MakerNet Alliance
= "a global network of people and organizations building the knowledge and tools to enable a future of sustainable, globally networked local manufacturing".
"Our members are individuals and organizations from many parts of the globe, all interested in working together to further the cause of Local Manufacturing for Global Good."
"The MakerNet Alliance is a global network of people and organizations building the knowledge and tools to enable a future of sustainable, globally networked local manufacturing.
The Alliance was formed after a project in 2016-17 in Kenya which explored some of the ideas around networked local manufacturing. We found that there are all kinds of people and organisations around the world doing ground-breaking work in this area – and few formal ways of sharing the knowledge or of coming together as a community to develop the standards and protocols that will be needed for an Open Internet of Distributed Manufacturing that works for small-scale producers in the Global South. The MakerNet Alliance aims to fill this gap.
The MakerNet Alliance aims to:
- increase the global open knowledge base on how to successfully make useful items in low resource settings
- develop the open standards and protocols that are necessary for an open internet of * * * manufacturing that supports decentralised supply networks, particularly in the Global South.
Alliance members work together through a series of Working Groups on different topics, with objectives ranging from sharing knowledge to developing data standards. The following Working Groups are active at the moment: Open Know-How - Plastics Recycling - Socially - Useful 3D Printing - Working with Artisans.