Bibliography on Open Design and Distributed Manufacturing
Anderson, Chris. Makers, the New Industrial Revolution. New York: Random House Business Books, 2012.
Ashbee, Charles Robert. A Few Chapters in Workshop Re-Construction and Citizenship. London: The Guild and School of Handicraft, 1894. Internet Archive. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]
Atkinson, Paul. “Orchestral Manoeuvres in Design.” Open Design Now. Eds. Bas van Abel, et al. Amsterdam: Bis Publisher, 2011. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]
Atkinson, Paul. “Do it Yourself: Democracy and Design.”
Benkler, Yochai, and Helen Nissenbaum. “Commons–based Peer Production and Virtue.” Journal of Political Philosophy 14.4 (2006): 394–419.
Benkler, Yochai. The Wealth of Networks. How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2006.
Ceraso, Antonio, and Jeff Pruchnic. “Introduction: Open Source Culture and Aesthetics.” Criticism 53.3 (2011): 337–75.
de Bruijn, Erik. “On the Viability of the Open Source Development Model for the Design of Physical Objects: Lessons Learned from the RepRap Project.” MSc Thesis. University of Tilburg, 2010. The Netherlands.
“Home Factory: 3D Printing to Change our Shopping Habit.” Voice of Russia. 9 Jan 2014. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]78
Huang, Samuel, et al. “Additive Manufacturing and its Societal Impact: A Literature Review.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 67.5-8 (2013): 1191–203.
Kaur, Satwant. “How is “Internet of the 3D Printed Products” Going to Affect our Lives?” IETE Technical Review 29.5 (2012): 360–4.
Kennedy, Gabrielle. “Joris Laarman’s Experiments with Open Design.” Open Design Now. Eds. Bas van Abel, et al. Amsterdam: Bis Publisher, 2011. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]
Klaassen, Roel, and Peter Troxler. “Do it with Droog.” Open Design Now. Eds. Bas van Abel, et al. Amsterdam: Bis Publisher, 2011. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]
Kurman, Melba. Skype Interview conducted by Lassi Patokorpi. 21 Oct 2013.
Lipson, Hod, and Melba Kurman. Fabricated: The New World of 3D Printing. Somerset, NJ, USA: Wiley, 2013.
Moilanen, Jarkko, and Tere Vadén. “3D Printing Community and Emerging Practices of Peer Production.” First Monday (2013): Oct 29 2013.
Parvin, Alastair. Architecture for the people by the people. Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED), 2013. Online video clip. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]
Patokorpi, Erkki. “Role of Abductive Reasoning in Digital Interaction.” Åbo Akademi, 2006: Åbo. Ph.D. Thesis. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]81
Thackara, John. “Into the Open.” Open Design Now. Eds. Bas van Abel, et al. Amsterdam: Bis Publisher, 2011. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]
Troxler, Peter. “The Beginning of a Beginning of the Beginning of a Trend.” Open Design Now. Eds. Bas van Abel, et al. Amsterdam: Bis Publisher, 2011. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]
Vance, Ashlee. “3-D Printing Spurs a Manufacturing Revolution.” New York Times. 13 Sep 2010. Available at [Accessed 9 April 2014]