Science needs to learn to accommodate this qualitative realm, and learn to understand it - not quantitatively, but qualitatively. This requires new methods and ways of thinking for science -- not outside of a (limited) science, but within an expanded one.
- Michael Mehaffy
This section should cover both scientific concepts about P2P (network theory and such), but also the use of P2P practices within the field of science.
Ported so far are three first columns of the Encyclopedia and the Resources section.
The three most important aspects of an Open Science model are: 1) Open Access to scientific journals; 2) access to the raw material as Open Data; and 3) access to the transparent Open Process of the research methodologies itself.
Or [1]:
- Transparency in experimental methodology, observation, and collection of data.
- Public availability and reusability of scientific data.
- Public accessibility and transparency of scientific communication.
- Using web-based tools to facilitate scientific collaboration.
John Wilbanks insists that: Open Science differs from Open Source Software!!
See also concerning methodology:
- The Participatory Turn in Research, i.e. Participatory Inquiry
- Predrag Cicovacki, A Critical Reflection On The Three Pillars Of Transdisciplinarity: An important take on the integral 'transdisciplinary' method which is crucial to the full understanding of P2P phenomena. [2]
- The P2P facilitation and research method 'par excellence' is: Co-operative Inquiry
What's Happening in the P2P Research Space
An overview by Nicolas Mendoza:
R2R_Research_Process_Protocol_Project page at the P2P Foundation Wiki
Please bear in mind that it is indeed a “Request for Comments”, as we believe that the final form of this P2P research initiative should be itself the result of a P2P production process.
Jarkko Moilanen’s Call for Action Call for action
Towards a Joint research group for Peer Production
As described by Jarkko, this call for action aims to:
1) Find all Peer-production researchers and collect them around the same 'table'.
2) Thus create more coherent approach to (including statistical) Peer-production research.
3) Form basis for joint research and tools to ensure future research.
James Carlson’s research project suggestion in relation to Space Federation
"The School Factory's Space Federation, a US-based network of p2p spaces, would appreciate direction on this. What methods for measuring and collecting data, even a survey for spaces to assess community capacity, equipment, footage, economics, could we support? We would happily share any results we can collect and our drafts of these concepts."
Joe Corneli’s Free Technology Guild
J Corneli: "Part of the relevance of our project is as a new way to secure funding for research and a new way of doing research (links from the wiki-research-l, for “Research into Wikimedia content and communities”, but what’s more interesting to us is a sort of “wiki way” of doing research).
In short, we have a lot to add but our growth is necessarily slow for now. Full disclosure: we too would like to be a “project incubator”, this time mainly for technical projects that can get some benefits from working together (example projects).”
The "Change Academic Research Forever" project.
Michael Lissack writes: "We are building a one click button to help researchers find one another based on what they read and search. Find an expert instantly. We want to enable researchers to find out "who should I talk to?" with merely a click of a mouse instead of a many hour slug through keywords and Google. We have the raw ingredients but we need to build the button. It will be based on the "what should I read?" button which already exists in the ISCE Library.
The ISCE Library currently is a collection of 1000+ full text on-line books with a unique search capability -- the user can upload a draft of their research project (say 2000 words) and the system will analyze the upload and then tell them what books in the library they should read for further insight, good quotes, additional material etc. The who else to talk to functionality is the missing link. Please help us make this dream a reality. We have built the bulk of the necessary technology (demo). We need your help to both fund the initial community of researchers and to build the social network search technology. We are crowdfunding through RocketHub (a service which operates much like Kickstarter)."
To try a demo of the service please go to login as user: [email protected] password is "Library"
Introductory Articles
On Citizen Science
- The Ten Principles of Citizen Science pdf
- The Rise of Citizen Science, Part 1, and Part 2
On Open and Participatory Science
- Reproducible Science Needs Open Source Software: Editorial from Nature magazine, By Kyle Niemeyer
- Towards a New Participatory Citizen Science Contract for Science Data Mining and Biobanking. By Krishanu Saha.
