Berlin Commons Conference/Participants

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Note - this page seems to be an archive related to the 2010 Berlin Commons Conference. For the 2013 Berlin Commons Conference, see :

On this page you find participating individuals and organisations grouped by country. We link to internal and external pages to explore participants work and background.

Participating Individuals


  • Brigitte Kratzwald, commons-oriented social scientist and political activist from Graz, maintainer of a Austrian Commons blog
  • Franz Nahrada; researcher and networker for the advancement of Global Villages
    • part of the ICC support team with focus on content and consensus
    • main themes: Knowledge Commons and Global Virtual P2P Cooperation for liveable habitat and augmented human settlement fostering resonance with nature and landscape.




  • Jose Murilo, Digital Culture Coordinator at Brazil's Ministry of Culture

  • Miguel Said Vieira; Brazilian researcher and activist in the field of free knowledge and culture; member of Epidemia, a Brazilian collective which advocates for free knowledge and culture

- Articles in Portuguese on collaborative production, commodification and the commons, available at


  • David Eaves, Open government, open source, negotiation. Writer, consultant, public speaker.

  • Roberta Lentz, Assistant Professor of Media and Public Policy in the Department of Art History and Communication Studies at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec (Canada). She is affiliated with Media@McGill [1] - a hub of research, scholarship and public outreach on issues and controversies in media, technology and culture


  • Diego Leal, oriented to the design of learning experiences that make visible educational commons and their possibilities


Costa Rica

  • Santiago Hoerth, social movement and free software/free culture activist; founder and coordinator of the latinamerican collective Código Sur [2].



The Yasuni Amazon Commons

English introduction via YouTube:

Dr. Acosta recommends the two following websites regarding the protection of biodiversity and the rights of indigenous peoples:


Two documents, available from the author:

  1. A modo de prólogo del libro. ITT-Yasuní Entre el petróleo y la vida ¡Basta a la explotación de petróleo en la Amazonía! Alberto Acosta
  2. El Buen (con) Vivir, una utopía por (re)construir. Alcances de la Constitución de Montecristi. Alberto Acosta1



France (& Belgium)

  • Geneviève Azam, =Economist, University of Toulouse II, France. Scientific council of Attac-France
  • Benjamin Coriat, Professor of Economics at the University Paris 13. His research domains includes IPR Sytems
  • Gaelle Krikorian, " Leader of a working group on Access to Knowledge, i.e. Accès aux Savoirs, in Paris, France.
    • Forthcoming: Krikorian G. & Kapczynski, A. (2010 forthcoming), Access to Knowledge in the Age of Intellectual Property. (Zone Books Eds., New York), 652 p.
  • Ricardo Petrella, (1941) professor (economy, political sciences) at the Catholic University in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) is a noted advocate of the public domain and the public good, particularly in relation to (access to) water as a universal human right. He is also a great propounder of the 'solidary economy'


  • Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen, German social scientist: Women’s Studies and Peasant Studies (in Mexico, Austria, Germany)
    • Documentation:
    • - Mies, Maria/ Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronika, Defending, Reclaiming and Reinventing the Commons, in: Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Vol. XXII, Special Issue, 2001, S. 997 – 1023
  • Hannes Foth, researching doctoral thesis on justifications of property rights arrangements
  • Volker Ralf Grassmuck, media sociologist and author; currently he is a visiting reasearcher at the Research Group on Public Policy for Access to Information (GPOPAI) at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH) of the University of São Paulo (USP).
    • Recommended text:
    • - A Copyright Exception for Monetizing File-Sharing. A proposal for balancing user freedom and author remuneration in the Brazilian copyright law reform, 19. März 2010,
  • Imma Harms, a computer scientist, philosopher, journalist and documentary filmmaker; participant in PaG, ‘Projektwerkstatt auf Gegenseitigkeit’, which is based on the concept of separating ownership of a property from its use. The name PaG can be roughly translated as ‘workshop for mutual support’.
  • Michael Kirk, Professor of Development Economics, Agricultural Economics and Cooperation Economics at the Philipps-Universität Marburg.
  • Stephan Krall, German Development Cooperation (GTZ), programme on sustainable management of resources in agriculture
  • Birgit Kraemer, social scientist at Economic and Social Research Institute (WSI), private interest in cooperatives, community structures and regional development, active in social movements
  • Rainer Kuhlen University of Konstanz, Information Science ( - An ethical foundation of knowledge as a commons; Representing NETHICS, [], (Ethics in the Net, mainly A2K topics)
    • Recommended publications:
    • - Ethical foundation of knowledge as a common. Preprint Vortrag Seoul 8.10.2010 (text:
    • - Towards a commons-based copyright. IFLA World Conference Gothenburg 14.8.2010 (PP:
    • - Gemeingüter – Wohlstand durch Teilen (with Wolfgang Sachs, Christian Siefkes et al.) Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung 22.10.2010 (

