Category:Civil Society
- Michel Bauwens:
- The basic orientation of p2p theory towards societal reform: transforming civil society, the private and the state
- To the Finland Station: the political approach of P2P Theory
- Michel Bauwens & Vasilis Kostakis
- Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy, 2014, Palgrave Macmillan: See especially Part Three.
- John Restakis:
- Civil Power and the Partner State. By John Restakis. Draft text of a keynote address to the 2nd Good Economy conference in Zagreb, Croatia. 18 March 2015.
Key Resources
- A Civilized Market Economy as the Horizon of Progress. Peter Ulrich
- Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity. Mohammed A. Bamyeh. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. (May 16, 2010)
- Röpke, W. (1960): A Humane Economy: The Social Framework of the Free Market, transl. E. Henderson, Chicago: Henry Regnery Co. (orig. German: Jenseits von Angebot und Nachfrage, 2nd ed. 1958).
- Ulrich, P. (2008): Integrative Economic Ethics: Foundations of a Civilized Market Economy, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Commons, Markets and Associations in the European Middle Ages. JEAN-FRANÇOIS DRAPERI. Associations in the Medieval West. From the emergence of the commons to the supremacy of markets. Le fait associatif dans l’Occident médiéval. De l’émergence des communs à la suprématie des marchés. Le Bord de l'Eau, [1]: "Associations dominate the economy of the central Middle Ages: monasteries, parishes, guilds, brotherhoods, communes, found the renaissance of the 12th century. Acting on the medieval associative fact invites us to pose the hypothesis that associations and the social economy are not an invention of contemporary society, but rather a discovery. The social economy was not born in reaction to capitalism, but the capitalist economy was born from the transformation of trade associations and the seizure of power by merchants and bankers over the commons and communes in the 13th and 14th centuries."
Scaled-Up Welfare Systems are rooted in grassroots community experimentation
Ted Howard:
"Solutions start where all fundamental change comes from—which is in communities and from the bottom up. This has been the case with large order change in both the UK and in my own country, the United States. Back home, we call it the laboratories of democracy. As the Great Depression took hold in America in 1929, the levels of pain across the country grew. But the ideology of the then federal government was that the government should do nothing to address the growing depression, that the market would correct itself. And so, in community after community people took history into their own hands and began to address their problems themselves. New approaches were devised that could eventually be lifted up and scaled. America’s primary social safety net, the Social Security System, began in small Alaska and California communities as people grappled with their challenges. When the politics changed nationally, when the Roosevelt administration came into power, and the New Deal began, these small models were lifted up into a comprehensive system of national support. Here in Britain there is a similar experience. When Bevan launched the NHS in 1948, he drew his inspiration from the Tredegar Medical Aid Society, a community based model in South Wales that began in 1890. This small Welsh experiment was scaled up into one of the great health systems of the world." (
Pages in category "Civil Society"
The following 189 pages are in this category, out of 189 total.
- Centre for Civil Society
- Citizen Collectives in the Flanders
- Citizen Ownership
- Citizen Renaissance
- Citizen Spring
- Citizen Trusts
- Citizen's Dividend
- Citizen's Economy
- Citizen's Income
- Citizen's Income Trust
- Citizen's Parliament in Catalonia
- Citizen's Stake
- Citizen's Trust
- Citizen-Centered Governance
- Citizen-Driven Value Creation
- Citizen-Led Peer-Produced Urbanism
- Citizens for Open Access to Civic Information and Data
- Citizens Lab
- Civic Accountability for the Commons
- Civic Action Network
- Civic Agriculture
- Civic Capitalism
- Civic Commons
- Civic Consumption
- Civic Conversations
- Civic Conversations vs. Commercial Conversations
- Civic Councils
- Civic Crowdfunding
- Civic Data
- Civic Design
- Civic Economics
- Civic Economy in Japan
- Civic Economy of Provisions
- Civic Economy Portugal
- Civic Groups-Based Mutual Aid
- Civic Hacking
- Civic Hacking Ecosystem
- Civic Intelligence
- Civic Intelligence and the Public Sphere
- Civic Journalism
- Civic Life Online
- Civic Membership vs Market Ownership
- Civic Open Data
- Civic Republicanism
- Civic Space
- Civic Tech
- Civic Tech and Place-Based Municipalism
- Civic Technology
- Civic Traditions in Modern Italy
- Civic Trust
- CIVICS Civic Innovation Map
- Civil Aerial Mapping
- Civil Association
- Civil Associations
- Civil Commons
- Civil Constitutions
- Civil Corporation
- Civil Ecology Corporation
- Civil Economy
- Civil Happiness
- Civil Humanism
- Civil Innovation Lab
- Civil Power and the Partner State
- Civil Regulation
- Civil Societarian
- Civil Society
- Civil Society Forum
- Civil Society Global Network
- Civil Society in Sustainability Transitions of Food Systems
- Civil Society in Sustainable Energy Transitions
- Civil Society Organisations
- Civil Society Philanthropy and the Fate of the Commons
- Civil Society Politics
- Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development
- Civil Society Tactics to Cultivate Commons and Construct Food Sovereignty in the United States
- Civil Society-Centered Socialism
- Civility
- Civilized Market Economy as the Horizon of Progress
- Civilizing the Economy
- Civilizing the State
- Civism vs Statism
- Classical Social Movements
- Claudia Neubauer on Science for the Citizens
- Commercial vs. Civic Commonwealth
- Common Good
- Commoning as Differentiated Publicness
- Commoning Democracy and Citizen Peer Production in Brisbane
- Commonism
- Commons, Markets and Associations in the European Middle Ages
- Commons-Based Citizenship
- Community Self Help
- Compendium for the Civic Economy
- Cooperland
- Crowdfunding for European Structural and Investment Funds
- Marvin Brown
- Marvin Brown on Civic Liberty vs. Property Liberty
- Michael Narberhaus
- Michael Sandel on Why We Shouldn't Trust Markets With Our Civic Life
- Michel Bauwens on the Partner State, the Ethical Economy and a Productive Peer-Based Civil Society
- Mutual Aid and Civil Society
- Mutual Aid Societies
- Mutual Aid Street Medics
- Myths and Realities about Effective Civil Society Participation
- P2P and Human Evolution Ch 7
- Participation of Citizens in the Energy Transition
- Pedagogy of Civic Participation
- Peer Mutualism, Market Power, and the Fallible State
- Peer Production of Public Functions
- Peer to Peer Aid
- Polanyian Interpretation of the Role of Society in Neoliberal Capitalism
- Possibilities and Constraints of Engaging Solidarity in Citizenship
- Post-Civil Society
- Prof. Grave Riddle on the (Anarcho-Capitalist) Big Society
- Property Liberty
- Provision of Public Services by Civil Society
- Public Sphere Project
- Public Value
- Technologies of Civil Society
- Technologies of Political Mobilization and Civil Society in Greece
- Telecommunications as a Civic Sector
- Tom Steinberg on Five Years of Civic Hacking with MySociety
- Towards a New Vision of Citizenship Based on the Foundational Economy of Local Commons
- Towards a Two-Tiered Conception of a Good Regulatory Politics Based on Vital-Political Standards
- Towards Civil Socialism
- Tribes, Institutions, Markets, Networks
- Twenty Rules for Civil Networks