- Open science ("short introduction to open science, and an explanation of why I believe it’s so important for our society. The talk is intended for a general audience") by Michael Nielsen, 7 April 2011
- Wikis in scholarly publishing by Daniel Mietchen, Gregor Hagedorn, Konrad U. Förstner, M Fabiana Kubke, Claudia Koltzenburg, Mark Hahnel and Lyubomir Penev. The article itself was written on a wiki page that remains editable, article also available in other formats here (in .doc and .pdf) and here (upcoming), 21 March 2011
- Thinking about peer review of online material: The Peer Reviewed Journal of Open Science Online by Cameron Neylon, 21 September 2008
- Envisioning the scientific community as One Big Lab by Shirley Wu, 14 April 2008
- The Future of Science by Michael Nielsen, 17 July 2008
- Open Notebook Science Using Blogs and Wikis by Jean-Claude Bradley, 12 June 2007
- The Future of Science is Open, a three parter by Bill Hooker: Part 1: Open Access, 30 October 2006; Part 2: Open Science, 27 November 2006; Part 3: An Open Science World, 22 January 2007
Read also (needs updating):
- Can Open Source Licences be used in Science?
- Mitchell Waldrop: Science 2.0 -- Is Open Access Science the Future?. Scientific American, April 21, 2008.
- The Value of Openness in Scientific Problem Solving. By Karim R. Lakhani et al.
- A Primer on Open Access, Peer Review and the Scientific Publishing Business Steven Harnad.
- Why we need Open Source Clinical Trials Databases
- Should we replace Peer Review with a ex-post bottom-up peer comments system? By Grazia Ietto-Gillies.
- Thinh Nguyen: Freedom to Research: Keeping Scientific Data Open, Accessible, and Interoperable
- Peter Suber: Open access and the self-correction of knowledge
- Watch this webcast: François Grey on the Implications of Citizen Cyberscience
see also Open Science
Openness in science
fields listed as in [1]
- Open Access, where publications are made available on the web without charge
- Open Courseware is a movement that invites educators to make their course-material directly available on the web
- Open Source Hardware and Open Source Software, where plans for apparatus and tools for analysis are made freely and openly available
- Open Stimuli, where stimulus sets or corpi are made available for use in replications or new experiments
- Open Workflows, in which researchers can freely share chains of experimentation, analysis, and visualization
- Open Data, where individual researchers release their datasets, either as the data is collected, upon publication, or after a suitable embargo period
- Open Model Repositories, where computational models from published papers can be centralized
- Open Research, where open lab notebooks are used to describe ongoing details of a particular strain of research.
Key Open Science entries
Short Citations
On the relativity of the role of experts
We will always have experts in various fields, but to limit contributions to knowledge as a whole to experts only is to deprive all of humanity of its enormous potential for distributed intelligence.
- M. Guedon [5]
On open scholarly publishing as a superior model
Studies by Ted Bergstrom show that in economics the scholarly societies are publishing the highest quality journals for a fifth of the cost (on a per-page basis) of the corporate publishers who currently hold a majority of the titles in this field.
- John Willinsky [6]
Biological tinkering
"the tinkering networks we see in the software industry will be mirrored in synbio. Further, the skill sets associated with synthetic biology will be as widely dispersed as software programming is today and the tools will be just as inexpensive/ubiquitous."
- John Robb [7]
Long Citations
On the need for distributed intelligence to tackle global problems
"(have) we now hit a point where scientific problems are so complex that one person alone can’t solve them? It would certainly seem that way. The problems science is pursuing today—issues like global warming and genomic mapping—demand a distributed approach across disciplines. But currently, journal articles, data, research, materials and so on are stopped by contracts and copyrights at such a rate that it’s become nearly impossible to pull them together."
- John Wilbanks [8]
"The power of the unaided, individual mind is highly overrated: the Renaissance scholar no longer exists. Although creative individuals are often thought of as working in isolation, the role of interaction and collaboration with other individuals is critical. Creative activity grows out of the relationship between an individual and the world of his or her work, and from the ties between an individual and other human beings. The predominant activity in designing complex systems is that participants teach and instruct each other. Because complex problems require more knowledge than any single person possesses, it is necessary that all involved stakeholders participate, communicate, and collaborate with each other."
- Transcending the individual human mind [9]
On the benefits of open sharing in science
"The most rapid advances in science come with open sharing of information, and collaboration. That is how the world's scientists accomplished the mapping of the human genome in a matter of years. If traditional publishing practices had been followed instead of open sharing, it seems likely that mapping the human genome would have taken decades, if not centuries."
