An Index to Articles and Reports on the open/free, participatory/P2P, and Commons-related paradigms.
This is the space to publish your articles about Peer to Peer developments. The section entitled Other Foundational Essays, is reserved for major essays who have set the terms of the debate in this field. Everything else can be published here in 'Articles'.
Main articles about P2P Theory are listed under "Main Topic", while topical article are listed in alphabetic order in enclyclopedic format.
A good source for related reports is the Open Co-op Project [1], which has a section called 'Background Documents', some of which have been indexed here.
Here is another collection of essays on open topics, mostly from activist backgrounds, at
Key Peer to Peer Articles
From the P2P Foundation
The Political Economy of Peer Production, CTheory, December 2005 Orginal URL
Full bibliography: Michel Bauwens' English Language Bibliography
Selection of translated articles is available at Dutch Language#Artikels
French-Language, en francais
Le peer to peer: nouvelle formation sociale, nouveau model civilisationnel: Appeared in Revue du Mauss, issue 26, in a more edited version.)
More translated articles and interviews in French here
Greek-Language The P2P Manifesto
The “P2P manifesto: Creating the world we want within the confines of the world we want to transcend”, written by Vasilis Kostakis, is the first book in Greek that deals with the P2P theory. Published by Voreiodytikes Publications. Download link:
Italian-Language Version of Peer to Peer and Human Evolution
P2P ed Evoluzione Umana. URL = , Intro
Selection of articles is listed here:
Thai-Language, phasaa Thai
Draft version of a translation by Jim Puntasen of, Thai
Other Sources
On Economics:
- Circulation of the Common. Nick Dyer-Whiteford.
- Economy of Ideas. John Perry Barlow
- The economics of open source
- Open source as user innovation – von Hippel
- Analysis of OS Business models
- Allocation of resources in OS mode
- Open source outside software – Clay Shirky
On Society and Governance:
- From Intersubjectivity to Interbeing
- Remixability and Modularity. Lev Manovich.
- Open Code and Open Societies - Lessig
- Legal aspects of free and open source software
- Nonprofit foundations and their role in community-firm software collaboration
- The open source paradigm shift – O’reilly
Other Languages
Le capitalisme informationnel. Par Philippe Aigrain.
Tres bonne introduction sur l'importance des biens communs informationnels, par l'auteur du livre clef, Cause Commune
Articles and Reports Directory
Pages in category "Articles"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,767 total.
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- 3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development
- 3D Printers, the Third Industrial Revolution, and the Demise of Capitalism
- 3D Printing and Open Source Hardware Licensing
- 3D Printing as an Agent of Socio-Political Change
- 3D Printing Community and Emerging Practices of Peer Production
- 3D Printing, Intellectual Property, and the Fight Over the Next Great Disruptive Technology
- A Economia Política da Produção entre Pares
- A.M. Hocart on the Role of Ritual and Mythology in Human Governance
- Abolishing Education and Liberating Creation
- Abundance of Food vs the Abundance of Recipes
- Abuse of Open Licenses
- Academia as a Commons
- Access to Knowledge in a Network Society
- Accounting and Control of the Labour Process
- Adapting Commons Regimes for Biological Information
- Adaptive Architecture, Collaborative Design, and the Evolution of Community
- Additive Manufacturing as Global Remanufacturing of Politics
- Addressing Sustainability in Research on Distributed Production
- Adrian Costain on How To Find Democratic Money and Capital for SME's
- Advancing the Concept of Public Goods
- Advent of Open Source Democracy and Wikipolitics
- Aesthetic Commons and the Enclosures of Instituting Autonomies
- Affective Commons of Coworking
- Affective Dimensions of Infrastructuring the Commons
