Andrew Paterson

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= artist-organiser, cultural producer, facilitator and researcher of participatory events




Andrew Gryf Paterson (Scotland/Finland) "Artist-organiser", cultural producer, educator and independent researcher, based since late 2002 in Helsinki, Finland. He specialises in developing and leading inter- and trans- disciplinary projects exploring connections between art, digital culture and science, cultural activism, ecological and sustainability movements, cultural heritage and collaborative networks. What is left behind as social, digital, material and ephemeral residue of 'being t/here' has been a consistent concern. He has been closely connected to Pixelache Helsinki for 12 years, and completing his Doctoral of Arts thesis at Media dept. of Aalto University ARTS. More or less archived here:


Andrew Gryf Paterson (Skotlanti/Suomi) "Taiteilija-organisoija", kouluttaja, kulttuurituottaja ja riippu-maton tutkija, joka asuu Helsingissä. Hänen työnsä on sosiaalisesti suuntautunut media-, verkosto- ja ympäristötaiteen jaaktivismin aloille. Hänen luovia vahvuuksiaan ovat hybridisyys, viestintä, organisaatio ja verkostotaiteet. Patersonilla on kyky tuoda yhteen ja sitouttaa ihmiset luovaan tutkimiseen, kehittää väliaikaisia yhteisöjä ja kerätä odottamattomia elementtejä ja rakenneosia luoden näin uusia paikkoja kulttuuritoiminnalle ja tutkimukselle. Häntä kiinnostaa tutkia kenttätyön taiteellisia ja aktivistisia muotoja, ruohonjuuritason kulttuuriperintöä ja kehittyviä vertaisverkkoja yhteiskunnassa.


Эндрю Гриф Патерсон (Шотландия/Финляндия) "Художник-организатор”, культурный продюсер, преподаватель и независимый исследователь. Специализируется на развитии и координации меж- и транс-дисциплинарных проектов, которые исследуют взаимосвязь между искусством, цифровой культурой и наукой, культурным активизмом, экологическими и sustainability-движениями, культурным наследием и сетевым взаимодействием. Значимый интерес вызывает у него и вопрос о том, что представляет из себя социальный, цифровой, материальный и эфемерный осадок “бытия здесь/там”. Некоторые его материалов можно найти


Andrew Gryf Paterson (Écosse/Finlande) «Artiste-organisateur», animateur d’activités culturelles, formateur et chercheur indépendant. Il est spécialisé dans le développement de projets inter- et transdisciplinaires explorant les relations entre l'art et la science, l'activisme culturel, les mouvements écologiques et de développement durable, le patrimoine culturel et les communautés en réseau. Originaire d'Écosse, il a vécu à Helsinki en Finlande au cours des quinze dernières années. Il a réalisé de nombreux projets culturels en Finlande ainsi que dans les pays baltes. Son travail est nourri de collaborations avec diverses organisations culturelles, des associations aux ONG, en passant par les centres d'art et les institutions. Il coordonne et anime aussi de nombreux ateliers pour les professionnels, les étudiants et les jeunes. L’approche de Paterson mêle curiosité professionnelle, éléments de la vie quotidienne et esprit DIWO (Do It With Others, 'fais-le avec les autres'), au service de l’exploration de nouveaux environnements numériques et d’Internet, de nouvelles stratégies de réemploi des déchets, ou bien encore de certaines traditions d’utilisation des plantes, de pratiques culinaires et autres processus de fermentation.



'Artist-organiser', cultural producer, educator and independent researcher. Specialises in developing and leading inter- and trans- disciplinary projects exploring connections between art, digital culture and science, cultural activism, ecological and sustainability movements, cultural heritage and collaborative networks.

Originally from Scotland, Andrew has been most active in the past decade in Helsinki, Finland, aswell as Latvia and the Baltic Sea region, in particular. He works across the fields of media/ network/ environmental arts and activism, pursuing a participatory practice through workshops, performative events, & storytelling. Strengths lie in hybridity, communications, organisation and network arts: the ability to bring together and involve people in creative, collaborative exploration, developing temporary communities, gathering unexpected elements and components as new spaces of/for cultural activity.