"Allmende-Kontor" in Berlin

knowledge about open wireless networks; founder of the Open Hardware Initiative; associated with the Open Source Hardware and Design Aliance [12] ; lobbying for more open licensing models for the radio spectrum via Open Spectrum EU

  • Herman Ott, climate policy spokesman for the German Greens
  • Thorsten Schilling, head of multi media department & IT of the federal agency for civic education

  • Antje Toennis, communications manager at GLS Treuhand, a non profit organisation that can play the role of an intermediary in the personal process of transferring wealth for community oriented benefits


  • Nikos Salingaros, Gruppo Salingaros: a think tank of architects, urbanists, sociologists and scientists, for the moment mostly active in Italy and Portugal, who are planning a new urban future for Italy and Europe.
    • Dr. Salingaros has published key articles on Peer-to-peer Urbanism.
    • Websites:




  • Giovanna Ricoveri
  • Recommended text:
    • - Commons vs Commodities. Paper by Giovanna Ricoveri for the 13th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC), “Sustaining Commons: Sustaining our Future”

10-14 Jan. 2011, Hyderabad, India.



Suggested readings:

- extensive interview Armin Medosh has made me

- on network collectivism,

  • Robin Temple, working with knowledge commons curation - using social technologies to create online education about the Commons [16]

  • Patrice Riemens, Geographer, cultural and Internet activist, independent researcher and translator, advocate of Free and/or Open Source Software, 'social hacker'. Formerly with the Tactical Technology Collective, now with the Antenna Foundation.

[17], [18]




    • Representative pieces:

South Africa

  • Gino Cocchiaro is a lawyer with a South African based NGO named Natural Justice. Natural Justice works with communities in Africa, South Asia and Latin America, to facilitate processes that secure the rights of communities to their resources and knowledge.

Recommende Report:

- Imagining a Traditional Knowledge Commons. A community approach to sharing traditional knowledge for non-commercial research. IDLO, 2009. By Elan Abrell et al. [21]

- Implementing a Traditional Knowledge Commons. Opportunities and Challenges. Developments following the Traditional Knowledge Commons Workshop, December 2009, Cape Town, South Africa. Natural Justice, 2010. [22]


Some english texts on his works on the Aesthetic Commons:


Active in:


Texts on her research work on digital commons:

  1. Fuster Morell, M. (Ed.) (2009). Online creation communities for the building of digital commons: Participation as an eco-system?. In M. Fuster Morell (Ed.) (2009). Organizational principles and political implications of free culture: A reader. International forum on free culture – Barcelona October 30 2009.
  2. Fuster Morell, M. (2009). Governance of online creation communities: Provision of platforms of participation for the building of digital commons, Self-provision model: Social forums case study. Internet & Politics section, European Council of Political Research General Conference, Potsdam, September 2009.
  3. Fuster Morell, M. (2010). Commercial providers of platforms of participation online: Flickr case study. 5th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) summer workshop: “Social Movements, Civil Societies and Corporations”- Organization Studies Journal, Margaux, France, 26 to 28 of May,

Active in:

  1. International forum on access to knowledge and digital rights (Barcelona, October 28 to 31 2010) and Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge, 2009.
  2. Networked Politics Collaborative Research on new forms of political organizing
  3. World Social Forum



  • Massimo De Angelis; Professor of Political Economy at the University of East London; founding editor of the journal The Commoner. His most recent book: The Beginning of History. Value Struggles and Global Capital, Pluto 2007

