Open Hardware Startups
Hardware startup list compiled by the Hardware Innovation Workshop [1]:
Babilim Light Industries
"Connecting iOS to the open source world with Arduino: ntil recently, restrictions placed on developers by Apple's MFi program meant that you probably couldn't get access to the things you needed to connect your iPhone to external hardware, and there has been very little innovation in the accessory space as a result. However the arrival of Redpark's serial cable has changed that. For the first time it's easy to connect proprietary Apple hardware to the Open Source world." (
Twitter: @babilim
Malcolm Bagpipes
"eChanter electronic bagpipe chanter anyone can build. eChanter is: open source, easy to build, costs between $20 and $50, based on Arduino, and easy to hack. eChanter will always be open source, open design, and free, because making electronics to make music is fun!" (
How to Build:
Make Magazine
"MAKE is the first magazine and media brand devoted entirely to makers and the maker movement and the powerful combination of open source hardware + personal fabrication tools + connected makers to generate sweeping changes from the classroom to the boardroom. MAKE media properties enable the use of technology to create fun, inspired, and innovative projects, from the wildly popular MAKE website (; to Maker Shed, the online store featuring MAKE branded kits (; to Maker Faire, the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth ( MAKE is a division of O'Reilly Media and based in Sebastopol, CA." "The maker movement has brought the pre-1970s world of basement workshops and amateur tinkering into the digital age." -- The New York Times (
Twitter: @make
Makerbot Industries
"The MakerBot Replicator is an affordable, open source 3D printer that is compact enough to sit on your desktop. It is ideal for personalized manufacturing, providing a new way to make the things you want and need. MakerBot Industries is dedicated to putting the tools of creativity into the hands of those brilliant and bold enough to bring their imagination into the physical world." (
Twitter: @makerbot
Monkeys & Robots
"Since 2006, Eric Gradman of Monkeys & Robots has been building hardware prototypes that make others see technology as magic. Haptic input devices designed for individuals' unique physiology and psychology; RFID scavenger hunt sensors; a camera that means you will never forget a face ever again; a charm bracelet that connects to the internet; a baseball pitching machine made for a quadriplegic. Eric has brought an assortment of prototypes - some practical and some bizarre - that will challenge your ideas of what's possible with open hardware." (
"Open Source Underwater Robots for exploration and education."
Twitter: @OpenROV
"Romotive was started by Phu, Peter, and Keller, three childhood friends with a lifelong passion for building cool things. One day, Phu had an idea to build a robot that used a smartphone as its brain. Peter built that robot, and then Keller helped them figure out how to market the robot. Today, Romotive is building a flexible and Open Robotic Platform will allow people to create their own fun and useful robots." (
Twitter: @Romotive
Tricorder Project
"One of the most beautiful aspects of science is that while there is so much we can see and smell and feel around us, there's an inconceivably large universe around us full of things we can't directly observe. The Tricorder project develops open source handheld devices that can sense a diverse array of phenomena that we can't normally see, and intuitively visualize them so we might see temperature or magnetism or pressure as naturally as we see colour."
Video: ("about the Tricorder project")