Introductory Citations |
Personalized design and manufacturing machines will be an emancipating technology, creating freedom for people to work and play independently in ways that were previously restricted to an elite few. - Factory@Home report [1]
- Jason F. McLennan [2] |
Comparison of Traditional vs DGML-based peer production
(CRG refers to: critical reference group)
The Evolution of Manufacturing
The Open Manufacturing Value Stream
Reto Stauss: The Open Manufacturing Value Stream
Overview | |
Please read:
This new section is dedicated to Open Manufacturing developments, making it easier to identify interests in creating physical objects. This is a smaller subset of our much broader section on Open and Shared Design Communities. However, this section also includes developments about 'production' and 'making' in general, including topics like the DIY revolution, the digitalization of crafts, and agricultural production. The P2P Foundation supports the aims of the Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance [3] , an initiative to foster sustainable sharing of open hardware and design. Have a look at the following material:
Video: Four Ways to Manufacture Open Hardware. How does open hardware get made? 1) Licensing; 2) Fulfillment; 3) Contract manufacturing; 4) DIY assembly [4] We support this call: Towards a Federation of DIY Communities! Comparative Tables
The Personal Manufacturing IndustryFor details see: Personal Manufacturing Industry and Personal Manufacturing Machines Introduction: an overview of Personal Manufacturing Read:
ToolsSee: Personal Manufacturing Tools Typology of Personal Manufacturing Machines (Hardware)
Computer-Aided Design Software
Open Modular Hardware
Open Structures: "all parts are connected to each other in such a way that they can be easily disassembled, using bolts and screws rather than nails or glue. However, the OpenStructures design "language" is different: it is based on the OS Grid, which is built around a square of 4x4 cm and is scalable. The squares can be further subdivided or put together to form larger squares, without losing inter-compatibility." Mappings and Typologies1. The integrated open design and manufacturing process, a poster by Thomas Lommee at
Key Resources
See also:
Introductory Articles
Other essential articles/essays are:
CitationsSee also our Citations on Open and Shared Design and Open and Distributed Manufacturing | |
Long CitationsWith the advent of the P2P Mode of Production, the community and its common is now the appropriate scale"We’re seeing something that is historically shocking—the reduction to zero of the cost of an especially valuable part of capital, which materializes directly knowledge (free software, free designs, etc.). And above all we see, almost day by day, how the optimum size of production, sector by sector, approaches or reaches the community dimension. The possibility for the real community, the one based on interpersonal relationships and affections, to be an efficient productive unit is something radically new, and its potential to empower is far from having been developed. This means that we are lucky enough to live in a historical moment when it would seem that the whole history of technology, with all its social and political challenges, has coalesced to put us within reach of the possibility of developing ourselves in a new way and contributing autonomy to our community. Today we have an opportunity that previous generations did not: to transform production into something done, and enjoyed, among peers. We can make work a time that is not walled off from life itself, which capitalism revealingly calls “time off.” That’s the ultimate meaning of producing in common today. That’s the immediate course of every emancipatory action. The starting point." - David de Ugarte [17]
The Inevitability of Personal Manufacturing as new Industrial Revolution"According to Marshall Burns, previous emancipating technologies in human history were the book (enabled by the invention of the printing press), cars (enabled by new roads and gas stations) and now personal fabrication (enabled by 3D design software). What this random collection of technologies has in common is that they entered the lives of everyday people in a gradual way as the technology dropped in price, became easy to use, and accumulated a critical mass of applications, fellow users, or supportive infrastructure such as roads or high speed Internet. While mainstream adoption of personal manufacturing technologies is a few decades away, the manufacturing industry will experience the same forces that brought us YouTube, laptops, mobile phones and online retailers." - by Hod Lipson & Melba Kurman [18]