His main involvement of recent years has been with Pixelache Helsinki node of Pixelache Network. From early 2011 until end of 2014, he was coordinator and facilitator of the 'Pixelversity' around-the-year informal educational programme for Pixelache [1]. Within Pixelache, he is currently involved in the currently ongoing collaborative work-group project 'Ferment Lab' (2015-). Other earlier significant processes/projects include 'Herbologies/ Foraging Networks' (2010), Window Farms Finland (2010); 'Alternative Economy Cultures' programme of Pixelache Helsinki Festival (2009); 'Clip Kino' in Kirjasto10 Helsinki library and other locations (2008-2011); 'Hengitä.hankala hengittää' at Happihuone, Helsinki (2007), 'Add+PF+?' in the Pedagogical Factory programme at Hyde Park Art Centre, Chicago (2007); 'Tähtikuvitelma' for Valon Voimat Festival, Helsinki (2005); 'Locative Media Workshop: Rautatieasema' for Pixelache Helsinki Festival (2004/2006), 'Mapmyths' (2003-2004). Over this period, experience, reflections and findings have been written as articles in various cultural publications, and his 'auto-archaeological' methodology 'Stratigraphical Recall' reflecting on one's own cultural practice practice was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Visual Art Studies (Intellect 2011).

Paterson has a multi-disciplinary education, with BA(Hons) Fine Arts from Glasgow School of Art, and a MSc degree in Computer-Aided Graphical Technology Applications from University of Teesside. He has been a doctoral candidate at Aalto University School of Art and Design, Media Department, with the uncomplete working thesis titled “Autoarchaeologies: of an undisciplinary artist-organiser in Finland and Latvia”, reflecting upon the various practice-led processes which he has been involved in since moving to the Eastern Baltic Sea region since 2003, but specifically from 2014-2009. He has taught courses at Aalto University's School of Art and Design; Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science, and given numerous presentations in higher institutions and festivals internationally. He has also specialised in coordinating and facilitating workshops for multi-disciplinary professionals, students and young people.


3. Personal statement 11.2016 to European Commons Assembly

"I represent myself as an 'artist-organiser', cultural producer, educator and independent researcher. I am specialised in developing and leading inter- and trans- disciplinary projects exploring connections between art, digital culture and science, cultural activism, ecological and sustainability movements, cultural heritage and collaborative networks. I am experienced in coordinating and facilitating participatory-open workshops for multi-disciplinary professionals, students & young people.

I am from central Scotland, grew up and lived there until 2000, however I have been based in Helsinki and Eastern-Baltic Sea region since the end of 2002. I consider myself a Commons activist working from within the cultural sector. As a personal example I also contribute as much of my artistic-research work to the Cultural Knowledge Commons, archiving media and documents to

My main involvement of recent years has been with Pixelache Helsinki [2] node of International Pixelache Network. From early 2011 until end of 2014, I was coordinator and facilitator of the 'Pixelversity' around-the-year informal educational programme for Pixelache. I am currently involved in their ongoing work-group project 'Ferment Lab' (2015-), and as a board-member self-allocated responsibility for international networks and archival processes. In Finland I am also a member of Open Knowledge Foundation Finland, focused on OpenGLAM topics, and also Finnish Bioart Society, which has a strong ecological & environmentalist focus in art+science.

Looking ahead am currently planning projects for 2017 in Helsinki FI, Minsk BY, Riga-Liepaja-Aizpute LV, Dortmund DE, & Strasbourg FR. All more or less relate to participatory or commons-based peer-production.

In direct relation to the Commons topic I have taken part in one European Commons 'Deep Dive' gathering in early December 2012, and also the 'Economies of the Commons' in Berlin conference of May 2013, both organised by the Commons Strategy Group. In collaboration with Andrea Botero & Joanna Saad-Sulonen, we edited in Helsinki a document called 'Towards Peer-production in Public Services: Cases from Finland', Crossover 15/2012. Helsinki: Aalto University, 2012 [which can be accessed here: ]. I have also written in 2010 about the connections between rural cooperative traditions and network culture:

I am very much interested in migrant epistemologies and refugee hospitality & facilitation subjects, and out of the many topics presented in the Assembly, I will try to focus my contributions in the Assembly on the role of artists and cultural workers in contributing to Commons transitions, and to any migrant or cultural heritage topics."

(Commonswatch mailing list, November 2016)



Single author in article A Buzz between Rural Cooperation and the Online Swarm for Affinities Journal, 2010.

He co-edited with Andrea Botero & Joanna Suud-Salonen the book Towards Peer Production in Public Services: Cases from Finland, published as PDF by Aalto University in 2012.

More Information

Contact Andrew Gryf Paterson via

email: agryfp [-at-] or andrew.paterson [-at-] | social media id: @agryfp

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