Al Jeffery on the Coliving Experience of Base in Melbourne
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Adam Murray:
"Base. A consciously curated place for residents to share a living space and living experience designed to connect them, enable them to authentically express and create, and to help them find their avenue of service. Base is a Melbourne coliving experiment commencing this year. The community is already being curated, and one of Al’s hopes for the space is that it will help people peel away the layers they have built up around their true selves, with a the mirror of a safe community of people to assist them.
Springing up in paces like San Francisco and Denmark and with influences from the Hacker House movement, coliving is an emerging trend around the world that has many benefits: social, through countering disconnection; environmental, through sharing resources; and economic, through lowering the cost of housing. Al hopes that one of the outcomes of the first Base experiment is an open sharing of what they have learnt, including a best practice coliving blueprint for property developers around the world.
There are two potential complimentary business models for Base: the first is to create a chain of coliving spaces in cities around the world, serving an emerging nomadic generation that wants to know they can travel anywhere and stay in a place where they connect with a tribe of value-aligned people, in a design-aligned space. The second business model is that of an investment fund growing the business ideas that will inevitably occur between the residents of the space. Leveraging a similar approach to the Global Enterprise Summit where people from diverse fields gather to interact to see what unimaginable business ideas they can imagine together, and where people like the founders of Airbnb met, Base will create a fertile field where amazing ideas can germinate and grow."