Why Localization is Inevitable in a Resource-scarce World"It is an article of faith that global trade will be an ever-growing presence in the world. Yet this belief rests on shaky foundations. Global trade depends on cheap, long-distance freight transportation. Freight costs will rise with climate change, the end of cheap oil, and policies to mitigate these two challenges. At first, the increase in freight costs will be bad news for developed and developing nations alike but, as adjustments in the patterns of trade occur, the result is likely to be decreased outsourcing with more manufacturing and food production jobs in North America and the European Union. The pattern of trade will change as increasing transportation costs outweigh traditional sources of comparative advantage, such as lower wages. The new geography of trade will not result from policy or treaties but from the impact of changing environmental conditions due to the growth of the human economy. ... Many goods will be manufactured closer to where they are consumed, as supply chains become more regional and local." - Fred Curtis, David Ehrenfeld [19]
Scale-Up From One"Scale up from one: Regular people and small manufacturing companies that lack investment capital will be able to set up low investment, “start small and scale up as it goes” businesses. Thanks to the low-cost Internet virtual storefronts, and the low cost of small-scale manufacturing for prototypes and custom goods, new companies can get started on a shoestring budget, yet sell their wares or services to niche, global marketplaces." - Hod Lipson & Melba Kurman [20]
Sam Rose, Erik deBruijn, Suresh Fernando on basic properties of scalable open source technology projectsbasic properties of scalable open source technology projects
(distilled from discussion between Erik deBruijn, Sam Rose, Suresh Fernando) - Samuel Rose (Based on discussions with Erik deBruijn and Suresh Fernando via skype early 2010 ) Yochai Benkler on peer production as a mechanism of development"The emergence of commons-based techniques — particularly, of an open innovation platform that can incorporate farmers and local agronomists from around the world into the development and feedback process through networked collaboration platforms—promises the most likely avenue to achieve research oriented toward increased food security in the developing world. It promises a mechanism of development that will not increase the relative weight and control of a small number of commercial firms that specialize in agricultural production. It will instead release the products of innovation into a self-binding commons—one that is institutionally designed to defend itself against appropriation. It promises an iterative collaboration platform that would be able to collect environmental and local feedback in the way that a free software development project collects bug reports—through a continuous process of networked conversation among the user-innovators themselves." - Yochai Benkler ([21], p. 22)
Robert Theobald on the role of the Guaranteed Income"The guaranteed income will, in fact, lead to the revival of "private enterprise." Once the guaranteed income is available, we can anticipate the organization of what I have called "consentives": productive groups formed by individuals who will come together on a voluntary basis simply because they wish to do so. The goods produced by these consentives will not compete with mass-produced goods available from cybernated firms. The consentive will normally produce the "custom-designed" goods that have been vanishing within the present economy. The consentive would sell in competition with firms paying wages, but its prices would normally be lower because it would need to cover only the cost of materials and other required supplies. Wages and salaries would not need to be met out of income, as the consentive members would be receiving a guaranteed income. The consentive would be market-oriented but not market-supported." - Robert Theobald, The Guaranteed Income, 1966
Karim Lakhani on Communities driving Manufacturers out of the design phase"for any given company - there are more people outside the company that have smarts about a particular technology or a particular use situation then all the R&D engineers combined. So a community around a product category may have more smart people working on the product then the firm it self. So in the end manufacturers may end up doing what they are supposed to - manufacture - and the design activity might move to the edge and into the community." (
Kevin Kelly and Terry Hancock on nearly-free material production"Material industries are finding that the costs of duplication near zero, so they too will behave like digital copies. Maps just crossed that threshold. Genetics is about to. Gadgets and small appliances (like cell phones) are sliding that way. Pharmaceuticals are already there, but they don't want anyone to know. It costs nothing to make a pill." (
Steve Bosserman outlines what is most appropriate for local distributed manufacturing"strong candidates for a locally distributed manufacturing approach include ANYTHING that is agriculturally- based like food, feed, fiber, and biofuel production, much of housing and building construction including the manufacturing of inputs used in that industry, localized electric power generation using non-bio sources like wind, solar, and geothermal, and production / manufacturing of materials, components, and assemblies that use locally sourced raw materials and draw upon open-source, relatively easy to learn, appropriate technologies that can be applied in a wide range of situations-- not just a single product."