- Heather Morrison [10]
"Just as the Enlightenment ushered in a new organizational model of knowledge creation, the same technological and demographic forces that are turning the Web into a massive collaborative work space are helping to transform the realm of science into an increasingly open and collaborative endeavor. Yes, the Web was, in fact, invented as a way for scientists to share information. But advances in storage, bandwidth, software, and computing power are pushing collaboration to the next level. Call it Science 2.0."
- Business Week [11]
Science needs a Commons
"One of the reasons I believe so deeply in the commons approach (by which i mean: contractually constructed regimes that tilt the field towards sharing and reuse, technological enablements that make public knowledge easy to find and use, and default policy rules that create incentives to share and reuse) is that I think it is one of the only non-miraculous ways to defeat complexity. If we can get more people working on individual issues – which are each alone not so complex – and the outputs of research snap together, and smart people can work on the compiled output as well – then it stands to reason that the odds of meaningful discoveries increase in spite of overall systemic complexity."
- John Willbanks [12] (see also [13])
Towards a science of relationships
"It is impossible to deny that science has made great progress by taking things apart. However, what is left out of this approach is the problem of understanding relationships between the parts.
Indeed, the importance of this understanding should be self-apparent. If all systems around us were made of the same elementary particles, and their relationships were irrelevant, then all systems would be identical. Obviously, this is not the case. Our quest to understand the parts becomes so detailed that we forget what we were trying to understand at the start. Moreover the strategy of looking at parts may blind us to the way properties of a system arise from the relationships between the components. This reflects itself in what we think about in general. More specifically, it affects how we approach problem solving when we try to solve problems in society. Indeed one of the main difficulties in solving problems is that we think the problem resides in the parts themselves, when, in actuality, it is to be found in the interactions between the parts. As a result, many crucial questions can only be addressed by thinking carefully about connections in a system as a whole."
- Yaneer Bar-Yam [14]
"While the classical sciences isolated physical systems from their surrounding, the new thinking connected to digital fluidity is founded on the realization that all systems in nature are connected and subject to flows of matter and energy that move constantly through them. Dynamic equilibriums result from chaotic energy and manifest themselves in creative processes that generate richly organized patterns – patterns that teeter on the complex stable and the complex unstable."
- Joseph Nechvatal [15]
How open source biology and horizontal gene transfer will replace Darwinian speciation and evolution
"[We can speculate about] a golden age... when horizontal gene transfer was universal and separate species did not yet exist. Life was then a community of cells of various kinds, sharing their genetic information... Evolution could be rapid... But then, one evil day, a cell resembling a primitive bacterium happened to find itself one jump ahead of its neighbors in efficiency. That cell, anticipating Bill Gates by three billion years, separated itself from the community and refused to share... [But] now, as Homo sapiens domesticates the new biotechnology, we are reviving the ancient... practice of horizontal gene transfer, moving genes easily from microbes to plants and animals, blurring the boundaries between species. We are moving rapidly into the post-Darwinian era, when... the rules of Open Source sharing will be extended from the exchange of software to the exchange of genes. Then the evolution of life will once again be communal, as it was in the good old days before separate species and intellectual property were invented." (
Source: New York Review of Books, The Future of Biotech. Freeman Dyson. URL =
Two kinds of scientific revolutions
"There are two kinds of scientific revolutions, those driven by new concepts and those driven by new tools. These are analogous to biological revolutions driven by speciation and by symbiosis, or to astronomical revolutions driven by symmetry-breaking and by gravitational binding. When a field of science is overturned by a new concept, the revolution starts from the inside, from an internal inconsistency or contradiction within the science, and results in a rapid transition to a new way of thinking. When a field of science is overturned by new tools, the revolution starts from the outside, from tools imported from another discipline, and results in a symbiosis of the two disciplines. In both types of revolution, the final outcome is usually a new subdiscipline of science and a new species of scientist, specialized in the new ideas or in the new tools as the case may be."
- Freeman Dyson [16]
Key Resources
- Tools and Resources for advancing open scientific communication:
Articles on General Science
- The Radical Technology of Christopher Alexander. By Michael Mehaffy and Nikos Salingaros. Introduction to the Pattern Language methodology.
