons Economics doesn't start with the scarcity paradigm, but with maintaining and growing abundance through mutualization and sharing resources, and it looks systematically for win-win strategies.
To understand this, see:
- Abundance Logic vs Scarcity Logic
- Abundance and the Generative Logic of the Commons, a text by Roberto Verzola
Much of this material was originally brought together for a conference in Berlin in 2013, called ECC2013, the Economics of the Commons Conference.
Key Concepts of This Category
One key distinction is between digital commons and material commons. Much has been written about digital commons and the related economics. Digital, or intellectual, goods are by nature non-rival, and whether they are 'excludable' depends on Intellectual Property law. The commons movement is promoting various licenses to facilitate the sharing of knowledge, see for example: the Creative Commons licences; Copyleft, Copyfarleft and Copyfair.
An important distinction is between Rival vs Non Rival Goods (alternatively, "rivalrous").
At the P2P Foundation, we see an evolution from the original natural resource commons, as described by Elinor Ostrom, to digital and knowledge commons, via urban commons that mutualize shared resources for urban citizens, and towards an emergent productive commons, which we call Cosmo-Localism or Cosmo-Localization. See our summary at: History and Evolution of the Commons.
Like the P2P Foundation, some authors see Commons Economics as some kind of evolutionary development forward from capitalist economics, towards post-capitalist economics. Among these, notably, is Kojin Karatani, spelling out the Evolution of the Modes of Exchange.
In practical terms, we see this expressing itself in the need for Cosmo-Localization, i.e. a model of collaborative production that combines the subsidiarity of material production (pragmatic localization), ecological sustainability (producing within planetary boundaries), and social equity.
See for example, the emerging model of Multifactory Models for the Community Economy.
The three characteristics of Library Socialism, another name for Commons-Based Economics are:
Useful learning resources
- Rival vs Non Rival Goods ((see also: Wikipedia: Rivalry (economics)).
- Wikipedia has a useful page on digital commons economics - Wikipedia: Digital commons (economics).
- Our overview page on Abundance-related material
- Our page on Commons explains commons concepts more generally.
- The page Common Pool Resource goes into more detail about resources in a commons economy.
Deeper Study
- Common as a Mode of Production by Carlo Vercellone
- Five Framing Conditions for a Commons-Oriented Economy
- The 'Circulation of the Common' = Analytical concept proposed by Nick Dyer-Witheford in a landmark essay of the same title.. It refers to the social reproduction mechanism of Peer Production, in a process analogous with the Circulation of Capital described by Marx.
- Whitepaper: From Monocapitalism to Multicapitalism: 21st Century System Value Creation. By Bill Baue. R3.0, 2020
Material by the P2P Foundation
- Value in the Commons Economy: report by Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Niaros
- P2P Accounting for Planetary Survival describes the infrastructure we will need for developing commons economics
- Introduction to Commons Economics
Source: The Big Sustainability Illusion
"to-do-list that data & information needs to contribute to:"
Related Categories
- Category: IP stands for Intellectual Property. Category: Free Software is a means to produce freely shareable software, and is enabled by different P2P Licences - see our Category: Licensing
- What pricing is for the market, and planning is for state-driven economies, so is mutual coordination for commons economics, see: Category: Mutual Coordination
- Category: P2P Accounting tells us how to account for value in contribution-based systems
Pages in category "Commons Economics"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 867 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- ABC of Commons Economics
- Abundance Archetypes
- Abundance-Based Money
- Accounting for Common Wealth
- Accounting with Antirival Tokens
- Achieving Wellbeing Without Growth
- Adrian Wrigley on Land-Based Money
- After Capitalism
- Akseli Virtanen on the Economic Grammar for Post-Capitalism
- Alaska Permanent Fund
- Alex Pentland's Vision for Credit Unions as Vehicles for Data Cooperatives
- Allain Caillé
- Alternative Models of Ownership
- Alternative Pricing Models
- Alternatives to Capitalism Symposium of the Good Society Journal
- Answering the Attraction of Trump by a Massive Investment in Relocalized Community Production
- Anthropology and the Economy of Sharing
- Anti-Developmentalism
- Anti-Markets
- Archeo-Economics
- Armin Beverungen
- Art Brock and Eric Harris-Braun on Deep Wealth
- Articles on Commons Economics
- Articles on Value by the School of Cognitive Capitalism
- Articulating an Empirically Grounded Model of the Relation Between Markets and Commons
- Ashley Buck on Crypto-Based Capital Allocation via Mutual Credit
- Assessment of Major Douglas and the Social Credit Movement
- Asset-Based Community Development
- Audio Podcasts on Commons Economics
- Auroville Economy Book
- Axel Pazaitis of the P2P Lab on the Blockchain and P2P Value Creation in the Information Economy
- Axiological Turn Towards Commons-Based Value
- Axiomatics of Abundance
- Backfeed, the Blockchain, and Value Systems in the Sharing Economy
- Bank of the Commons
- Barcelona Activa