Eric von Hippel on Manufacturing around User Innovation Communities"Threadless has tapped into a fundamental economic shift, a movement away from passive consumerism. One day in the not-too-distant future citizen inventors using computer design programs and three-dimensional printers will exchange physical prototypes in much the same way Nickell and cohorts played Photoshop tennis. Eventually, Threadless-like communities could form around industries as diverse as semiconductors, auto parts, and toys. Threadless is one of the first firms to systematically mine a community for designs, but everything is moving in this direction. He foresees research labs and product-design divisions at manufacturing companies being outstripped by an "innovation commons" made up of tinkerers, hackers, and other devout customers freely sharing their ideas. The companies that win will be the ones that listen." (quotes and paraphrased by Inc. [23])
Frank Piller on User Manufacturing"User manufacturing is enabled by three main technologies: (1) Easy-to-operate design software that allows users to transfer their ideas into a design. (2) Design repositories where users upload, search, and share designs with other users. This allows a community of loosely connected users to develop a large range of applications. (3) Easy-to-access flexible manufacturing technology. New rapid manufacturing technologies ("fabbing") finally deliver the dream of translating any 3-D data files into physical products -- even in you living room. Combining this technology with recent web technologies can open a radical new way to provide custom products along the entire "long tail" of demand. User manufacturing builds on the notion that users are not just able to configure a good within the given solution space (mass customization), but also to develop such a solution space by their own and utilize it by producing custom products. As a result, customers are becoming not only co-designers, but also manufacturers, using an infrastructure provided by some specialized companies." (
Jeff Bezos on User-Manufacturing Everything"Before long, “user-generated content” won’t refer only to media, but to just about anything: user-generated jeans, user-generated sports cars, user-generated breakfast meals. This is because setting up a company that designs, makes and globally sells physical products could become almost as easy as starting a blog - and the repercussions would be earthshaking. " (
Flexible Manufacturing and the Maker Movement"Two future forces, one mostly social, one mostly technological, are intersecting to transform how goods, services, and experiences— the “stuff” of our world—will be designed, manufactured, and distributed over the next decade. An emerging do-it-yourself culture of “makers” is boldly voiding warranties to tweak, hack, and customize the products they buy. And what they can’t purchase, they build from scratch. Meanwhile, flexible manufacturing technologies on the horizon will change fabrication from massive and centralized to lightweight and ad hoc. These trends sit atop a platform of grassroots economics—new market structures developing online that embody a shift from stores and sales to communities and connections." (
Indy Johar on 'Redistributed Manufacturing'"Despite being capable of exploiting economies of scale, traditional mass supply chains can be slow to adapt to changes in demand. Having to predict the size and nature of demand in advance can also make them wasteful, requiring warehouses to hold large inventories and costly reverse logistics arrangements. Finally, their dependence on mass production creates a bias towards products for the lowest common denominator. By contrast, redistributed manufacturing promises to take production to the point of use, creating a near-perfect tuning of supply to demand and bringing marginal production costs near zero. This could eventually outperform the efficiencies afforded by the scale of industrial processes. But ad-hoc fabrication is also free of the need to standardise products for mass appeal and for mass production lines. It allows for one-off variants of goods, that can be adjusted for particular contexts and customised to deliver specific local outcomes. To this, add the value of speedy design iteration and massively distributed innovation permitted by the open making model, with benefits long established in the open source software community." ( Short Citations‘As individuals express their life, so they are. What they are, therefore, coincides with their production, both with what they produce and how they produce. The nature of individuals thus depends on the material conditions determining their production’ - Marx & Engels [24]
– Simon Bradshaw, Adrian Bowyer and Patrick Haufe [25]
- Jason F. McLennan [26] The Maker Movement will emerge as the dominant source of livelihood as individuals find ways to build small businesses around their creative activity and large companies increasingly automate their operations. - Deloitte, The Impact of the Maker Movement [27]
- John Robb [28]
Information Resources | |
Articles and Essays
See also:
BlogsA comprehensive list of Fabrication Media is kept by the Fab Wiki [32] A selection:
See also: Books* Must read: The Homebrew Industrial Revolution. Kevin Carson. C4SS, 2009 General
Community and Discussion Sources
See also:
and: |
| |
Conferences and Events
ExamplesSee Product Hacking for our comprehensive open hardware and manufacturing directory
| |
Open Source Production MachinesFull list is updated here: [42]
Also: (A to D only, ported from our Webcasts directory)
Material on Specialized IndustriesFrom the Industrial Cooperation Project:
See the following tags:
The special case of the fashion industry
Open Manufacturing Encyclopedia
Pages in category "Manufacturing"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,774 total.