On Science and Participatory Democracy:
- Sheila Jasanoff. Technologies of Humility: Citizen participation in governing Science. Minerva, 2003
- “Sheila Jasanoff. A manifesto for socially-relevant science and technology”. December 2008
- Sheila Jasanoff. The Essential Parallel Between Science and Democracy. Seed Magazine, February 17, 2009
- Report: Participatory Sensing: A Citizen-Powered Approach to Illuminating the Patterns that Shape our World,” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2009
[17]:an interesting idea for changing the political ecosystem of regulation: Use Web 2.0 platforms to let citizens participate directly, and let the data be seen by everyone, in near-real time, on the Web. Reinvent regulation as an open source project [18]
On Open and Free Science:
- Overview: Open Science
- Policy Implications for the Evolving Phenomenon of User-Led Scientific Innovation. Victoria Stodden [19]
Other articles:
- John Wilbanks: Applying Open Source Principles to Science: how does it match?, open source is the wrong metaphor fo science, because it ties us too closely to the artifact that is open source software. Science is not software, and we shouldn't treat it the way we treat software.
- Back to Basics: How Technology and the Open Source Movement Can Save Science. David Koepsell
- Michael Nielsen: Toward a more open scientific culture. How can the internet benefit science?
- A three part introduction to open science practices: 1) Open access for scholarly publishing; 2)Defining Open Science; 3) Current applications of Science 2.0.
- What is Free Science?. Christopher Kelty.
- Principles of Distributed Innovation. Karim Lakhani & Jill Panetta.
- Manuel De Landa: How Synthetic Reason is overturning established paradigms
- A Personal View of Open Science: Part one discusses Open Access to publications; the availability of Open Data and the transparency of Open Process. Part two discusses the tools for open science.
- Aaron Hirsh: Distributed citizen science as an alternative to centralized Big Science. (New York Times)
- The republic of science by Michael Polanyi: classical normative account of open science
- Open Source Patent Licensing. By Boetinger, S. and D. Burk, 2004 [20]
- Open Science at Web-scale JISC. Research 3.0
On the history of open science:
On Collaborative Science:
- Yochai Benkler on commons-based research: Chapter 9 of The Wealth of Networks
- Alessandro Delfanti: Collaborative Web between open and closed science, JCOM 7 (2), June 2008.
- Paul David et al.: Collaborative Research in e-Science and Open Access to Information/
- Rai, A., 2005, Open and Collaborative Research: A New Model for Biomedicine, in Hahn, R. (ed.) Intellectual Property Rights in Frontier Industries, AEI-Brookings Press 2005), Washington DC
Special issues:
- Special issue of the MIT journal Innovations on Collaborative Innovation and Collective Intelligence with case studies of Networked Innovation Initiatives
- Special issue on Web and collaborative science, Jcom 7 (2), June 2008 (editor).
- Peer to Peer and User-Led Science. Special issue of JCOM.
Science as a Commons:
- Ruth Chadwick and Sarah Wilson: Genomic Databases as Global Public Goods?: An analysis about the ambiguity of the concept of public goods applied to genomic databases.
- Health Commons: Therapy Development in a Networked World John Wilbanks and Marty Tenenbaum [21]
- Commons-Based Agricultural Innovation. By Yochai Benkler [22] Case discussion: CAMBIA-BIOS.
- Yochai Benkler: Commons-Based Strategies and the Problems of Patents, 305 Science 1110 (Aug. 20, 2004)[23]
Free software in science:
Science funding:
- Arguments for and against open science: journalistic approach to the topic, but interesting nevertheless
- New Institutions for Doing Science: from databases to Open Source Biology. By Stephen Maurer, 2003.
- Promoting Public Good Uses of Scientific Data (J. H. Reichman & Paul Uhlir)
- The Politics of Prediction Markets. Michael Abramowicz.
- Research potential of virtual worlds
- Three part blog discussion of the limits of current Peer Review, by Samir Chopra and Scott Dexter: Part One ; Part Two; Part Three
- Everyone's a historian now: fascinating reportage about the role of amateur history buffs and their role in historical research
- The Epistemology of Mass Collaboration (especially Wikipedia): a special issue (February 2009, Vol. 6, No. 1) of Episteme
- The end of theory by Chris Anderson: how new science tools and distributed computing change the way we see science
Articles on Specialized Sciences
- Commons-Based Agricultural Innovation. By Yochai Benkler [24] Case discussion: CAMBIA-BIOS.
