Olivier Auber
= French P2P advocate and researcher
Olivier Auber (born 1960) is a french independent artist and researcher. He is best known for the project "Poietic Generator" and for having introduced the concept of "Digital Perspective" in the fields of network theory, art and digital humanities. He is currently research associate of the Global Brain Institute held by the Free University of Brussels.
More Information
More: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Auber
K M 2 . N E T Conception et maîtrise d'oeuvre de projets transdisciplinaires http://km2.net
A N O P T I Q U E Vsualisation, métadesign et intelligence collective http://anoptique.com
P E R S P E C T I V E N U M E R I Q U E Réflexions sur les "perspectives" des réseaux http://perspective-numerique.net