Category:ECC2013 Participants
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This is the comprehensive list of participants, in alphabetical order by last name, of the Economics Commons Conference 2013.
A as yet incomplete draft list of participants per country is available here
For a list of organizational affiliations, see here
If your name is missing, or for any change, write to michel at p2pfoundation dot net.
- Nils Aguilar, Germany , French documentary filmmaker, transition researcher
- Philippe Aigrain, France, free software, digital freedoms, commons writer, La Quadrature du Net
- Nicole Alix, France , Secretary of the Board of the International Forum of Social and Solidarity Economy Entrepreneurs- Mont-Blanc Meetings
- Alain Ambrosi, Canada ; documentary filmmaker Remix the Commons, represents Communautique
- Yumin Ao, China - USA ; Adjunct professor in Chinese language and literature at George Mason University
- Saki Bailey, Italy ; Director of “Occupying the Commons: Teatro Valle Occupato.”
- Sophie Ball, UK ; Phd thesis title: Reclaiming the Commons: a discourse for new politics
- Michel Bauwens, Belgium ; P2P Foundation , Commons Strategies Group
- Markus Beckedahl, Germany ; Blogger and operator of
- Anna Betz, UK ; Co-founder of the School of Commoning, particular interest in protecting healthcare from enclosure
- Bruna Bianchi, Italy ; Associate Professor ( History of Political Thought and Women's History) at the University Ca’Foscari of Venice
- Balász Bodó, Hungary/Netherlands ; Economist, assistant professor, researcher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- David Bollier, USA ; Commons Strategies Group
- Alexa Bradley, USA ; Program Director at On The Commons focused on the Great Lakes Commons Initiative
- Michael Brie, Germany ; Philosopher, director of the Institute for social analysis at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
- Marvin Brown, USA ; author of ‘Civilising the Economy’
- Nicola Bullard, Australia/ France/ Thailand ; Focus on the Global South.
- Leo Burke, USA ; Professor and Director of the Global Commons Initiative
- Allen Butcher, US) ; Self-employed author focusing upon intentional community and other applications of time-based economics
- Paolo Cacciari, Italy ; Journalist, previous council member of Venice and previous member of parliament in charge of the environment. Author of publications on degrowth and commons.
- Rahul Chaturverdi, India; Senior Programme Officer at the Foundation for Ecological Security (FES)
- Christin Chemnitz, Germany ; Head of Department International Agricultural Policy at the Heinrich Böll Foundation since 2007
- Shun-Ling Chen, Taiwan/US ;dissertation: The Haunting Author in the Distribution of Ownership and Authority: An exploration through Collaborative Cultural Production.
- Gino Cocchiaro, Italy ; lawyer with a South African based NGO named Natural Justice
- Pat Conaty, UK ; fellow of new economics foundation and a research associate of Co-operatives UK
- Daniel Constein, Germany ; founding member of Förderverein Wachstumswende e.V. and member of "Netzwerk Wachstumswende" - a German network and plattform for scientistist and practitioners working towards an economy and society beyond the growth paradigm
- Chris Cook, UK ; Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Security and Resilience Studies at University College London
- Benjamin Coriat, France ; Professor of Economics at the University Paris 13
- Vladimir Cvijanović, Croatia ; member of Group 22 (think tank dedicated to green/left progressive politics)
- GiacomO D’Alisa; Italy/Spain , Research fellow at the Institute of Science and Environmental Technology (ICTA) of Autonomous University Barcelona
- Daniel Dahm, Germany ; Executive Director of Ethical-Ecological Rating at Goethe-University
- Brian Davey, UK ; Feasta
- Philipp Degens, Germany ; Phd student and research fellow in the Department for Cooperative Studies at the University of Cologne
- Daniel Dietrich, Germany ; Chairman of the German Chapter of the Open Knowledge Foundation
- Danijela Dolenec, Croatia ; University of Zagreb, teaching comparative politics and social science methodology
- Kai Ehlers, Germany ; focuses on political, economic and cultural developments in the post-soviet area.
- Jan Engelmann , Germany ; Head of Department Politics and Society at Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
- Rick Falkvinge, Sweden ; Founder of the first Pirate Party
- Joshua Farley, US ; Ecological economist and Associate Professor in Community Development & Applied Economics and Public Administration at the University of Vermont
- Tommaso Fattori, Italy ; leader of the Water Commons movement in Italy
- Helene Finidori, France/Spain ; founding member of the Commons Abundance Network
- Marco Fioretti, Italy ; free software activist and educator
- Tim Flitcroft, UK ; Economics Working group in Occupy London
- Gary Flomenhoft, US ; Fellow at the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and Research Associate/Lecturer Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Vermont
- Juan Freire, Spain ; Director of Innovation at Barrabés Next (consulting firm specialized in organizational transformation and innovation)
- Birte Friebel, Germany ; studying Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology at Frankfurt University
- Lili Fuhr, Germany ; Head of department Ecology and Sustainable Development at the Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Mayo Fuster Morell Spain & USA ; digital commoner and research on commons; Berkman center fellow
- Julia Gechter, Germany ; Film maker, producer of the short documentary ‘Commons - the principle of sharing’.
