Daniel Constein
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= member of the support team of the Economics of the Commons conference
- Master student at University of Oldenburg in the program "Sustainability Economics and Management"
founding member of Förderverein Wachstumswende e.V. and member of "Netzwerk Wachstumswende" - a German network and plattform for scientistist and practitioners working towards an economy and society beyond the growth paradigm (Website: www.wachstumswende.de)
- member of the German Green Party and active to promote commons principle and thinking into the political realm by organizing workshops and presentations on the topic
- published several articles on post-growth issues at blog.postwachstum.de (http://blog.postwachstum.de/author/daniel-constein/)
- published a book article together with Silke Helfrich in "Unter Piraten - Erkundungen in einer neuen politischen Arena" - "Commons und Piraten - ein programmatische Schatzsuche" (http://www.transcript-verlag.de/ts2071/ts2071.php) - article available at: http://commonsblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/piratenundcommonshelfrich-constein.pdf
- several articles at commonsblog.de:
- "Für eine commons-basierte Umweltpolitik bei den Piraten" (http://commonsblog.wordpress.com/2012/01/29/fur-eine-commonsbasierte-umweltpolitik-der-piraten/),
- "Tom Hanks: Electric City. Eine Commons-Geschichte?" (http://commonsblog.wordpress.com/2012/07/25/tom-hanks-electric-city-eine-commons-geschichte/)