(previous page) (next page)3
- 3.2 Explaining the Emergence of P2P Economics
- 3.2.B. How far can peer production be extended?
- 3D Additivist Cookbook
- 3D Bioprinting
- 3D Earth Printing Construction Technology
- 3D Fabbing
- 3D Hubs
- 3D Mud House Printing
- 3D Printables
- 3D Printed Car
- 3D Printer OS
- 3D Printers for Peace
- 3D Printers, the Third Industrial Revolution, and the Demise of Capitalism
- 3D Printing
- 3D Printing as an Agent of Socio-Political Change
- 3D Printing Community and Emerging Practices of Peer Production
- 3D Printing Files Marketplaces
- 3D Printing Industry
- 3D Printing Revolution Film
- 3D Printing Step-by-Step
- 3D Printing, Intellectual Property, and the Fight Over the Next Great Disruptive Technology
- 3D Printing, the Arts and Crafts Movement and the Democratization of Art
- 3D Robotics
- 3D Scanner
- 3D Scanning
- 3D Solar Sinter Prints on Sand
- 3Drag
- 3Ducation Project
- Aaron Makaruk on the Open Source Ecology Project
- Aaron Makaruk, Yoonseo Kang et al. on the Open Tech Forever Project
- Ability Mate
- Access to Tools
- Adafruit
- Adafruit Industries
- Additer
- Additive Fabrication
- Additive Manufacturing
- Additive Manufacturing as Global Remanufacturing of Politics
- Additivism
- Adrian Bowyer on 3D Printers
- Adrian Bowyer on Personal Manufacturing
- Adrian Bowyer on Rapid Prototyping
- Adrian Bowyer on the RepRap
- Adrian Bowyer on the RepRap Project
- Adrian Bowyer on the RepRap Project Lab
- Advanced Automation
- Advanced Civilization
- African Fabbers
- Agata Jaworska on the Design for Download Project
- Agoblogoshie Makerspace Platform
- Agua Clara
- AI Supply Chain Observatory
- Air Data Instrument
- Alastair Parvin on the Wikihouse Open Source Construction Set
- Alastair Parvin on Wikihouse
- Alastair Parvin on Wikihouse's Open Source Architecture
- Alchematter
- Alessandro Ranellucci
- Alex Lindsay on Digital Craftsmen for Development
- Algedonics
- Alice Taylor on Personal Manufacturing
- Alicia Gibb
- Alicia Gibb and Ayah Bdeir Explain the Open Source Hardware Revolution
- Alicia Gibb on the Status of the Open Source Hardware Movement in 2012
- ALL Power Labs
- Amine Ghrabi
- Analysis of Open Hardware Licensing
- Andrew Bowyer on the RepRap Project
- Andrew Bowyer on the RepRap Project and Self-replicating Machines
- Andrew Katz on Copyleft Licensing for Hardware
- Andrew Lamb
- Andrew Lamb on Massive Small Manufacturing for Humanitarian Aid
- Anil Gupta on Appropriate Technology for Agroinnovations
- Anna Greenspan
- Anna Seravalli
- Another Production is Possible
- Anticipated Environmental Sustainability of Personal Fabrication
- Apertus Association
- Apollo
- Apollo Open Vehicle Certificate Platform
- Appropedia
- Appropedia Foundation
- Arab Hackerspaces
- Architecture Design Sharing
- Arduino
- Arduino - Business Model
- Arduino and Open Source Design
- Arduino's Open Source Hardware Business Model
- ArduPilot
- ArduSat
- Aria
- ArkFab Innovation Foundation
- ASAP Island
- At-Home Manufacture of Circuit Boards
