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An Index to Articles and Reports on the open/free, participatory/P2P, and Commons-related paradigms.


This is the space to publish your articles about Peer to Peer developments. The section entitled Other Foundational Essays, is reserved for major essays who have set the terms of the debate in this field. Everything else can be published here in 'Articles'.

Main articles about P2P Theory are listed under "Main Topic", while topical article are listed in alphabetic order in enclyclopedic format.

A good source for related reports is the Open Co-op Project [1], which has a section called 'Background Documents', some of which have been indexed here.

Here is another collection of essays on open topics, mostly from activist backgrounds, at

Key Peer to Peer Articles

From the P2P Foundation


The Political Economy of Peer Production, CTheory, December 2005 Orginal URL

Full bibliography: Michel Bauwens' English Language Bibliography


Selection of translated articles is available at Dutch Language#Artikels

French-Language, en francais

Le peer to peer: nouvelle formation sociale, nouveau model civilisationnel: Appeared in Revue du Mauss, issue 26, in a more edited version.)

More translated articles and interviews in French here

Greek-Language The P2P Manifesto

The “P2P manifesto: Creating the world we want within the confines of the world we want to transcend”, written by Vasilis Kostakis, is the first book in Greek that deals with the P2P theory. Published by Voreiodytikes Publications. Download link:

Italian-Language Version of Peer to Peer and Human Evolution

P2P ed Evoluzione Umana. URL = , Intro


Selection of articles is listed here:

Thai-Language, phasaa Thai

Draft version of a translation by Jim Puntasen of, Thai


Other Sources

On Economics:

  1. Circulation of the Common. Nick Dyer-Whiteford.
  2. Economy of Ideas. John Perry Barlow
  3. The economics of open source
  4. Open source as user innovation – von Hippel
  5. Analysis of OS Business models
  6. Allocation of resources in OS mode
  7. Open source outside software – Clay Shirky

On Society and Governance:

  1. From Intersubjectivity to Interbeing
  2. Remixability and Modularity. Lev Manovich.
  3. Open Code and Open Societies - Lessig
  4. Legal aspects of free and open source software
  5. Nonprofit foundations and their role in community-firm software collaboration
  6. The open source paradigm shift – O’reilly

Other Languages

Le capitalisme informationnel. Par Philippe Aigrain.


Tres bonne introduction sur l'importance des biens communs informationnels, par l'auteur du livre clef, Cause Commune

Articles and Reports Directory

Pages in category "Articles"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,767 total.

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