Marco Berlinguer
= participant in Europe Commons Deep Dive workshop
"I am Italian. I worked as a researcher, director of research in various organizations, in political left, trade unions and social movements. I also contributed to create various international networks. Among these, Transform!, Networked Politics, L&G, WSF, EFS. I also worked in various moments as journalist.
Since 2011, I moved to Barcelona, where I collaborate with the university IGOP at UAB. In this context, I have contributed to the creation of the "Escuela de los commons", an open platform of cooperation on the emerging paradigm of the commons. As journalist, since September 2012, I participated in the foundation and started to work for a new Italian daily: Pubblico."
Long bio:
"I was born in Rome, Italy, in 1963. I have a degree in Philosophy. I worked as a researcher and journalist in various organizations.
Sincee late 90s I have been coordinator and director of centers of research for several years. First, for two years I was coordinator of the Programme Office and the Scientific Committee of the Communist Refoundation Party (PRC) in Italy. Between 2001-2011 I found and been director of Transform! Italy - an independent center for policy research and contributed to the foundation of Transform! Europe, a network of foundations, research institutes and journals connected to the political left in Europe. The latter was converted in 2006 into the political foundation of the European Left Party. Between 2006-2011 I cooridnated "Lavoro in Movimento" on behalf of the Italian trade union CGIL, its foundation Di Vittorio and several other structures of the union, working on the development of relations between social movements and trade unions. In 2011 this network - in collaboration with 20 other organizations, including the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) - founded the Joint Social Conference to create a European annual meeting of coordination and cooperation between trade unions and social movements.
In the past decade, I also have been part of the organization of the World Social Forum Process (WSF) and the European Social Forum (ESF). For many years I have been a representative of Transform! Europe in the International Council of the WSF and have been active in the European Assembly responsible for the organization of the ESF. At the same time I have contributed to the founding of other European and international networks, as Euromovements; Eurotopia, The Network of the Charter for Another Europe, Networked Politics, Labor and Globalization.
Within the framework of networks and organizations mentioned above, I have coordinated several research projects at the Italian and international level. I've also been editor and co-editor of several publications including: "World Social Forum: A Debate On Its Challenges for the Future" (2003), "La riva sinistra del Tevere - Mappe e conflitti nel territorio netropolitano di Roma" ( 2004); Lavoro / Conflitti (2004), "Pratiche costituenti - Spazi, reti, appartenenze: le politiche dei movimenti" (2005), "Activist research: practice(s) to challenge the investigaction" (2005), "Parole di una nuova political "(2007)," Networked Politics "(2007)," Passive Revolution and the Re-forming of the Revolution "(2008).
In 2010, I could take a sabbatical period thanks to a grant from the Foundation Barriel and Amiel, I used primarily to deepen the study of the new forms of networked organizations of social movements and the economic and political implications of the digital revolution. In this same period, I participated in the organization of the first Free Culture Forum (Barcelona 2009) and the first International Commons Conference (Berlin 2010). The result of the first results of these studies and experiences, in 2010 wrote a little essay "Knowledge Is a Common Good. The Effects of the Open Source Movement on the Development of Politics and Society "(2010).
Since 2011, I moved to Barcelona. In January 2011, I left my responsibilities as director Tranform! Italy. I also left my responsibility as coordinator of "Lavoro in Movimento".
In Barcelona, I started working with the university institute IGOP at UAB in the development of research and educational projects around issues concerning new forms of economy particularly in the intersection between social economy and the knowledge and information economy. In this context, I have contributed to the creation of the "Escuela de los commons", an open platform of horizontal exchange and cooperation on the emerging paradigm of the commons.
On these same issues I worte an essay forthcoming for a South African editor ("Beyond Social Economy", forthcoming, 2012). I also published in catalan a research on new forms of sustainability of online creation communities in audio-vsual production (“Models emergents de sostenibilitat de continguts audiovisuals en l'era digital”, 2012).
In Barcelona, I also collaborated with the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) in the Seminar of Communication and Society Civil. And in this university, I am getting a Masters in Information and Knowledge Society, following the itinerary "knowledge economy and network company".
As journalist, in 2012, I participated in the foundation of an Italian daily: Pubblico. Actually I irregularly collaborate with other journals."
Some publications: "Beyond Social Economy", 2012. “Models emergents de sostenibilitat de continguts audiovisuals en l'era digital”, 2012. "Knowledge Is a Common Good. The Effects of the Open Source Movement on the Development of Politics and Society " 2010. "Networked Politics," 2007."
Within the framework of the above networks and organizations I have coordinated several research projects and also edited or co-edited some publications. These include:
- “World Social forum: A Debate On the Challenges for Its Future” (2003);
- “Activist research: practice(s) to challenge the investigaction” (2005);
- “Passive Revolution and the Re-forming of the Revolution” (2008),
- “Knowledge Is a Common Good. The Effects of the Open Source Movement on the Development of Politics and Society” (2010).
In Italian:
- “La Riva sinistra del Tevere - Mappe e conflitti nel territorio metropolitano di Roma” (2004); Lavoro/Conflitti (2004);
- “Pratiche costituenti - Spazi, reti, appartenenze: le politiche dei movimenti” (2005);
- “Parole di una nuova politica” (2007); “Networked Politics” (2007);