- Hacking Genomes. The Ethics of Open and Rebel Biology. by Alessandro Delfanti
- Janet Hope’s Thesis Open Source Biotechnology The Australian National University, Canberra, 2004. [25]
- Our Biotech Future Freeman Dyson on Open Source Biology
- The Pace and Proliferation of Biological Technologies by Rob Carlson
- Rob Carlson on Synthetic Biology 1.0 [26]; Bioeconomy
- The Economics of Synthetic Biology Stephen Maurer and Joachim Henkler
- Bellagio Metting on Open Source Biology Sept 05 [27]
- Cukier, “Open Source Biotech: Can a Non-Proprietary Approach to Intellectual Property Work in the Life Sciences?” ACUMEN JOURNAL OF LIFE SCIENCES (2003). [28]
- Science as Social Enterprise: The CAMBIA BiOS Initiative Jefferson Open Source in Biotechnology: Open Questions Boettinger and Wright [29]
- Rai, A., 2005, Open and Collaborative Research: A New Model for Biomedicine, in Hahn, R. (ed.) Intellectual Property Rights in Frontier Industries, AEI-Brookings Press 2005), Washington DC
- two books on the politics of biotechnology: Redesigning Life? and Gene Traders
- Introduction to Open Geoscience. Three-part series by Lance McKee in Earthzine.
Medicine and Healthcare
- Open Source Drug Discovery: Finding a Niche (or Maybe Several) Stephen Maurer [30]
- Can Open Source R&D Reinvigorate Drug Research? Bernard Munos Nature Reviews Drug Research
- Health Commons: Therapy Development in a Networked World John Wilbanks and Marty Tenenbaum [31]
- Rai, A., 2005, Open and Collaborative Research: A New Model for Biomedicine, in Hahn, R. (ed.) Intellectual Property Rights in Frontier Industries, AEI-Brookings Press 2005), Washington DC
- Maurer, S., A. Rai, and A. Sali, 2004, Cures for Tropical Disease: Is Open Source an Answer? Public Library of Science: Medicine, 1, 56.
- From Open Source to Open Sourcing Digital Medical Devices. Glyn Moody
- Killed by Code: Software Transparency in Implantable Medical Devices. Karen Sandler. [32]
Review of science blogging at
- The Synergy blog of Peter Corning.
- Science in the Open, blog by Cameron Neylon
- Michael Nielsen
- Citizen Science Projects
- Monday begins on Saturday: blog by Yaroslav Nikolaev open science and with some "biogeek open notebook" reflections.
- Open Science blog, by Bora Zivkovic
- Science Commons
- openwetware
- nature's nascent
- Next Generation Science: established to examine emerging technologies, including but not limited to Web 2.0, and their impact on the scientific method, researchers and the general public.
In Print:
Annual science blogging anthologies: Open Lab 2008; 2007; 2006
- Biohackers. The Politics of Open Science. Alessandro Delfanti. Pluto Press, 2013. [33]: a book about Open Source in Genomics, not only the diybio movement but more in general how open science culture and practices interact with today's innovation and market system.
- Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science. Michael Nielsen. Princeton University Press, 2011 [34]
- A Bibliography on the Enclosure of Science and Technology: recommendations by James Boyle.
- Scientific Collaboration on the Internet
- Biobazaar: The Open Source Revolution and Biotechnology. Janet Hope (derived from previous thesis)
See also:
- Digital Code of Life: How Bioinformatics is Revolutionizing Science, Medicine, and Business. Glyn Moody. John Wiley, 2004
- Robert Plotkin. The Genie in the Machine: How Computer-Automated Inventing Is Revolutionizing Law and Business: "Tools such as 3-D modeling and digital prototyping have already taken much of the grunt work out of invention. With the advent of genetic programming and other machine learning techniques, however, software stands poised to take over higher-level aspects of invention as well."
On the science of Human Cooperation:
- The Compassionate Instinct: The Science of Human Goodness, coedited by Dacher Keltner, Jason Marsh, and Jeremy Adam Smith (January, WW Norton), 2009
- Why We Cooperate, by Michael Tomasello (Boston Review Books), 2009
- The Age of Empathy: Nature's Lessons for a Kinder Society, by Frans de Waal (Harmony Books), 2009
- Science And Sanity---An introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics by Alfred Korzybski.
