Elizabeth Peredo
"Elizabeth Peredo Beltran: Social Psychologist, Bolivian researcher, writer and activist. She focuses her work on water as a common, environmental and cultural good. Peredo co-founded TAHIPAMU (The Women’s Participation in History Workshop) in the nineties, based in La Paz, she was the Coordinator of the National Comitee for Domestic Workers Rights and from 1999 has researched, published and campaigned for the rights of domestic workers, achieving the approvement of their law in 2003. Since 2000 she became involved in the activism of water struggles and produced reports, books, articles and video scripts on economic justice, new paradigms and climate justice. Since some years she promotes the Blue October Campaign in Bolivia, a social mobilization for water as a common, she belongs to the Board of Directors of Food and Water Watch in WDC, and is part of the Council of Advisors of the International Net for Justice in Global Investments. Since 2006 she is the Executive Director of Solon Foundation based in La Paz and works on water, economy, culture and feminist issues."
Elizabeth Peredo Beltran: Social Psychologist, Bolivian researcher, writer and activist. She focuses her work on water as a common, environmental and cultural good as well as on climate crisis, culture, care economics and human rights in the perspective to build new paradigms of civilization and recovering feminist approaches to social change. Peredo co-founded The Women’s Participation in History Workshop (TAHIPAMU) in the nineties in La Paz city. She was part of the researchers team that recovered the history of female anarchist tradeunions in the XX century: Polleras Libertarias http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federación_Obrera_Femenina and begun a reflextion on how to woerk with women based on testimonial metodologie and a reflexive selfperception of class/culture identities in the interaction inside the women’s movement. In that time she also took part of the co-founders group of Solon Foundation together with National Price of Culture, Walter Solón Romero http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/s/solon_walter.htm. Elizabeth has written books and analysis on popular markets and indigenous women in cities, as well as on metodologic approaches to work between women of different social contexts. Between her books: Nayan Uñatatawi historia de Ana Maria Condori (1988). Trenzando Ilusiones (1994), El Testimonio (una orientacion para hacer investigacion en base a testimonios) (1996), Recoveras de los Andes (2002).
From 1999 during the national struggle for legal protection of the domestic indigeneous workers Coordinated the National Comitee for Domestic Workers Rights and has researched, published and campaigned for the rights of domestic workers http://www.eclac.org/publicaciones/xml/7/14797/lcl2066e.pdf , contributing to the achievement of the approvement of their law in 2003 http://www.fenatrahob.org/index.php?page=norma&cont=anteproy.
Since 2000 she became involved in the activism of water struggles and produced reports, books, articles and video scripts on water http://www.boell.de/downloads/internationalepolitik/gip4.pdf, economic justice, new paradigms and climate justice. One of her last contributions is book recovering the process of the bolivian and international activism to approve a resolution in the UN on water and sanitation as human rights http://biblioteca.hegoa.ehu.es/system/ebooks/18761/original/The_Human_Rigth_to_Water.pdf?1326731377
She works on the Solon Foundation http://www.funsolon.org/as the Executive Director since 2006 and has performed its work on two pilars: politcs and culture. Is the Editorial Director of TUNUPA http://cambioclimatico.democracyctr.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/TUNUPA-62-GLACIARES-Y-AGUA.pdf a monthly bulletin on news and analysis about different issues: water, climate change, corporative power resistance, GMOs reallity, women and domestic work rights, human rights.
Since 2007 Elizabeth promotes and coordinates the Blue October Campaign in Bolivia http://octubreazulbolivia.blogspot.de/ a social mobilization for water as a common in Bolivia. Elizabeth Peredo belongs to the Board of Directors of Food and Water Watch in WDC http://www.foodandwaterwatch.org/about/board-of-directors/, is part of the Advisors Comitee of the Network for Justice in Global Investments http://justinvestment.org/about/ and her work on culture, memory and social resistance is promoting a think tank alliance in the Trenzando Ilusiones, a small project on solidarity and resistance in Bolivia.
To see some of Eizabeth Peredo Beltran writings visit:
Mujeres y etnicidad en America Latina: http://www.eclac.org/cgi-bin/getProd.asp?xml=/publicaciones/xml/7/14797/P14797.xml&xsl=/mujer/tpl/p9f.xsl&base=/tpl/top-bottom.xslt
Mujer, agua y conflicto social en Cochabamba http://www.boell.de/downloads/internationalepolitik/gip4.pdf
Cambio climático un desafío para el desarrollo y una ética de la naturaleza http://harmonynature.wordpress.com/2009/12/20/the-climate-crisis-a-challenge-for-the-human-condition-and-for-an-ethics-of-nature/
El sindrome de Fukushima http://www.bolpress.com/art.php?Cod=2011070107
The Fukushima syndrome: http://www.funsolon.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=288:the-fukushima-sy
On the way from Cochabamba to Durban: http://www.tourism-watch.de/en/content/way-cochabamba-durban
Vom den vweg von Cochabamba nach Durban http://www.tourism-watch.de/en/node/1663
Water again between life and death: http://alainet.org/active/53432
- Artículos Elizabeth Peredo en REBELION:
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