
From P2P Foundation
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This is a directory of topical podcasts (audiofiles) related to Peer to Peer topics. If you're familiar with podcasting, skip straight to the Directory below.

If you want to hear my own views on peer to peer as a new mode of social organization, here's a 50-minute interview by David Levine for Hearsay Culture, or an even more recent interview by Chris Pinchen

Introductory Resources

  • Don't forget we have a related directory on Webcasts


  1. Robin Good prepared a Mini Guide to Podcasting production and editing tools
  2. Free hosting for your podcasts at Podango


  1. The Open Media Directory keeps track of 'legal and podsafe' content.
  2. The Creative Commons Content Curators listing has a directory of audio resources
  3. List of Linux audio software
  4. List of free software for audio


  1. How to use Skype for Interviews: how-to video

Top 50 Podcasts by Topic

Listen to the interviews and music from the participatory and open/free radio: KRUU-FM, and its program Open Views

Open Design and Distributed Manufacturing

See: Podcasts on Open Design and Distributed Manufacturing

Open Source/Free Software

Benjamin Mako Hill on Defining Freedom

P2P Business

Chris Anderson on the Long Tail; Clayton Christensen on Open Source and Innovation in Business; Doc Searls on Self-Forming Markets; Doc Searls on the Attention and Intention Economy; Geoffrey Moore on Open Source and Capitalism; Jonathan Schwartz on the Age of Participation; Michael Goldhaber on the Attention Economy; Yochai Benkler on the Wealth of Networks

P2P Cooperation

Clay Shirky on Moderation Patterns; Hazel Henderson on the coming age of worldwide cooperation; Howard Rheingold on Cooperation Theory; James Surowieki on the pitfalls of the Wisdom of Crowds

P2P Culture and Sociology

Danah Boyd and Douglas Rushkoff on MySpace; David Sifry on Technorati; Douglas Rushkoff on the New Digital Rennaissance; Jimmy Wales on Wikipedia; Lawrence Lessig Podcasts on Free Culture; Pat Kane on the Play Ethic

P2P Cyber-Rights

Contrarians on Eternal Copyright; Cory Doctorow on Digital Rights and DRM

P2P Education & Learning

David Wiley on the Open Education Movement; Doc Searls on Free and Open Source in Education; Exploring Wikis in Education; Stephen Downes on Connective Knowledge

P2P Epistemology

David Swedlow on Beyond Folksonomies; David Weinberger on Tagging and Folksonomies

P2P Media

Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism; Interview with Jeff Jarvis on the Loss of Control by the Media; James Boyle on Re-Inventing the Gatekeeper

P2P Politics

MacKenzie Wark on the Hacker Manifesto and Class

P2P Technology

Adam Greenfield on Ubiquitous Computing; Bruce Sterling on the Internet of Things; Conversation with Ward Cunningham


Pages in category "Podcasts"

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