This is a directory of topical podcasts (audiofiles) related to Peer to Peer topics. If you're familiar with podcasting, skip straight to the Directory below.
If you want to hear my own views on peer to peer as a new mode of social organization, here's a 50-minute interview by David Levine for Hearsay Culture, or an even more recent interview by Chris Pinchen
Introductory Resources
- Don't forget we have a related directory on Webcasts
- Here's an audio introduction to our own ideas: Michel Bauwens on Peer to Peer
- Here's an Introduction to Podcasting and podcasting resources.
- Robin Good prepared a Mini Guide to Podcasting production and editing tools
- Free hosting for your podcasts at Podango
- The Open Media Directory keeps track of 'legal and podsafe' content.
- The Creative Commons Content Curators listing has a directory of audio resources
- List of Linux audio software
- List of free software for audio
- How to use Skype for Interviews: how-to video
Top 50 Podcasts by Topic
Listen to the interviews and music from the participatory and open/free radio: KRUU-FM, and its program Open Views
Open Design and Distributed Manufacturing
- Adrian Bowyer on the RepRap Project;
- Andrew Bowyer on the RepRap Project and Self-replicating Machines ;
- Alex Lindsay on Digital Craftsmen for Development ;
- Anil Gupta on Appropriate Technology for Agroinnovations;
- Brenda Dayne on Knitting as an Open Craft ;
- Carl Etnier on Neighbor to Neighbor Skill Sharing ;
- David Lee and Valerie Wilson on the the Open Source Green Vehicle Project ;
- Elizabeth Henderson on Sharing the Harvest through Community-Supported Agriculture ;
- Janne Kyttanen on Rapid Manufacturing ;
- Johan Soderbergh on Ronja as Anonymous Communication through Free-Air-Optics ;
- Lonny Grafman and Curt Beckmann of Appropedia on Open Source Appropriate Technology ;
- Marcin Jakubowski on Building the World's First Replicable Open Source Global Village ;
- Marcin Jakubowski on Open Farm Tech ;
- Marcin Jakubowski on Transition Towns and Open Source Villages ;
- Massimo Banzi on Arduino ;
- Patricia Allen and Ronald Wright on Permaculture as Sustainable Agriculture ;
- Phil Torrone and Limor Fried on the Maker Movement ;
- Sean Moss-Pultz on Open Moko ;
- Vinay Gupta and Andrew Lamb on the Appropedia Approach ;
- Vinay Gupta on Ending Poverty With Open Hardware
See: Podcasts on Open Design and Distributed Manufacturing
Open Source/Free Software
Benjamin Mako Hill on Defining Freedom
P2P Business
Chris Anderson on the Long Tail; Clayton Christensen on Open Source and Innovation in Business; Doc Searls on Self-Forming Markets; Doc Searls on the Attention and Intention Economy; Geoffrey Moore on Open Source and Capitalism; Jonathan Schwartz on the Age of Participation; Michael Goldhaber on the Attention Economy; Yochai Benkler on the Wealth of Networks
P2P Cooperation
Clay Shirky on Moderation Patterns; Hazel Henderson on the coming age of worldwide cooperation; Howard Rheingold on Cooperation Theory; James Surowieki on the pitfalls of the Wisdom of Crowds
P2P Culture and Sociology
Danah Boyd and Douglas Rushkoff on MySpace; David Sifry on Technorati; Douglas Rushkoff on the New Digital Rennaissance; Jimmy Wales on Wikipedia; Lawrence Lessig Podcasts on Free Culture; Pat Kane on the Play Ethic
P2P Cyber-Rights
Contrarians on Eternal Copyright; Cory Doctorow on Digital Rights and DRM
P2P Education & Learning
David Wiley on the Open Education Movement; Doc Searls on Free and Open Source in Education; Exploring Wikis in Education; Stephen Downes on Connective Knowledge
P2P Epistemology
David Swedlow on Beyond Folksonomies; David Weinberger on Tagging and Folksonomies
P2P Media
Dan Gillmor on Grassroots Journalism; Interview with Jeff Jarvis on the Loss of Control by the Media; James Boyle on Re-Inventing the Gatekeeper
P2P Politics
MacKenzie Wark on the Hacker Manifesto and Class
P2P Technology
Adam Greenfield on Ubiquitous Computing; Bruce Sterling on the Internet of Things; Conversation with Ward Cunningham
Pages in category "Podcasts"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,581 total.