See also: * Earth Commons Rising, a forum of commons news of global relevance [26]



Suggestion to ICC participants: I invite you to link to each other's web sites in order to bring more attention to the commons. I also invite participants to link to That would help us immensely. I'm happy to return the favor. Just send the URL of your site to neal at shareable dot net. Thank you, Neal

  • Michael Madison, professor of law at the School of Law at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

  • Marc Mascarenhas-Swan, Just Alternative Sustainable Economics (JASecon [30]

Text of keynote lecture: Commons as a Transformation Paradigm

Presentation: Beyond State Capitalism: The Commons Economy in our Lifetimes [33]

  • Trent Schroyer ; Emeritus Professor of Sociology-Philosophy from Ramapo College in N.J. ; member of the International Network for Cultural Alternatives to Development; presently living in Greece and working on a book on 'Transformative Learning ' that examines commons models from around the world.

  • Betsy Taylor ; Senior research scholar at Virginia Tech & is a cultural anthropologist, activist and co-author (with Herbert Reid) of Recovering the Commons: Democracy, Place, and Global Justice (University of Illinois Press, 2010).

  • Burns H Weston, Director, Climate Legacy Initiative (CLI); The University of Iowa College of Law [35] and Center for Human Rights [36]

Recommended works:

- “Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice: Foundational Reflections,” 9 Vermont Journal of Environmental Law 375 (2009)

- Co-Director (with David Bollier begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting of the Commons Law Project (CLP), dedicated to reinventing the law and governance of the ecological commons and thereby operationalize the human right to a clean, healthy, ecologically balanced, and sustainable environment.

Participating Organizations


  • Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge: Citizens’ and Artists’ Rights in the Digital Age & International Forum on Access to Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era – Organization and Action (FCForum) Delegate: Mayo Fuster Morell, among others.
  • Free Technology Academy international online study programme about Free Software and Open Standards at master level. Coordinated by the Free Knowledge Institute Delegates: Wouter Tebbens and Franco Iacomella.



  • Communautique, [41] is a community organisation that supports civic participation by promoting information literacy, appropriation of information and communications technologies and contribution to their development; Simon Emmanuel Roux, adjunct director; Alain Ambrosi, videographer


eCars Now [42], Jiri Rasanen



Alanus University; Silja Graupe

Coalition for Action "Copyright for Education and Science"; Dr. Christoph Bruch

German Development Cooperation (GTZ); Dr. Stephan Krall

GLS Treuhand, Antje Toennis

Greenfilm: film; TV and Internet communication and Production Company specialized in environment, social issues and sustainability; Jörg Grossmann an Internet TV Channel for sustainability; Jörg Grossmann

IUWIS, Infrastruktur Urheberrecht für Wissenschaft und Bildung, The purpose of IUWIS is to provide an integrated information and communication platform on copyright issues for the German research community; Dr. Christoph Bruch

Netzpolitik: blog and political platform for freedom and openness in the digital age; Andrea Goetzke

Transition D/A/CH, Gerd Wessling


CACIM, Jai Sen (director)

Foundation for Ecological Security, Jagdeesh V. Puppala (chief executive)

Vagdevi Educational Trust, [Narahari Rao]], founder



  • SRI-Pilipinas, a network of farmers, academics, government officials and researchers promoting the system of rice intensification [44]; Roberto Verzola
  • the Philippine Greens, a loose network of environmental activists in the Philippines ; Roberto Verzola

South Africa

  • Natural Justice works with communities in Africa, South Asia and Latin America, to facilitate processes that secure the rights of communities to their resources and knowledge; Gino Cocchiaro




  • CommonSource, a Tides Center project and publisher of Shareable Magazine. Represented by Neal Gorenflo. Learn more: Suggestion to ICC participants: I invite you to link to each other's web sites in order to bring more attention to the commons. I also invite participants to link to That would help us immensely. I'm happy to return the favor. Just send the URL of your site to neal at shareable dot net. Thank you, Neal.
  • Just Alternative Sustainable Economics (JASecon [45]. Represented by Marc Mascarenhas-Swan.