Collective Intelligence Research Institute
= The aim of CIRI is to develop, promote, train, facilitate and support collective intelligence within human organizations. The results of our R&D are always given into the public domain. CIRI is a non-profit organization registered in France (Association loi 1901). [1]
"As a research and development organization, CIRI supports and catalyzes collective intelligence in human society.
We operate in a universal, international, independent, apolitical and secular way.
Our research goes directly in the public domain, in service of civil society.
We gather pioneers who explore and embody the next humanity.
The R&D we do belongs to some of the most innovative and promizing outcomes of our time.
CIRI also helps today’s organizations to evolve and build long term strategies. We want “no-loser organizations”, i.e. organizations that don’t create winners on one side and losers on the other (the environment, waged slavery, etc)."
More information
See: Holopticism vs Panopticism