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- Aaron Bastani on the Utopian Horizons of Fully Automated Luxury Communism
- Aaron Perzanowski and Jason Schultz on the End of Ownership in the Internet of Things Era
- Adam Frey on Wikispaces
- Adam Greenfield Against the Smart City
- Adam Greenfield on Networked Urbanism
- Adam Greenfield on Ubiquitous Computing
- Adam Marblestone on the BioBright Collaboration Project in Biomedical Science
- Adam Penenberg on Is Google Evil
- Adam Webb on Deep Cosmopolitanism
- Adrian Bowyer on 3D Printers
- Adrian Bowyer on the RepRap Project
- Adrian Wrigley on Land-Based Money
- Adriana Cronin-Lukas on How Blogging is Affecting Corporations
- After TV on Web Conservatism
- AfterTV on the Future of Music
- Agorist Radio's Cypherpunkd Podcast Interview Series
- Akseli Virtanen on Designing Post-Capitalism with the Economic Space Agency
- Al Jeffery on the Coliving Experience of Base in Melbourne
- Alain Badiou on the Politics of Resistance
- Alan Moore on Community and Identity
- Alan Moore on How Communities Change How We Create Culture
- Alan Rosenblith on Open Money Protocols and Agreements
- Alanna Hartzok on Why the Earth Belongs to Everyone
- Alasdair Roberts on the End of Protests
- Alex Corren on ReCommon and Regenerative Community Land Trusts
- Alex Corren on the Need for Regenerative Communities
- Alex Lindsay on Digital Craftsmen for Development
- Alex Rivera on Dronification
- Alex Steffen on Distributed Disaster Relief and P2P Energy Networks
- Alex Steffen on the Sharing Economy
- Alex Wied on Regional Looms and Digital Online Asset Trading Systems
- Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek on Inventing the Future Based on Full Automation and a Universal Basic Income
- Alexander Douglas on the Philosophy Of Debt
- Alexandra Carmichael and Jen McCabe on Participatory Medicine
- Alexis Frasz on Universal Basic Income
- Allen Bargfrede and Chris Bavitz on the Rethinking Music Conference
- Allison Fine and Katya Andresen on the New Philanthropy
- Allison Fine on Digital Tools for Activists
- Alma Swan on Open Access e-Books and Open Research
- Alma Swan on the Open Access Movement
- Alvaro Maz on Creating Platforms That Catalyse Citizen Oriented Change
- Amanda Cahill on Post-Capitalism in the Here and Now
- Amanda McDonald Crowley on Open Art and Technology
- Amartya Sen on Justice
- Amateur Hour Conference Video Transcripts
- Amy Barker on Literary Mash-Ups
- Amy Vickers on the New Business of Collectivism
- Anarchism and Authority
- Andrea Ippolito on the H@cking Medecine Initiative
- Andrea Reimer on Open Cities and the Open Motion in Vancouver
- Andreas Kluth on the New Nomadism
- Andreas Niederberger on Constellational Citizenship and the Plurality of Means and Forms of Democratic Participation
- Andrew Bowyer on the RepRap Project and Self-replicating Machines
- Andrew Lih on Wikimania 2006
- Andrew McAfee About the Modern Uncoupling of Our Prosperity from Resource Consumption
- Andrew McAfee about the Modern Uncoupling of Our Prosperity from Resource Consumption
- Andrew McAfee on Enterprise 2.0
- Andrew McAfee on Entreprise 2.0
- Andrew McGettigan and Sean Rillo Racza on the University of Strategic Optimism
- Andrew Rasiej on how Social Media are Transforming Democracy
- Andrés Bernal on the Modern Money Movement
- Andy Kaplan-Myrth on Open Textbooks in Canada
- Andy Kessler on Technology and the End of Medicine