- Barcelona Commissioner for Cooperative, Social and Solidarity Economy and Consumption
- Barcelona Social Economy
- Beyond Information Abundance
- Beyond State Capitalism
- Binary Economics
- Biocommunism
- Biophysical-Based Paradigm in Economics
- Bioregional Cosmolocalism
- Birth of Systems Economics for the Earth System
- Blockchain and Value Systems in the Sharing Economy
- Blockchain as Institutional Technology for a Commons Economy
- Blockchain Radicals
- Blockchain-Based Corporate V-Networks
- Book of Abundance
- Books on Commons Economics
- Brett Scott on Open Sourcing Finance
- Building a Cooperative Solidarity Commonwealth
- Building a Whole Earth Economy Through Right Relationship
- Building an Economy of the Commons Through Open Distributed Manufacturing Structures
- Calculating the Value of the Commons
- Calculation In Kind as an Alternative to Monetary Economics
- Camille Meyer
- Can Digital Commons Escape from Capital
- Can Reducing Income Inequality Decouple Economic Growth from CO 2 Emissions
- Canadian Community Investment Network Co-operative
- Capital Redefined
- Capital System
- Captation
- Capturing Value Through Protocol Innovation
- Carbon Quantitative Easing
- Carbon Sequestration-Based Cryptocurrency
- Care-Centered Economy
- Caring Economy
- Carrying Capacity
- Case for Universal Property
- Cases in Commons Economics
- Central Bank Public Ledger
- Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity
- Chamas
- Chamber of Commons
- Chamber of Commons - Netherlands
- Chamber of the Commons
- Chicago Chamber of Commons
- Chrematistics
- Chris Cook on Regenerative Land Partnership
- Chris Cook on Value in a Mutual Credit World
- Christian Arnsperger on the Economics of Sustainability
- Christian Felber
- Circular Finance
- Circular Humansphere
- Circulation of the Commons
- Cities Developing Worker Co-ops
- Citizen Central Banking
- Citizen's Economy
- Citizens Wealth Fund
- Citizens Wealth Funds
- Civic Economy of Provisions
- Classical Econophysics
- Coexistence of Decentralized Economies and Competitive Markets
- Commodification of the Couch and the Emergence of Hospitality Exchange Networks
- Common and Commons in the Contradictory Dynamics between Knowledge-based Economy and Cognitive Capitalism
- Common as a Mode of Production
- Common Asset Trusts for Integrated Natural Capital Stewardship
- Common Bound
- Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities
- Common Good Balance Sheet
- Common Good Economics
- Common Pool Resource
- Common Property
- Common Wealth
- Common Wealth Propertization
- Common Wealth Propertization vs. Common Wealth Privatization
- Common Wealth Trusts
- CommonCoin
- Commonfare Hypothesis
- Commonomics
- Commons as Community
- Commons as Shared Infrastructures for Businesses
- Commons Association
- Commons Associations
- Commons Balance of the Platform Collaborative Economy
- Commons Based Peer Production in the Information Economy
- Commons Boundaries and Postcapitalism
- Commons Capital Depository for a Universal Basic Dividend
- Commons Circuits of Value
- Commons Collaborative Economy
- Commons Connection Between Land, Food, and Money
- Commons Corporation
- Commons Course
- Commons Economics
- Commons Economy
- Commons Equity Society
- Commons Finance Canvas
- Commons in Intentional Communities - 2013
- Commons Society Foundation
- Commons-Based Cryptocurrencies
- Commons-Based Economics
- Commons-Based Mutualized Finance
- Commons-Based Valuation
- Commons-Based Welfare Infrastructures in European Cities
- Commons-Innovations Vouchers
- Commons-Oriented Decentralised Programmed Organisations
- Commons-Oriented Economists
- Communal Luxury
- Communism of Capital
- Communities of Evaluation
- Community Bank Model in Australia
- Community Banking Partnerships
- Community Capitalism
- Community Economies Institute
- Community Economies Project
- Community Economies Research Network
- Community Economy
- Community Land Trust Reader
- Community Staking
- Community Wealth Building
- Community-Based Access
- Community-Based Economy
- Community-Based Platforms
- Community-Owned and Controlled Finance
- Community-Supported Economy
- Competition
- Complementarity
- Conception of Value in Community Economies
- Connecting the Commons and the Solidarity Economy as a Governance Issue
- Connecting the Commons and the Solidarity Economy Through Shared Governance Mechanisms
- Consumption Corridor
- Contemplating the More-than-Human Commons
- Contemporary Value Crisis and the Search for ‘Value Sovereignty
- Continuous Clearing
- Contribution
- Contributions to the Critique of Commodity Society
- Contributive Income
- Contributory Economy as Productive Economy
- Convergence of Social Economy and Sustainability
- Cooperative Alternatives Beyond Markets and States
- Cooperative Alternatives beyond Markets and States
- Cooperative Commonwealth and the Partner State
- Cooperative Housing Usership Design
- Cooperative Transitions to a Steady-State Economy
- Cooperatives Are Not a Viable Strategy Against Capitalism
- Coops Based on Cryptonetworks
- Cosmo-Localism
- Counterproductivity
- Creating a Caring Economics
- Creating an Economy for the Common Good
- Credit Clearing
- Credit Commons Accounting
- Credit Commons as Money for the Solidarity Economy
- Credit Commons Protocol
- Credit Guidance
- Crisis of Value Theory
- Criteria to Evaluate the Commons Capability of Crypto-Economy Projects
- Critical Growing
- Critical Practice
- Crypto Commons
- Crypto Commons Association
- Cryptoeconomics as Commons Economics
- Cryptoeconomics Working Sessions at NYU Stern