- Nikolay Georgiev, Germany/Bulgaria; Organizational developer of Open Source Ecology Germany
- Jonathan Gordon-Farleigh, UK ; director of STIR, a community, co-operative, and commons-orientated magazine.
- Neal Gorenflo, US ; Co-founder and publisher of Shareable Magazine, a nonprofit online magazine about sharing.
- Eli Gothill, UK ; expert in alternative currencies
- Daniela Gottschlich, Germany; political scientist at Leuphana University in Lüneburg,
- Volker Grassmuck, Germany ; Sociologist and media researcher at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg
- Silija Graupe, Germany; Assistant professor philosophy and economics at the Institute for philosophical and aesthetic education of the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences
- Bernardo Gutiérrez, Brazil /Spain ; CEO and Founder of Futura Media, a glocal innovation network around openness settled in São Paulo (Brazil).
- Friederike Habermann, Germany ; Economist and historian, author and self-employed scientist. She works on intersectionality, global social movements and alternative economic systems.
- Dorethea Haerlin, Germany ; founding member of GiB (Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand = Commons in citizen's hands) and member of the European Water Movement.
- Gwendolyn Hallsmith, US ; Director of Planning and Community Development for the City of Montpelier, Founder and former Executive Director of Global Community Initiatives
- Kevin Hansen, US ; Independent filmmaker, environmental activist and geophysicist working on a feature documentary about the Commons
- Samer Hassan, Spain/Lebanon ; Activist, researcher and Assistant Professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Co-founder of the
- Hermann Hatzfeldt, Germany ; Forester, author on environmental politics and forest decline, Board member of the HKH Foundation.
- Johannes Heimrath, Germany ; Editor and author of ‘Post-collapse society’
- Silke Helfrich, Germany; co-founder of the Commons Strategies Group
- Wolfgang Hoeschele, US/Germany ; Published "The Economics of Abundance" in 2010. Now engaged in the Commons Abundance Network, [1]
- Santiago Hoerth, Ecuador ; founder and coordinator of the latinamerican collective Código Sur (
- Franco Iacomella, Argentina
- Christian Iaione, Italy ; Editor-in-chief of He has published articles in the field of public and administrative law, urban commons, urban planning and land use law
- Joe Justice, US ; Team Lead of WIKISPEED; a crowd-funded and crowd-sourced road-legal car company
- Gregor Kaiser, Germany, Activist against biopiracy and gene technology. Phd dissertation title: ‘Propriety and the Commons. Genetic resources and the quest for alternatives to intellectual propriety’.
- Theodoros Karyotis, Greece ; Sociologist, translator and activist participating in social movements that promote self-management, solidarity economy and defence of the commons.
- Margrit Kennedy, Germany ; author of Interest and Inflation Free Money - Creating an exchange medium that works for everybody and protects the earth'. [2]
- Miriam Kennet, UK ; CEO, director and co-founder of the Green Economics Institute.
- Justin Kenrick, UK ; works with the Forest Peoples Programme to support Forest Peoples in Africa secure their rights, and also for local community resilience initiative in Scotland
- Effrosyni Koutsouti, Anthropologist, vice-president of the Documentation and Research Center of Ikaria and president of the Women's Cooperative of Katafygi.
- Brigitte Kratzwald Austria, Social scientist and commons activist,
- Nicolas Krausz, France ; Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation
- Gaelle Krikorian, France ; Leader of a working group on Access to Knowledge, i.e. Accès aux Savoirs, in Paris, France.
- Edgardo Lander, Venezuela
- Zofia Lapniewska, Poland ; lecturer & Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
- Holger Lauinger, Germany ; Journalist writing about urban and regional planning, articles include ‘Reclaim the Commons’,
- Heike Löschmann, Germany ; Heinrich Boll Foundation ; head of department for International Politics ; lead person for the Foundation´s programmatic work on the Commons
- Jorge Machado, Brazil ; coordinator of GPOPAI (Research Group in Public Policy on Access to Information.