- Affective Strategies of Contemporary Capitalism, and the Resistance to and Transformation of Anxiety
- Affinities of Morin’s Complex Thinking with That of Chinese Classic Philosophy
- After the Patriarchy
- Against Atomism and Decompositionism-Recompositionism
- Against Ecological and Information Enclosures
- Against Intellectual Property
- Against the Internet-Centric Totalizing Anti-Hierarchy and Anti-Centralization Ideology
- Agamben's Theory of Power
- Agency, Resistance, and Orders of Dissent in Contemporary Social Movements
- Agro-Ecological Approaches to Agricultural Development
- Agroecology and the Commons
- Agroecology and the Right to Food
- Agro–Biodiversity Commons
- AI as a Subject of Democratic Governance
- Airbnb and Gentrification Through the Sharing Economy
- Alchemy as the Forerunner of Complexity Theory
- Algo-Robotic Systems
- Algocratic Modes of Organization for Global Labor Coordination
- Algorithmic Accountability of Journalists
- Algorithmic Entities
- Algorithmic Governance
- Algorithmic Governance of Common-Pool Resources
- Algorithmic Management in the Workplace
- Algorithmic Nations
- Algorithms as Regulatory Objects
- Algorithms, Capital, and the Automation of the Common
- All in Common as New Slogan for International Labour
- Allocation of Collaborative Efforts in Open-Source Software
- Alternative Approaches for Protecting Indigenous Traditional Knowledge
- Alternative Currencies and Community Development in Argentina
- Alternative Economic Systems in Asia
- Alternative Economies Resource Guide
- Alternative Forms of Common-Interest Communities
- Alternative Futures of Globalisation
- Alternative Heterodox Lineage in Evolutionary Thought and Its Emphasis on the Role of Consciousness
- Alternative Institutions Rising Post-Corona
- Alternative Internets
- Alternative Lineage of Evolutionary Thinking
- Alternative Network Deployments
- Alternative Ownership in the US
- Alternative Policies for Alternative Internets
- Alternative Progress Indicators
- Alternatives to Capitalism Symposium of the Good Society Journal
- Alternatives to Housing Through Urban Commoning
- Alternatives to Liberal Individualism and Authoritarian Collectivism
- Altruistic Creative Love
- Amateur Class
- Amateur Cultural Production and Peer-to-Peer Learning
- Amateur to Amateur
- Ambiguity of Open Government Concept
- Ameliorative Socialism vs Systemic Socialism
- Analysis of Functions and Dysfunctions of Direct Democracy
- Analysis of Social Inclusion in Short Chain Initiatives in Ghent
- Anarchism and the Cybernetics of Self-Organising Systems
- Anarchism and the Promise of a Post-Capitalist Collaborative Commons
- Andean Social Movements and the Refounding of the State
- Anonymous and the War on Scientology
- Anonymous as an Antinomian Movement
- Antagonistic Usage of the Commons Concept
- Anthropological Introduction to P2P
- Anthropology of Unequal Society
- Anti-Capitalist Politics in the Time of COVID-19
- Anti-Hierarchical Artifices for Groups to Use
- Anti-Leaders in Social Movements
- Anti-Oedipal Collective Psychology
- Anti-Racist Technoscience
- Anti-Web 2.0 Manifesto
- Anticapture
- Anticipated Environmental Sustainability of Personal Fabrication
- Anticommons in Biomedical Research
- Antisocial Responses to Scarcity
- Any Cook Can Govern
- Apocalypticism
- Appeal for Non-Hierarchic, Self-Determined, Social and Economic Alternatives
- Arduino and Open Source Design
- Are Patents Good for Climate Change
- Argentine Worker Cooperatives in Civil Society
- Arguments for Demurrage-Based Post-Growth Currencies
- Arkitente/es
- Arnold Toynbee as a Process Thinker and Historian
- Arnold Toynbee on the Unification of the World
- Art and Science of Effective Convening
- Art of Being Many
- Arthur Brock Against the Consensus on Data Consensus in the Blockchain
- Articles on Commons Economics
- Articulating an Empirically Grounded Model of the Relation Between Markets and Commons
- Artistic Co-Creation as a Decentralized Method of Peer Empowerment
