Ana Méndez de Andés
= Ana Méndez de Andés is architect and urban planner. She works mainly on the generation and occupation of the urban public space. She is founding member of the Observatorio Metropolitano, areaciega and Car-tac.
"Ana Méndez de Andés is an architect and urban planner who has been working as a landscape designer in Amsterdam, London and Madrid and is currently teaching Urban Design at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. Her main field of interest is the question of urban commons and the re-apropriation of public space.
She is part of the collective Observatorio Metropolitano, a militant research group that utilizes investigations and counter-mapping to look into the metropolitan processes of precarious workers, migrants, and militants taking place in Madrid, brought on by crisis, gentrification, speculation and displacement. Ana collaborates with the publishing house, bookshop, independent distribution and design project Traficantes de Sueños and has also been involved in different projects regarding collaborative mapping, urban commons and the conditions of production of public space such as car-tac, areaciega, and urbanaccion; as well as linked to organizing assemblies within the 15M-Acampada movement." (
In Spanish:
Ana Méndez de Andés es arquitecta urbanista. Trabaja principalmente sobre la generación y ocupación del espacio urbano. Es miembro fundador de las investigaciones del Observatorio Metropoliano y areaciega y del colectivo Car-tac.
- Observatorio Metropolitano,
- areaciega,
- car-tac,