Community Staking

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= "Community Staking extends governance participation to those without the financial ability to purchase tokens". [1]



Gregory Landua:

"In our work at Regen Network, we’ve been looking to push blockchain governance towards peer governance and commoning through a model we’re calling Community Staking: through the Community Stake Governance Model

In essence, Community Staking extends governance participation to those without the financial ability to purchase tokens (otherwise one of the major shortcomings of Proof-of-Stake networks)." (


Gregory Landua:

" Unfortunately for applications outside of securing a network for a virtual currency, this may be problematic because it constrains the set of governance participation to those with the technical and economic ability to buy and stake tokens. Other network participants should be represented in governance in order to ensure decision-making that is in support of the community as a whole. In this case, we will assume that governance runs the spectrum of proactive amendments and upgrades to a blockchain (for instance, enabling new functions) to dealing with bugs, hacks, and other emergency issues. In both cases, having broad buy-in and input from users is desirable because ultimately, a permissionless public network blockchain is competing to most effectively provide a public good, and therefore governance is one of the most essential features to attract users.

In the case of Regen Network — which works with farmers and land stewards around the world — we understand that many of our core users will not be in a technological or financial position to participate as token holders, perhaps for many years. By that time, the price of tokens could place the very user groups that we must engage out of range. Governance of the Regen Network’s public and sovereign ecological blockchain by and for users is a key part of securing the network against censorship, building trust and utility, and creating a global ledger of ecological health.

Therefore we propose the following solution:

An amount between 33+% and 67+% of staking tokens can be granted in the genesis block of a new blockchain zone to a single or several Governance DAOs. The tokens, upon launch, can be considered locked and not-exchangeable. Of course, in the instance that this DAO or DAOs control 2/3rd +1 and vote to unlock the tokens, that can happen.

For different uses and blockchains, this can enable enough liquidity for price discovery, as well as for new independent validators and delegators to join and provide network-securing work, and ensure that a community of stakeholders has substantial say in the governance of the chain.

This governance power can range from a 1/3rd +1 veto power to full control over governance with signaling from other community members. This is assuming close to 100% staking, which may happen as derivative tokens (the ability to trade a staked token) are made possible by advancements in the staking economy — otherwise governance power of the community staking pool will be even greater.

This model can be further elaborated on by creating sub-addresses and allocating tokens to constituencies represented by governance DAOs. Each DAO can be tailored to its particular user groups voting preference, from liquid democracy, to traditional one-token/one-vote, to representative democracy, or DAOstack-style governance by prediction market." (


  • " In 2020 we will be supporting the launch of the first Community Staking Pools."