- General Semantics deals mainly with problems in human communication, so I think it fits into this sub category.
- Open Science Workshop: January 2009
- Third Annual Science Blogging conference: January 2009
- Sciences and Democracy World Forum: On January 26th and 27th, 2009, the Sciences and Democracy World Forum will be held in Belém (Brazil). Unions and researchers’ associations, social and civic movements, and NGOs are going to discuss the stakes of the democratization of sciences and technologies
- The Living Knowledge conferences focus on participatory science modes of research.
- Open Access in Scholarly Publishing
- Cyberinfrastructure for Collaboration and Innovation. Papers by First Monday.
- 4th International Digital Curation Conference: "Radical Sharing: Transforming Science?" 1-3 December 2008, Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor Hotel, Edinburgh, Scotland
- With the P2P Foundation: Alessandro Delfanti
- John Wilbanks
- Steve Koch
- Cameron Neylon
- Michael Nielsen
- Jean-Claude Bradley
- Andrew Lang
- Antony Williams
- Bora Zivkovic [35]
- Michael Eisen
- Annette Holtkamp on Open Repositories for the Physics Community
- Antony Williams on Open Science, Open Chemistry and ChemSpider
- Basarab Nicolescu on Transdisciplinarity
- Harold Varmus on Open Access and the Public Library of Science
- John Wilbanks on Sharing the Physical Tools of Science
- Karim Lakhani on Open Source Science
- Peter Murray-Rust on Open Data in Science 2.0
- Richard Jefferson on Biological Open Source
- Rufus Pollock on the Use of Open Source Principles for Open Science
- Vitek Tracz on Open Access and BioMed Central
- FOSS in Scientific Applications
- Role of FOSS in Scientific Computing
- Who Owns Nature? Corporate Power and the Final Frontier in the Commodification of Life. ETC Group, 2008. [36]. Implications of commodifying Synthetic Biology
- Nancy L. Maron and K. Kirby Smith, Strategic Services Analysts, Ithaka: “Digital Scholarly Communication: A Snapshot of Current Trends.” The authors examined eight types of digital scholarly resources: E-Only Journals; Reviews; Preprints and Working Papers; Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, and Annotated Content; Data Resources; Blogs; Discussion Forums; Professional and Academic Hubs. [37]
- Social network sites for scientists: Nature Network; ResearchGATE; SciLink ; Epernicus; BiomedExperts ; ; Laboratree ; myExperiment
- Reference tools: CiteULike ; Connotea ; Mendeley ; 2collab ; Labmeeting
Open Scientific Data Sharing
- openPSI – making publicly collected data avalilable
- Swivel – platform for sharing data
- many eyes – platform for sharing data
Open Scientific Process Sharing
- OpenWetWare - the open notebook wikis
- myExperiment – exchanging workflows
Medicine and Healthcare
- * Watch this fascinating interview/conversation: Bruce Lipton on Why Natural and Human Evolution is Communal, not Individual
- François Grey on the Implications of Citizen Cyberscience
- Peter Murray-Rust on the Open Knowledge Foundation
- Nick Shockey on the Role of Students in Open Access in Universities
- Todd Kuiken on Responsible Science Practices for DIY Biologists
- David Vitrant and Mark Friedgan on Microfinance and Crowd-Funding for Science
- Michael Nielsen on Epistemology 2.0 and the Future of Online Science
- Rob Carlson on Open Source BioDefense
- Moving Beyond Gene Patents
- Hugh Reinhoff on Citizen Science in Biology
- Tim Hubbard on Data Sharing and Open Science Ten Years after the Human Genome Project
See also:
(the list may also contain audio podcasts)
- Alan Shapiro on Leaving Reductionist Science Behind
- Alexandra Carmichael and Jen McCabe on Participatory Medicine
- Alma Swan on Open Access e-Books and Open Research ; Alma Swan on the Open Access Movement
- Andrew Hessel on Synthetic Biology
- Annette Holtkamp on Open Repositories for the Physics Community
