Articles on Commons Economics
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General Bibliography
- Bailey, Saki. “Social Movements as Constituent Power: The Italian Struggle for the Commons.” Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies (spring 2013, coauthored with Ugo Mattei)
- Bailey, Saki. “Legalizing the Occupation: The Teatro Valle as a Cultural Commons.” South Atlantic Quarterly 112:2 (spring 2013).
- Ball, Sophie. Reclaim the Commons: Occupy Everything , a paper to be included in Common Life: Participation and Experience in the Making of the Commons, ed. Dawney, L. & Kirwan, S., forthcoming July 2013, ARN (Authority Research Network) Press
- Bollier, David. FLOSS as a Commons. Essay for FLOSS Roadmap project, September 2010.
- Bollier, David. "The Commons as a New Sector of Value-Creation,"plenary remarks at "Economies of the Commons: Strategies for Sustainable Access and Creative Reuse of Images and Sounds Online," De Balie Centre for Culture and Politics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 12, 2008.
- Brown, Marvin T. Designing the Future Economy. Catalyst. Business Models, Design Management, Economy, ISSUE 10: CIVILIZING THE ECONOMY. Available via . See: Designing an Economy of Provision
- Butcher, Allen. Communal Economics. A. Allen Butcher. May 2002 [1] ; revised version of the article printed in: Christensen, Karen and David Levinson, General Editors 2003. Encyclopedia of Community: From the Village to the Virtual World. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Butcher. Allen. Communitarian Theory. 1989 [2]: A theory for intentional communities and sharing economies.
- De Filippi, Primavera and Miguel Said Vieira (2013), The commodification of Information Commons, in International Journal of the Commons, Special Issue : The Knowledge Commons : from historical open science to digitally integrated research networks, June 2013 (forthcoming)
- Fuster Morell, M. (2010). Chapter Economic models of infrastructure provision for the commons. At "Governance of online creation communities. Provision of infrastructure for the building of digital commons". PhD Thesis. Social and Political Science Department. European University Institute (Florence).
- Fuster Morell, M. (2011). The Unethics of Sharing: Wikiwashing. In W. Sützl & F. Stalder (Ed.). International Review of Information Ethics: Special issue: Ethics of Sharing. Vol. 15 September 2011.
- Grassmuck, Volker. A Copyright Exception for Monetizing File-Sharing. A proposal for balancing user freedom and author remuneration in the Brazilian copyright law reform, 19. März 2010, <>
- Hoeschele, Wolfgang. The Role of the Commons and Common Property in an Economy of Abundance. Available via
- Kostakis, Vasilis, and Stavroulakis, Stelios. The Parody of the Commons.Triple-C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique
- Kostakis, Vasilis, Fountouklis, Mihalis, and Drechsler, Wolfgang. forthcoming. "Peer Production and Desktop Manufacturing". Science, Technology & Human Values.
- Kostakis, Vasilis. 2013. “At the Turning Point of the Current Techno-Economic Paradigm: Commons-Based Peer Production, Desktop Manufacturing and the Role of Civil Society in the Perezian Framework.” Triple-C: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 11(1), 173-190. [click]
- Kostakis, Vasilis. 2012. “The Political Economy of Information Production in the Social Web: Chances for Reflection on our Institutional Design.” Contemporary Social Science, 7(3), 305-319.[click]
- Rodota, Stefano. On Common Goods.
- Seravalli, Anna. Infrastructuring for Opening Production, from participatory design to participatory making? Anna Seravalli. [3]
- Seravalli, A. (2012). Building Fabriken, Design for Socially Shaped Innovation. Presented at Design Research Society International Conference Bangkok, 1-4, July 2012.
- Seravalli, Anna. (2011). “Democratizing production: challenges in co-designing enabling platforms for social innovation”, The Tao of Sustainability, International Conference on Sustainable Design Strategies in a Globalization Context, Bejing China 27-29 October 2011.
- Seravalli, Anna, Emilson, Anders, Hillgren, Per-Anders; . (2011). “Prototyping and Infrastructuring in design for social innovation. Co-Design Vol. 7, Nos. 3–4, September–December 2011, 169–183.
- Siefkes, Christian. "The Emergence of Benefit-driven Production" (Proc. OKCon 2011)
- Siefkes, Christian. "The Boom of Commons-Based Peer Production" (in "The Wealth of the Commons", 2012).