- Angelina Russo on the New Spatiality of Cultural and Scientific Communication
- Anil Gupta on Appropriate Technology for Agroinnovations
- Anjali and James Young on CollabLand's Exit to Community's Strategy
- Ann Lam and Elan Ohayon on Achieving Autonomous Sustainable Research in Neuroscience
- Annabel Lavielle on Research Action Panels for Collaborative Open Science
- Anne Margulies on Open Courseware
- Anonymous and Decentralized Networks
- Anthony Barnett on Occupy and the Left
- Anthony McCann on Going Towards a Critical Vernacular Ecology
- Anthony McCann on the Philosophy of Proximity
- Anupam Chander on the Electronic Silk Road
- Appelbaum, Assange and Harrison on a Global Guild for Sysadmins
- Apple’s App Store as a Closed Development Platform
- Aral Balkan on Ethical Design
- Aram Sinnreich on MondoNet as a Truly Independent Internet
- Aram Sinnreich on the Next Generation Independent Internet
- Are Netlabels Long Tail Niches or the Blueprint for the Future
- Arianna Huffington on her experience with the Huffington Post
- Arnold Schroder on Left Authoritarianism
- Arnold Schroder on the Three Ecological Strategies
- Art and the Media when Everybody Participates
- Art Brock and Ferananda Ibarra on Currencies
- Art, Music and Literature in the Age of Digital Reproducibility
- Arthur Berman on the Magical Thinking on Fracking
- Arthur Brock and Eric Harris-Braun on the Principles of the Holochain Infrastructure
- Ashish Kothari on Alter-Localist Approaches in India
- Asia 24-7 TV
- Asia Commons 2006
- Atmosphere and Commons Trusts
- Audio Activism
- Audio Files from the Open Hardware Summit 2010
- Audio Podcasts on Commons Economics
- Avery Louie on Achieving Research Cost Savings Through DIY Bio
- Axel Bruns on Communal Publishing
- Bailey Richardson on How to Construct and Lead Online Communities
- Balasz Bodo on the Social Impact of Online Communities
- Barbara Aronson on Open Access to Biomedical Research in Developing Countries
- Barry Stein on the Optimal Size for the Efficiency of Community Enterprises
- BBC Go Digital
- Ben Dyson on Positive Monetary Reform
- Ben Einstein on Building a Hardware Company
- Ben Goertzel on Decentralizing Social Media
- Ben Haggarty on Open Source Storytelling
- Ben McLeish on the Zeitgeist Movement
- Ben Rahn on Online Political Fundraising
- Benjamin Chodoroff on the Detroit Digital Justice Coalition
- Benjamin Mako Hill on Defining Freedom
- Benjamin Mako Hill on Free Network Services
- Benjamin Mako Hill on What Eight Collaborative Encyclopedia Projects Reveal About Mechanisms of Collective Action
- Benjamin Tincq on EcoHacking
- Bernard Lietaer on Human Wealth
- Bernard Lietaer on Reinventing the Financial System
- Bernard Lietaer on Transforming the Financial System
- Beta Business Models in the New World
- Beth Kolko on the effect of Hackers and ProduSers on Creativity and Consumerism
- Better World Radio
- Bev Skeggs and Seeta Peña Gangadharan on How We Are Being Tracked
- Beyond Broadcast 2006
- Big Games Podcasts
- Bill Allison and Greg Elin on Open Government Initiatives
- Bill Cassidy on NextGen Reporters and Journalism for the 21st Century
- Bill Ives on Blogs as Tools for Personal Knowledge Management
- Bill McGeveran on the Digital Learning Challenge
- Bill McKibben on Corporate Environmental Responsibility
- Bill Ottman on Open Source Social Media such as Minds
- Bill St. Claire on the Truledger Anonymous Digitally Signed General Ledger and Trading System
- Bill Witherspoon on Open Book Management