- Antony Williams on Open Science, Open Chemistry and ChemSpider
- Anurag Acharya on Google Scholar
- Arti Rai on the Role of Law in Open Source Biology
- Barbara Aronson on Open Access to Biomedical Research in Developing Countries
- Basarab Nicolescu on Transdisciplinarity
- Bill Mortimer on Institutional Repositories for Open Access in Science
- Brewster Kahle on Achieving Universal Access to All Knowledge ; Brewster Kahle on Universal Access to All Knowledge
- Chris Kemp about the Nebula Open Source Cloud Computing System for NASA
- Clay Shirky on Organizing Knowledge on the Web
- Clifford Lynch on the New Digital Landscape of Scholarly Communication
- Craig Spurrier on Studying Wiki Communities from a Social Science Perspective
- Dalai Lama on the Neuroscience of Compassion
- Damon Centola on Social Science Experiments on the Internet
- Daniel Kevles on Patenting Life
- David Anderson on Boinc
- David Koepsell on Who Owns You
- David Lipman on Open Science and Biology
- David Vitrant and Mark Friedgan on Microfinance and Crowd-Funding for Science
- Deborah Gordon on the Stigmergy of Ants and Organizations
- Drew Endy and Jim Thomas Debate Synthetic Biology
- Drew Endy on Programming DNA
- Duncan Watts on Using the Web to Do Social Science
- ↑ Kinds of openness in cognitive science Mark Tovey, 4 August 2009 :
Pages in category "Science"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,229 total.
(previous page) (next page)A
- Academic Open-Access Repositories
- Academic Social Networking
- Access Principle
- Access to Medicines
- Adam Marblestone on the BioBright Collaboration Project in Biomedical Science
- Adapting Commons Regimes for Biological Information
- Adem
- Adversarial Collaboration Project
- Air Quality Egg
- Alain Ambrosi
- Alan Bennett and Keith Bergelt on Patent Pools
- Alan Shapiro on Leaving Reductionist Science Behind
- Alchemy as the Forerunner of Complexity Theory
- Alden Hollis an Jamie Love on Alternative Funding Mechanisms for Open Science
- Alessandro Delfanti
- Alexandra Carmichael and Jen McCabe on Participatory Medicine
- Alexandria Archive Institute
- All Trials
- Allison Mills and Joshua Pearce on Why Open Source Hardware Is Important for Science
- Alma Swan on Open Access e-Books and Open Research
- Alma Swan on the Open Access Movement
- Alt-Academy
- Alternative Pathways in Science and Industry
- Alternatives To Materialistic Forms of Scientific Empiricism
- Amber Case on Cyborg Anthropology
- American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Andrea Ippolito on the H@cking Medecine Initiative
- Andrew Hessel on Synthetic Biology
- Andrew Lang
- Ann Lam and Elan Ohayon on Achieving Autonomous Sustainable Research in Neuroscience
- Annabel Lavielle on Research Action Panels for Collaborative Open Science
- Annette Holtkamp on Open Repositories for the Physics Community
- Anthropology of Technology
- Anti-Credentialism
- Anti-Racist Technoscience
- Anti-Systemic Distributed Libraries
- Antonio Lafuente
- Antony Williams
- Antony Williams on Open Science, Open Chemistry and ChemSpider
- Anurag Acharya
- Anurag Acharya on Google Scholar
- Aperspectivism
- ArduSat
- Are Patents Good for Climate Change
- Argo Ocean Profilers
- Ariel Waldman on Spacehack
- Arthur Young on Value and Purpose in Science
- Arti Rai on the Role of Law in Open Source Biology
- Artificial General Intelligence
- ArXiv
- Associationism in Epistemology
- Augmented Social Cognition
- Authorea
- Autonomous Research
- Autonomous Space Agency Network
- Autopoiesis
- Avery Louie on Achieving Research Cost Savings Through DIY Bio
- Backyard Biology
- Backyard Brains
- Barbara Aronson on Open Access to Biomedical Research in Developing Countries
- Barry Bunin, Andrew Hessel, and Jonathan Izant on Open Source Drug Discovery
- Basarab Nicolescu on Transdisciplinarity
- Bath Open INstrumentation Group
- Ben Goldacre on Why Medicine Research Should Be Open
- Beyond the PDF 2
