Wojtek Kalinowski

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= participant in the Europe Commons Deep Dive


"A sociologist and historian by training, Wojtek Kalinowski is co-director of the Veblen Institute for economic Reforms, a think tank based in Paris and promoting ideas for social and ecological transition towards a more sustainable economy. He writes regularly about monetary reforms, social issues and more broadly about ecological economics topics. He worked previously as journalist at the French monthly Alternatives Economiques, as scientific editor at the Institute for research on governance and, in the years 2004-2008, as editor-in-chief of the French journal La Vie des Idées. Wojtek Kalinowski holds Master and postgraduate D.E.A. degrees from Uppsala University in Sweden, the University of Paris (Sorbonne), and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (Paris). Polish by birth, he lived in Sweden for many years before arriving in France in 1998."



  • Monetary Innovations and the Social-Ecological Transition by Wojtek Kalinowski.

URL = http://www.veblen-institute.org/Monetary-Innovations-and-the?lang=en

A system founded on the principle of monetary pluralism and on a variety of actors authorized to issue such currencies would be more resilient in the face of speculative attacks than our current “monetary monoculture”, and far more conducive to endogenous territorial development.


  • Vers l’économie soutenable. Du développement durable à l’économie d’état stationnaire

URL = http://www.veblen-institute.org/IMG/pdf/note_idies_22_bat.pdf

Comment intégrer les limites de la biosphère dans la macroéconomie et dépasser le débat entre croissance et décroissance ?

  • Les innovations monétaires dans la transition social-écologique. par Wojtek Kalinowski

URL = http://www.veblen-institute.org/Les-innovations-monetaires-dans-la?lang=fr

Pour relever les défis sociaux et environnementaux de notre époque, le système monétaire devrait être fondé sur le principe de la complémentarité des monnaies.

More Information

  1. www.veblen-institute.org