- Atadiat
- Atelier Paysan
- Ateliers Fab Lab at ENSCI
- AtFab
- Atomic Duck
- Audio Files from the Open Hardware Summit 2010
- Aurélie Ghalim
- Automake
- Automated Infrastructure
- Automation and the Future of Work
- Automation, Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future
- Autonomous Roadless Intelligent Array
- Avi Reichental on What’s Next in 3D Printing
- Avoccado
- Ayah Bdeir
- Ayah Bdeir on littleBits
- Babilim Light Industries
- Backyard Biology
- Barcelona 5.0 Plan
- Barcelona MADE Project
- Barcelona Maker Faire
- Barriers and Challenges to Personal Manufacturing
- Bath Open INstrumentation Group
- Bay Area DIY communities
- BeagleBoard
- Behrokh Khoshnevis on Automated Construction through Contour Crafting
- Belt and Road Initiative
- Ben Armstrong
- Ben Einstein on Building a Hardware Company
- Bengt Sjölén
- Best of Instructables
- Best Practices of Open Source Mechanical Hardware
- Better Be Running
- Bibliography on Localizing and Distributing Production
- Bibliography on Open Design and Distributed Manufacturing
- Big Blue Saw
- Bike Kitchen
- Bike Kitchens
- Bio and Hardware Hacking
- Biohackers
- Biohacking
- Biohacking Safari
- BioPunk
- Bioregional Fibershed
- Biospace - Canada
- Bit Beam
- Bits From Bytes
- Blade
- BoardForge
- Bob Haugen
- BotQueue
- Bottega21
- Bram Geenen
- Brazilian Hackerspaces as Spaces of Resistance and Free Education
- Bre Pettis on Creating Hackerspaces
- Bre Pettis on Rapid Prototyping
- Bre Pettis on the History of MakerBot
- Bre Pettis on the Open Source Making Methodology
- Brenda Dayne on Knitting as an Open Craft
- Bret Victor on Design Tools for Makerspaces as Communal Spaces
- Bricolabs
- Bricoleur
- Brief History of Open Source Hardware Organizations and Definitions
- Brmlab
- Bronac Ferran, and Andrew Prescott on Contemporary Making as a New Way of Thinking
- Bruce Sterling on Industrial Products And Ubiquity
- Bruce Sterling's Update on "Shaping Things"
- Bug Labs
- Build It Solar
- Building an Economy of the Commons Through Open Distributed Manufacturing Structures
- Building Blocks
- Building Open Source Hardware
- Bunnie Huang
- Business Models for DIY Craft
- Business Models for Fab Labs
- Business Models for Open Hardware
- Business Models of Fab Labs
- C,mm,n
- CAD for Personal Manufacturing
- Camera Libre
- Cameron Sinclair on Open Source Architecture
- Can 3D Printing Lead to Mass Manufacturing
- Can Peer Production Make Washing Machines?
- CandyFab Project
- Carl Etnier on Neighbor to Neighbor Skill Sharing
- Carolina Rossini on the Industrial Cooperation Project
- Carsharing
- Casa Jasmina
- Case for Open Source Appropriate Technology
- Case of a RepRap-Based, Lego-Built 3D Printing-Milling Machine
- Catarina Mota
- Catarina Mota on Open Materials
- Catarina Mota on the Open Materials Movement
- CCCKC 2011 Panel on Maker Movement, 3D Printing, and Fabrication
- Center for Community Production
- CEO Guide To Making Prototypes for 3D Printing
- CERN Open Hardware License