Mike Linksvayer
= knowledge commoner
Linksvayer serves on the boards of Software Freedom Conservancy, OpenHatch, and AcaWiki, is a member of the Open Definition Advisory Council, and of the steering committee for Snowdrift.coop. From 2003 to 2012 he served as CTO and VP of Creative Commons, where he is now a Senior Fellow. He coordinated the knowledge stream of the Economics and Commons Conference. In 2000 he co-founded Bitzi, an early open content/open data mass collaboration platform. He has been an advocate for free software and related movements since 1990 and published one of the first interviews with Linus Torvalds in 1993. One of his main obsessions is forming connections among software freedom and other commons movements. He blogs at http://gondwanaland.com/mlog
Recent publications include:
- Creative Commons: Governing the Intellectual Commons from Below. The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market and State, Ed. David Bollier, Ed. Silke Helfrich. Levellers Press, 2012.
- Future of Copyright. Future of Copyright Anthology. Modern Poland Foundation, 2012.
- ⊂ (FLOSS legal/policy ∩ CC [4.0]). FOSDEM 2012 Legal DevRoom/Free as in Freedom podcast, 2012.
- Using and Sharing Data: the Black Letter, Fine Print, and Reality. The Data Journalism Handbook, Ed. Jonathan Gray, Ed. Liliana Bounegru, Ed. Lucy Chambers. O'Reilly Media, 2012.
- (Interview). The Art of Community: Building the New Age of Participation, Jono Bacon. O'Reilly Media, 2012.
- (with Aleksandar Erkalovic, Adam Hyde, Michael Mandiberg, Marta Peirano, Sissu Tarka, Astra Taylor, Alan Toner, Mushon Zer-Aviv) Collaborative Futures. FLOSSManuals, 2010.
- Free Culture in Relation to Software Freedom. Free Beer, Ed. Stian Rødven Eide. FSCONS, 2009.