Santiago Hoerth
Santiago Hoerth Moura
Santiago Hoerth is founder and coordinator of the latinamerican collective Código Sur ( He's part of the team Radialistas Apasionadas y Apasionados ( of Ecuador, and colaborates with the Centro Memorial Martin Luther King Jr. of Cuba ( He's co-founder and collaborates with the news site Nuestra América (, and helps various social movements in Latin America. He has also participated in the Observatorio Latinoamericano de Geopolítica (CLACSO / UNAM) (
As a militant and social activist, he has been involved in the defense of the free culture, Creative Commons (CopyLeft) and Free Software. He has organized workshops, courses and lectures on these subjects for social movements and the general public. The last decade, he has been travelling with that purpose throughout the continent, organizing activities and workshops in Argentina, Ecuador, Perú, Uruguay, Panamá, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, México and Cuba
A graphic designer and web developper, photographer and lover of audiovisual/multimedia formats, he studied cinema in the Instituto Cinematográfico de Avellaneda and in the CIC (Centro de Investigación Cinematográfica). He worked as camera-man and exterior asistant for different TV shows in the main public channels of Argentina.
Today he lives in Costa Rica, Central America, although he considers himself a nomad, spending no more than two months in the same place. He has also lived in Buenos Aires (Argentina) – his home town – and in Chiapas (México).
Publications, Interviews and Articles
- Software libre y organizaciones sociales,
- Organizaciones frente a la dominación tecnológica,
- La utopía crece y enlaza desde la red,
- Software libre en la lucha social,
- Finalizó el taller sobre tecnologías libres y movimientos sociales en Argentina,
- Otra guerra en la @utopista libertaria,
- Código Sur en el Foro Social de las Américas Paraguay, Agosto 2010,
- Taller de comunicación popular y tecnologías libres (Bienes Comunes, Conocimiento y Tecnología) en Chiapas, noviembre 2009,
- Taller de software libre con comunidades indígenas, Guatemala 2008,
- Presentación de Cyclope 2,
- Canal YouTube: tutoriales, entrevistas y más,
- Entevista a Richard Stallman, Wikimania 2009,
- Conversación con Joel Suárez: movimientos sociales y TIC (2007),
- Audio Software Libre: 0 Libertad de usarlo,
- Audio Software Libre: 1 Llibertad de modificarlo,
- Audio Software Libre: 2 Llibertad de distribuirlo,
- Audio Software Libre: 3 Llibertad de mejorarlo,
- Paraguay: Eje de la dominación del Cono Sur (2005),
- Argentina: Situación general de la Minería Metálica (2007),
- Territorialidad de la Dominación: IIRSA (2007),