- Ugo Mattei, Italy, legal scholar with commons focus
- David MacBryde, USA, participatory publishing
- Iva Marcetic, Croatia
- Tadzia Maya, Brazil ; part of two collectives: the School of the Rain Forest (, where TM coordinates the Free Seeds House and also in i-Motiro, cultural association connected to free software.
- Smári McCarthy, Iceland) ; Executive Director at Internaitonal modern Media Institute (IMMI), a co-founder of the Icelandic Digital Freedoms Society
- Tomislav Medak, Croatia ; organizes theory and publishing activities for Multimedia Institute/MAMA, project lead of Creative Commons Croatia, and activist of Right to the City Zagreb
- Armin Medosch, Austria ; Artist, curator and writer working in media art and network culture. He has been founding editor of the award winning international online magazine Telepolis.
- Nicolás Mendoza, Colombia ; Collaborator of the P2P Foundation and co-author of the Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy report. Editorial board of Bitcoin Magazine.
- Stefan Meretz, Germany, co-founder of the blog
- Carl Middleton, Thailand ; Lecturer on the International Development Studies Program, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University ; focus on environmental justice, the political ecology of water and energy resources, and sharing local and trans-boundary commons.
- Glyn Moody, UK, digital rights activist
- Camila Moreno, Colombia ; Creative Commons and IP legal expert
- Christa Müller, Germany ; Sociologist and director of the Stiftungsgemeinschaft anstiftung & ertomis. She researches and publishes about sustainable lifestyles, urban gardening and sustainable concepts of welfare.
- Tara Mulqueen, UK ; Phd student at Birbeck University of London. Her dissertation title is: Co-operation and Social economy in Critical perspective.
- Anil Naidoo, Canada ; Founding member of Red Vida (Inter-American Network on the Defense and Right to Water) and the African Water Network.
- Claudia Neubauer, France ; co-founder and director of Fondation Sciences Citoyennes, a non profit organisation located in Paris that aims at democratising sciences and technologies
- Kim Nommesch, Luxembourg/Germany ; Conference Assistant at the Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Tsewang Norbu, Germany ; Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Andrew Paterson, Scotland / Finland ; artist-organizer, outreach & education coordinator at Pixelache, also researcher into relations between contemporary and traditional nordic-baltic commons practices
- Jukka Peltokoski, Finland ; Educational producer and political researcher KSL Civic Association for Adult Learning.
- Walter Pengue, Argentina ; economist. Agricultural engineer with focus on evaluation of environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the implementation of new technologies.
- Elizabeth Peredo, Bolivia ; Executive Director of Solon Foundation based in La Paz and works on water, economy, culture and feminist issues."
- George Pór, UK ; Co-Director of the School of Commoning
- Denis Postle, UK ; advocates of Psycommons, research ‘with’ people in therapy and peer2peer group structures. Participant in the Independent Practitioners Network (IPN)
- Eva Ressel ,Germany ; freelancing facilitator, consultant, process coach, action researcher of transition projects and team member of Impuls - Agency for Applied Utopia [3].
- Nancy Roof, US ; Founder of "Kosmos Journal: The Journal for World Citizens Creating the New Civilization" in consultative status with the United Nations.
- Richard Rosen, US ; Executive Vice-President and a founding member of Tellus Institute (research and policy organization working towards a sustainable, just, and livable global civilization).
- Alain Ruche , Belgium ; EU offical working on strategic issues with the Secretary General of the EU External Service. Concerned with actions inspired with new ideas and out of the box thinking.
- Wolfgang Sachs, Germany ; Senior Research Fellow at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
- Hendro Sangkoyo, Indonesia ; Based in Jakarta, Indonesia, cofounder and principal researcher at the School of Democratic Economics
- Angélica Schenerock, Mexico ; Coordinator at Agua y Vida: Mujeres, Derechos y Ambiente AC.
- Gerhard Scherhorn, Germany ; Consultant at the Wuppertal Institute, former head of the working group ‘New models of wealth’ and ‘Sustainable production and consumption’
- Thomas Schlechte, Germany ; Economist. Freelancer at the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (Research Group: Sustainable Production and Consumption)
- Ludwig Schuster, Germany ; German Open Money advocate, with particular interest in Monetary Regionalisation and energy-backed currencies
- Siegfried Schroeder, Germany ; Political scientist. Director of East African Regional Office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Dar es Salaam
- Orsan Senalp, Netherlands / Turkey ; social movement and labour activist, promotes P2P-oriented Social Network Unionism
- Stefano Serafini, Italy ; Co-founder, secretary-general, and research director at the International Society of Biourbanism. Managing editor of Journal of Biourbanism.