- Bibliography on the Enclosure of Science and Technology
- Bill Mortimer on Institutional Repositories for Open Access in Science
- Bio and Hardware Hacking
- Bio Weather Map
- Bio-Commons
- Biobazaar
- BioBrick
- BioBrick Public Agreement
- BioBricks Foundation
- Biobricks Foundation
- BioCoder
- BioCurious
- Biofaction
- Biofield as a Bridge Between Mind and Body
- Biohacker
- Biohacker Movements
- Biohackers
- Biohacking
- Biohacking Safari
- Biohistory
- Bioinformatics Dot Org
- BioJS
- Biological Materials Transfer Project
- Biological Open Source
- Biological Patent
- Biologics
- Biology is Technology
- BioMed Central
- Biomedical Research Commons
- Biomimicry
- Bionatur
- Biopiracy
- Bioprospecting
- BioPunk
- Bios
- BiOS
- Biosemiotics
- Biosimilars
- Biospace - Canada
- BioStrike
- Biotech DAO
- Biotech Hobbyist Magazine
- BioTorrents
- BioWeatherMap Initiative
- Blockchain for Satellites
- Blockchain for Science
- Blog-Based Peer Review
- Bloggers for Peer-Reviewed Research Reporting
- Blue Brain Project
- Bora Zivkovic
- Border Knowledges
- Born-Digital Electronic Scholarship
- BPR3
- Brewster Kahle on Universal Access to All Knowledge
- British Emergentist Movement
- Bruce Lipton on Why Natural and Human Evolution is Communal, not Individual
- Buckminster Fuller
- Budapest Open Access Initiative
- Buddhist Economics
- Building Research Equipment with Free, Open-Source Hardware
- Cambia
- CAMBIA BiOS Initiative
- Cambia Open Biology
- Cameron Neylon:
- Captology
- Cartesian-Newtonian Paradigm
- Case for Public Funding and Public Oversight of Clinical Trials
- CC0
- Cell-Free Synthetic Biology
- Center For Internet Research
- Center for Open Science
- Center for OpenScience
- Center for Transition Sciences
- Central Open Access Funds
- Centre for Application of Molecular Biology in Agriculture
- Cesar Harada on the Protei Ocean Cleaning Project
- Challenges and Promises for an Open Science and Technology Movement
- Charter for Transdisciplinarity
- Charter of Transdisciplinarity
- Chemical Semantic Web
- ChemSpider
- China’s Air Pollution Meets Citizen Science
- Chreods, Homeorhesis and Biofields
- Chris Kemp about the Nebula Open Source Cloud Computing System for NASA
- Chris Lintott on Citizen Science and Crowd-Sourced Astronomy
- Christmas Bird Count
- Citation Cartels
- Citizen Cyberscience Centre
- Citizen Engineers
- Citizen Science
- Citizen Science Alliance
- Citizen Science Projects
- Citizen Science Quarterly
- Citizen Scientists
- Citizen Scientists Help Monitor Radiation in Japan
- Claudia Neubauer
- Claudia Neubauer on Science for the Citizens
- Clay Shirky on Organizing Knowledge on the Web
- Clickworkers
- Clifford Lynch on the New Digital Landscape of Scholarly Communication
- Climate CoLab
- Cloud Robotics
- Co-creating Cultural Heritage
- Co-Evolution of Species
- Coalition for Action "Copyright for Education and Science"
- CoLab
- Collaborative Competitions
- Collaborative Innovation Networks
- Collaborative Research
- Collaborative Research at the Myelin Repair Foundation
- Collaborative Research in e-Science and Open Access to Information
- Collaborative Space Travel and Research Team
- Collaboratory
- Collaboratory Information Assessment
- Collective Allocation of Science Funding as a Common Pool Research Resource
- Collectively Intelligent Systems
- Combining Citizen Science and Public Engagement
- Commercial Open Source Biotechnology
- Common Genomes
- Common Thread
- Commons-Based Agricultural Innovation
- Commons-Based Strategies and the Problems of Patents
- Community Biolabs
- Community Biotechnology Initiative
- Community Standard for Communicating Designs in Synthetic Biology
- Community-Based Tools in Science
- Community-Driven Investigations
- Community-Led Air Quality Sensing Network
- Compact for Open-Access Publishing Equity
- Comparison of an Open Access University Press with Traditional Presses
- Competitive Intermediators