- Bitcoin and the State
- Blockchain Socialist
- BlogCon Thai Thammasat University
- Bloggers who bestride the earth
- Blogging in China
- Blogging in the Law Profession
- Bob Sutor on Open Source and Open Standards at IBM
- Bob Sutor on Open Standards vs Open Source
- Bobby Azarian on How the Universe Organizes Cosmic Complexity
- Bonnie Kerrigan Snyder on Undoctrinating the US School System
- Bonnie Snyder on Free speech and Woke Sensibilities in US High Schools
- Bonnie Wills on Restorative Justice
- Bonnitta Roy on Open Participatory Organizations
- Brad Templeton on Cyber-Rights
- Bradley Kuhn on Free Network Services
- Bradley Kuhn on Software Freedom
- Brandon Nørgaard on the Memetic Tribes of the Meta-Crisis
- Brazil as Free Culture Nation
- Brenda Dayne on Knitting as an Open Craft
- Brendan Graham Dempsey on Emergentism
- Bret Weinstein on Navigating the Culture War
- Brett Frischmann on the Management of Commons Infrastructure
- Brett Scott on Open Source Finance
- Brewster Kahle and Matt Senate on the Revival of the Green Range Progressive Farming Tradition
- Brewster Kahle on the Internet Archive
- Brewster Kahle on Universal Access to All Knowledge
- Brian Hare on Self-Domestication and the Survival of the Friendliest
- Brian McNair on Using Chaos Theory to Understand the Digital Revolution
- Brian Newman on Online Distribution and Creative Licenses
- Brian Nosek on the Open Science Framework
- Broc West on Solutions To Make Your Own Media
- Bronac Ferran, and Andrew Prescott on Contemporary Making as a New Way of Thinking
- Browser Wars Retrospective
- Bruce Hoppe on Social Network Analysis
- Bruce Schneier on the Importance of Trust in Society
- Bruce Sterling on the Casa Jasmina Connected Home and the State of the Internet of Things in 2016
- Bruce Sterling on the Internet of Things
- Bruce Yandle on the Tragedy of the Commons and the Implications for Environmental Regulation
- Building Networks for Community Organizers
- Business Interests in Open Content
- Business Models for the Commons
- Business Week on the Business of Podcasting
- Business Week on Virtual Lives and Real Money
- Byron Reese on Society as a Superorganism
- Calvin Tang on Newsvine
- Carie Windham on the Net Generation Perspective
- Carl Davidson on Cyber-Marxism
- Carl Etnier on Neighbor to Neighbor Skill Sharing
- Carl Tashian on Open Government and the Citizen Coder
- Carl Wilson on how MP3's are changing the Sound of Music
- Carl Wilson on the Effect of MP3s on Music Making and Appreciation
- Carlo Vercellone and Matteo Pasquinelli on the Art of Rent
- Carlos Castillo on How Algorithm Bias Impacts Fairness and Accessibility
- Caroline Woolard , Jessica Gordon Nembard and Other Voices of the Solidarity Economy
- Casey Camp-Horinek on the Tribal Rights of Nature Movement
- Cass Sunstein on Infotopia
- Cass Sunstein on Infotopia, Information and Decision-Making
- Cathy Ma on Trust and Wikipedia
- Cecilia d'Oliveira on MIT OpenCourseWare
- CEO Guide to Corporate Wikis
- CEO Guide To Making Prototypes for 3D Printing
- CEO Guide to RFID
- CEO Guide to Widgets
- Chad Emerson on the SmartCode Solution to Sprawl
- Charalampos Doukas on Building Internet of Things with Arduino
- Charles Eisenstein on the Ascent of Humanity
- Charles Hall on Biophysical Economics and the Key Resource Metric of Energy Returned On Energy Invested
- Chase Madar on the Passion of Bradley Manning and WikiLeaks
- Chris Anderson on Free
- Chris Anderson on the Long Tail