- Siefkes, Christian. The Commons of the Future. The Commoner (2009), [4]
- Verzola, Roberto. Lecture transcript: Abundance and the generative logic of the commons. Keynote speech for Stream III of the Berlin Commons Conference: “The Generative Logic of the Commons” of the International Conference on the Commons, Berlin, Germany, Oct. 31 - Nov. 2, 2010. See: Abundance and the Generative Logic of the Commons
- Verzola, Roberto, Studying Abundance. Available via
- Verzola, Roberto, Undermining Abundance (Counter-Productive Uses of Technology and Law in Nature, Agriculture and the Information Sector)(July 14, 2008). INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND ACCESS TO KNOWLEDGE, Gaelle Krikorian and Amy Kapczynski, eds., Zone Books, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:
- Wainwright, Hilary. Co-Creative Labor, Productive Democracy and the Partner State: a very important text to reset government policies for the p2p age. The text discusses: 1 A value revolution in labor; 2 Re-constituting industrial strategies based on co-creative labor ; 3 The Co-Creative Economy needs a Partner State. Available via
- Wainwright, Hilary. From Labour as Commodity to Labour as a Common. Draft of an article by Hilary Wainwright
- Walker, John. The Cybernetics of the Commons. By John Walker. Text recommended by Brian Davey. The article compares Ostrom's Eight Commons Governance Principles with the Viable Systems Model of Stafford Beer.
- Ball, Sophie. PhD Thesis: Reclaiming the Commons: a discourse for new politics . How grassroots activists are shaping the future
- Berlinguer, M., Martinez, R., Fuster Morell, M. J. Subirats. (2013). Emerging models of sustainability of audiovisual content in the digital age: New forms of advertising and other sources of sustainability. Funding entity: Audio-visual Council of Catalonia. Regional Government of Catalonia. From October 2011 to September 2012.
Other Languages
- Berlinguer, M., Martinez, R., Fuster Morell, M. J. Subirats. (2013). Models emergents de sostenibilitat del procomu audiovisual. Quaders del Consell Audiovisual Catala. Juny de 2013 (Forthcoming).
- Rodata, Stefano. La valeur des biens communs. Traduit par Philippe Aigrain. Parution originale dans la Repubblica, 5 janvier 2012.
- Constein, Daniel. "Für eine commons-basierte Umweltpolitik bei den Piraten" (,
- Habermann, Friederike. „Ecommony: Strukturelle Gemeinschaftlichkeit statt Negatives Wachstum“, in: Deutschlands Wege in die Zukunft, hrsg. vom Umweltbundesamt, [5]
- Habermann, Friederike. “Wir werden nicht als Egoisten geboren”, in: Commons. Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt und Staat, hrsg. von Silke Helfrich u. d. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, [6]
- Rodotà, Stefano. Verso i beni comuni
- Berlinguer, M., Martinez, R., Fuster Morell, M. J. Subirats. (2013) Modelos emergentes de sostenibilidad de procomunes audiovisuales. Teknokultura. Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales.
- Kostakis, Vasilis. 2012. The P2P Manifesto: Creating the World We Want within the Confines of the World We Want to Transcend (Το Ομότιμο Μανιφέστο). Ioannina, GR: Voreiodytikes Publications. [click]
Topical Bibliographies
The following articles and essays are sourced from the book:
- The Wealth of the Commons. A world beyond market and state. Ed. by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich. Commons Strategies Group. Levellers Press, 2012 [7]
Organized per conference stream:
- The Structural Communality of the Commons, by Stefan Meretz [8]
- The Logic of the Commons and the Market: A Shorthand Comparison of Their Core Beliefs, by Silke Helfrich [9]
- Why Distinguish Common Goods from Public Goods?, by James B. Quilligan [10]
- The Commoning of Patterns and the Patterns of Commoning, by Franz Nahrada [11]
- The Abundance of the Commons, A Conversation with Brian Davey, Roberto Verzola and Wolfgang Hoeschele [12]
- Crises, Capitalism and Cooperation: Does Capital Need a Commons Fix?, by Massimo De Angelis [13]
- Common Goods Don’t Simply Exist – They Are Created, by Silke Helfrich [14]
Land and Nature
- Monetary and Fiscal Policies for a Finite Planet. By Joshua Farley, Matthew Burke et al.
