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Key Concepts

  1. Clinical Expert Operating System‎
  2. Medical Innovation Inducement Prizes‎

Key Quotes

"The etymology of the word ‘health’ reveals its connection to other words such as healing, wholeness and holy. Ecological design is an art by which we aim to restore and maintain the wholeness of the entire fabric of life increasingly fragmented by specialization, scientific reductionism and bureaucratic division. […] The standard for ecological design is neither efficiency, nor productivity, but health, beginning with that of the soil and extending upward through plants, animals, and people. […] It is impossible to impair health at any level without affecting it at other levels."

- David W. Orr [1]

Key Resources


  1. Open Source Drug Discovery: Finding a Niche (or Maybe Several) Stephen Maurer [2]
  2. Can Open Source R&D Reinvigorate Drug Research? Bernard Munos Nature Reviews Drug Research
  3. Health Commons: Therapy Development in a Networked World John Wilbanks and Marty Tenenbaum [3]
  4. Rai, A., 2005, Open and Collaborative Research: A New Model for Biomedicine, in Hahn, R. (ed.) Intellectual Property Rights in Frontier Industries, AEI-Brookings Press 2005), Washington DC
  5. Maurer, S., A. Rai, and A. Sali, 2004, Cures for Tropical Disease: Is Open Source an Answer? Public Library of Science: Medicine, 1, 56.
  6. From Open Source to Open Sourcing Digital Medical Devices. Glyn Moody
  7. Killed by Code: Software Transparency in Implantable Medical Devices. Karen Sandler. [4]


  1. 50 successfull open source projects that are changing medicine
  2. List of Open Source Medicine books

Recommended Links

Pages in category "Health"

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