- Anna Seravalli, Italy ; Design researcher with a background in industrial and service design based at MEDEA Malmö Unversity where she is part of the Malmö Living Labs
- Christian Siefkes, Germany ; Freelance software engineer and author with research interest in the emancipatory potential of free software, open hardware, and other forms of commons-based peer production, Co-founder and blogger on
- Anne Snick, Belgium ; Department Coordinator in the Flora Network of Expertise on Gender, Sustainability and Interconnected Economics. Her research interests are gender, commons-based peer-production and systems thinking.
- Pablo Solon, Bolivia/Thailand ; Executive Director of Focus on the Global South.
- Gustavo Soto, Bolivia ; Writer and consultant in the domain of indigenous rights, national director of Centro de Estudios Aplicados a los Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (CEADESC)
- Felix Stalder, Switzerland ; Lecturer at the Insitute for Contemporary Art Research at the Zurich University of Arts with a focus on media economics and co-founder of Openflows (an international open source research and development network).
- Ulrich Steinvorth, Germany ; Philosopher and chair at Bilkent University in Ankara, professor of philosophy at the University of Hamburg.
- Frederic Sultan, France ; coordinator of Remix the Commons
- Maristella Svampa, Argentina ; coordinator of the Group of Critical Studies of the Development and member of collectives ‘Plataforma 2012’.
- Talha Syed, US ; research focuses on political philosophy, normative analysis of copyright, commons-based approaches to resource management, and patents and alternative innovation policies for pharmaceuticals.
- Jia Lyng Tang, Germany ; Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS Potsdam). Coordinator in Berlin of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI Commons)
- Wouter Tebbens, Netherlands ; president of the Free Knowledge Institute and Free Technology Academy ; co-founded the Escuela de los Commons in Barcelona
- Hans Thie, Germany ;Advisor on economic policy for DIE LINKE (Left Party) in the German Bundestag, specializes in renewable energy transition
- Benjamin Tincq, France, co-founder and Global Connector for Ouishare
- Tero Toivanen, Finland ; researcher into the political economy of the commons, co-founder of
- Alan Toner, Israel ; IP researcher and free culture activist
- Antje Tönnis, Germany ; Public relations manager at GLS Treuhand (umbrella organisation for individuals and institutions working on giving money for the common good),
- Stefan Tuschen, Germany ; researcher for Bread for the World - Protestant Development Service, sustainable Germany project
- Barbara Unmüßig, President of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Christophe Vaillant, Germany ; Designer and Hacktivist, Co-Initiator of Makerspace „Open Design City“ in Berlin.
- Filippo Valguarnera, Sweden/Italy ; co-leader of a research project on access to commons in the frame of the Common Core of European Private Law.
- Ruby Van der Wekken, Finland ; co-founder of Stadin Aikapankki (members exchange services on the basis of time) and member of
- Nikola Vrdoljak, Croatia ; member of Group 22 (think tank dedicated to green/left progressive politics).
- Roberto Verzola, Philippines ; coordinates the rice farming network SRI-Pilipinas and the Philippine election watchdog Halalang Marangal, actively participates in the international CopySouth Research Group, and is currently writing a book on the political economy of abundance.
- Jay Walljasper, USA ; editor of ‘All That We Share A Field Guide to the Commons’, editor of Commons Magazine
- Hilary Wainwright, co-founder and chief editor of Red Pepper magazine
- Tom Walker, Canada ; Instructor in the Labour Studies Program at Simon Fraser University ; Author of "Time on the Ledger: Social Accounting for the 'Good Society'"
- Chris Watkins, Australia ; Co-developer of the wiki website which collects collaborative solutions in sustainability, appropriate technology and poverty reduction.
- Andreas Weber, Germany ; a Berlin based book and mgazine writer ; proposing to understand organsims as subjects and hence the biosphere as a meaning-creating and poetic reality
- Gerd Wessling, Germany , helping to bring the Transition model to Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
- Burns Weston, USA ; legal scholar, Senior Scholar at the UI Center for Human Rights, Co-director of the Commons Law project, co-author of ‘Green Governance: Ecological Survival, Human Rights, and the Law of the Commons’
- Susan Witt, USA ; Executive Director of the Schumacher Center for a New Economics
- Raul Zelik, Germany ; Associated professor for Political Science at the National University of Colombia in Medellín ; author of ‘Vermessung der Utopie’ (with Elmar Altvater), ‘Nach dem Kapitalismus. Perspektiven der Emanzipation‘. [4]
More Information
- an earlier list of bios prepared for the program brochure is at
First Name Directory
Pages in category "ECC2013 Participants"
The following 150 pages are in this category, out of 150 total.