- Resilience Thinking, by Rob Hopkins [16]
- The Economy of Wastefulness: The Biology of the Commons, by Andreas Weber [17]
- Subsistence: Perspective for a Society Based on Commons, by Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen [18]
- The Global Land Grab: The New Enclosures, by Liz Alden Wily [19]
- Genetically Engineered Promises & Farming Realities, by P.V. Satheesh {]
- Water as a Commons: Only Fundamental Change Can Save Us, by Maude Barlow [20]
- A New German Raw Materials Strategy: A Modern Enclosure of the Commons?, by Lili Fuhr [21]
- Using “Protected Natural Areas” to Appropriate the Commons, by Ana de Ita [22]
- Community Based Forest and Livelihood Management in Nepal, by Shrikrishna Upadhyay [23]
- The Atmosphere as a Global Commons, by Ottmar Edenhofer, Christian Flachsland and Bernhard Lorentz [24]
Doing away with labor: Working and Caring in a World of Commons
- El Buen Vivir and the Commons, A Conversation between Gustavo Soto Santiesteban and Silke Helfrich [25]
Treating Knowledge, Culture and Science as Commons
- Aesthetic Commons and the Enclosures of Instituting Autonomies. By Jordi Claramonte. [26]
- Krikorian G. & Kapczynski, A. (2010 forthcoming), Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property. (Zone Books Eds., New York), 652 p.
The following articles are from the anthology, The Wealth of the Commons:
- Intellectual Property Rights and Free Trade Agreements: A Never-Ending Story, by Beatriz Busaniche [27]
- The Code is the Seed of the Software, An Interview with Adriana Sánchez [28]
- Copyright and Fairy Tales, by Carolina Botero and Julio César Gaitán [29]
- Creative Commons: Governing the Intellectual Commons from Below, by Mike Linksvayer [30]
- Freedom for Users, Not for Software, by Benjamin Mako Hill [31]
- Emancipating Innovation Enclosures: The Global Innovation Commons, by David E. Martin [}
- Move Commons: Labeling, Opening and Connecting Social Initiatives, by Javier de la Cueva, Bastien Guerry, Samer Hassan, Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado [32]
- Knowledge is the Water of the Mind: How to Structure Rights in “Immaterial Commons,” by Rainer Kuhlen [33]
- Constructing Commons in the Cultural Environment, by Michael J. Madison, Brett M. Frischmann and Katherine J. Strandburg [34]
Money, Markets, Value and the Commons
- Reclaiming the Credit Commons: Towards a Butterfly Society, by Thomas H. Greco, Jr. [35]
New Infrastructures for Commoning by Design
- Social Movements as Constituent Power: The Italian Struggle for the Commons. By Saki Bailey and Ugo Mattei.
- Institutions and Trust in Commons: Dealing with Social Dilemmas, by Martin Beckenkamp [36]
- Technology and the Commons, by Josh Tenenberg [37]
- Practicing Commons in Community Gardens: Urban Gardening as a Corrective for Homo Economicus, by Christa Müller [38]
- Shared Space: A Space Shared is a Space Doubled, by Sabine Lutz [39]
- Transition Towns: Initiatives of Transformation, by Gerd Wessling [40]
- Capable Leadership, Institutional Skills and Resource Abundance Behind Flourishing Coastal Marine Commons in Chile, by Gloria L. Gallardo Fernández & Eva Friman [41]
- Public Administration Needs Free Software, by Federico Heinz [42]
- From Blue Collar to Open Commons Region: How Linz, Austria, Has Benefited from Committing to the Commons, by Thomas Gegenhuber, Naumi Haque and Stefan Pawel [43]
- The Common Heritage of Mankind: A Bold Doctrine Kept Within Strict Boundaries, by Prue Taylor [44]
- Transforming Global Resources into Commons, by Gerhard Scherhorn [45]
- Electricity Commons – Toward a New Industrial Society, by Julio Lambing [46]
- Equitable Licensing – Ensuring Access to Innovation, by Christina Godt, Christian Wagner-Ahlfs and Peter Tinnemann [47]
- P2P-Urbanism: Backed by Evidence, by Nikos A. Salingaros and Federico Mena-Quintero [48]