Ariel Waldman on Spacehack

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= Interview via


“Founded by former NASA contractor Ariel Waldman and developer Ben Ward, Spacehack is an online directory of open source and “participatory exploration” projects that enable people without a dedicated science background make a real contribution to research projects. Waldman navigates the maze of NASA websites and private enterprise projects to curate an accessible entry point to the most compelling projects.” (

Interview is conducted by Paul M. Davis .


How did Spacehack come about?

When I left NASA, I created Spacehack because I had heard about all of the different ways that people could actively contribute to space exploration despite not having a formal science background. I wanted to enable people to have the same experience that I did and have the awakening that you could contribute to space exploration even if you didn’t specifically study for it in school. I wanted to create a really easy directory of what people could participate in.

Another reason was that a lot of these projects were on really outdated NASA government websites or they weren’t really written that well, so I wanted to make projects that were very clear and concise, so people could understand how they could contribute. I wanted to make it a lot more accessible for people who don’t already work in the space exploration industry.

What sort of background do you need to get involved in Spacehack projects?

The projects on Spacehack range from ones that anyone without any background can get involved in — projects like GalaxyZoo are a perfect example of that — and there are others like the Google Lunar X prize and robotics projects in which an engineering background helps. GalaxyZoo did a survey of their users and they asked what was the most related scientific activity these people did outside of GalaxyZoo. 80-85% of the people answered that they just watched shows on the Discovery Channel and Science Channel. I find that very powerful, because my story was that I was watching a documentary on NASA and I decided to email them on a whim. That’s what got me the job.

With NASA’s budget cuts and the reduced scope of its missions, do you see projects like Spacehack and open science being able to complement NASA’s research and fill in some of the gaps?

It’s an interesting time, because I’m really excited about what’s happening and I see it as more of a beginning of an era than the end of one. It’s due time that NASA no longer has a monopoly on space exploration. Just because you’re not doing something involved with NASA doesn’t mean that you’re not also equally contributing to space exploration. That’s a very positive thing for the open science movement. On the other hand, it is a little bit scary that NASA is more vulnerable for budget cuts because mainstream media spins it as “well, NASA is no longer used as a diplomacy tool, they’re just doing scientific research, and who wants to fund that?” That’s obviously a very negative effect — the overall promotion of the idea that scientific research deserves less funding. But that’s an argument that’s pretty old — it’s not anything new.

It’s going to be a little bit tumultuous right now as you have an exodus of a lot of people who are working in space exploration, and they don’t have anywhere to go yet. But I think if you give it a few years, it’s going to get better, because you’re going to have a lot of jobs opening at places like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. For the people who want to work in the space industry, I think there are going to be more opportunities for them over time.

For people who don’t work in space exploration but want to actively get involved, I think we are seeing the very beginning stages of a citizen science renaissance as people realize that they can actively contribute. Citizen science is something where you can direct your own interest and research. You’re not just doing work on behalf of another scientist who’s going to end up taking credit for it.

Are there any examples that come to mind of this citizen science data feeding back into the research and NASA’s own projects?

Sure. Planet Hunters is using Kepler data to prove that humans can find some planets that the current algorithms won’t be able to. As people are discovering planets through the Planet Hunters data set, then the people who are running the project take that data back to the Kepler scientists and do a cross-check of what has already been discovered by the algorithms. In that case, you have a humans vs. machines competition — it’s not trying to replace algorithms, but it’s trying to augment our scientific discovery with humans who are able to go through all that data.” (

More Information

  1. Spacehack
  2. Science Hack Days