- Artistic Co-Creation as a Decentralized Method of Peer Empowerment in Today’s Multitude
- Artists as Commoners in the Years of Indebtedness
- Asian Moral Methaphysics vs Western Metaphysics of Morals
- Assessing Technologies for Degrowth
- Assessing the Radical Democracy of Indymedia
- Assessment of Major Douglas and the Social Credit Movement
- Associative Sustainable Business Models
- Astounding Growth in the Psychological Evolution of the Human Self
- At the Turning Point of the Current Techno-Economic Paradigm
- Atmosphere Commons
- Attention Economy Primer
- Attentional Capital and the Ecology of Online Social Networks
- Attuning to Natural Energy Flows vs. Abstract Economic Rationality
- Augmented Social Networks
- Austro-German Social Energetics
- Authoritarian and Democratic Technics
- Authority and Governance as Next Great Internet Disruption
- Authority in Peer Production
- Authorization and Governance in Virtual Worlds
- Autodidactic Universe
- Automation for the Artisanal Economy
- Autonomous Decentralized Enterprise Model
- Autonomous Politics and its Problems
- Autonomous Universities and the Making Of the Knowledge Commons
- Autonomous Universities and the Making of the Knowledge Commons
- Autonomy and Algorithmic Control in the Global Gig Economy
- Autonomy and Control in the Era of Post-Privacy
- Autonomy of Migration and Mobile Commons
- Autonomy Symposium
- Autonomy, Labour, and the Political Economy of Social Media
- Avatar
- Awakening to an Ecology of the Commons
- Axiological Turn Towards Commons-Based Value
- Axiomatics of Abundance
- Axiomatization of Socio-Economic Principles for Self-Organizing Institutions
- Backfeed, the Blockchain, and Value Systems in the Sharing Economy
- Badges in Social Media
- Bakhtinian Thought
- Balaji Srivanasan on the Three Competing Ideologies of the Networked World
- Balancing Individualism and Communitarianism
- Barriers and Challenges to Personal Manufacturing
- Barriers to Co-Creation
- Barriers, Incentives, and Benefits of the Open Educational Resources Movement
- Basic Features of an Alternative Cosmo-Local Economic Order
- Basic Income - Philippe Van Parijs
- Basic Income and Productivity in Cognitive Capitalism
- Basic Income as a Minimum Claim to Basic Resources
- Basic Income, Labor, and the Idea of Post-Capitalism
- Battle Between the Cultural Evolutionists and the Cultural Relativists
- Beachhead Hypothesis
- Beneath the Metadata
- Benefit Sharing Under the Convention on Biological Diversity
- Benefits of the Second Industrial Revolution vs the Benefits of the Third Industrial Revolution
- Benjamin Barber on City-Based Global Governance
- Benjamin Updated
- Berlin as the Capital of the Social Share Economy
- Bernard Stiegler and the Question of Technics
- Beyond Information Abundance
- Beyond Jobs
- Beyond Privacy
- Beyond Progressive Interpretations of Human History
- Beyond State Capitalism
- Beyond TCP/IP
- Beyond Territorialism and Towards Spatialism
- Beyond the Commons
- Beyond the Nomadic Egalitarian Model in the Pleistocene Epoch
- Bibliography of the Triple C Debate between P2P Theory and Marxist Critics
- Bibliography on Corona and Social Change
- Bibliography on Land Commons for European Food Production
- Bibliography on Localizing and Distributing Production
- Bibliography on Open Design and Distributed Manufacturing
- Bifo on How the Cognitivat Will Lead to an Unprecedented Socio-Cultural and Informational Revolution
- Big Data In Our Hands
- Big Data, Communities and Ethical Resilience
- Big Historical Foundations for Deep Future Speculations About Cosmic Evolution
- Bill McKibben Looks to the Commons as the Solution to Global Climate Disruption
- Binarius as the Spiritual Archetype of Digital Technology
- Bio and Hardware Hacking
- Biofield as a Bridge Between Mind and Body
- Biological Open Source and the Recovery of Seed Sovereignty
- Biology and the Transcendent
- Biomimicry as a New Enclosure of Nature
- Biophysical Constraints and Realities and the Energetic Metabolism of Societies