Julio Lambing

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Julio Lambing is a social activist and Managing Director of the European Business Council for Sustainable Energy (e5).

URL = http://www.juliolambing.de


""Julio Lambing (41) studied philosophy, social psychology and theology at the Universities of Frankfurt and Saarbruecken. In his academic years, he focused focussed on theory of societies, the analysis of inter-human proficiencies and alternative systems of knowledge and rationality. This background has profoundly shaped his work and his intellectual take on things.

Lambing himself has a multicultural European background and has been involved with alternative lifestyle projects for twenty years. To reconcile the idea of sustainability with the achievements of our modern age, he argues in favour of learning from diverse milieus and cultures in order to attain a fusion of novel technologies, economies and sustainable ways of life. Lambing is engaged in various social initiatives and intentional communities and has a strong interest in ancient and animistic traditions on the one hand and new family structures on the other. Based on Joseph Beuys' concept of “Social Plastic”, he has conceived a number of “modern-day rituals” and performance art events that he likes to organize with a group of like-minded people.

In the past eleven years, Julio Lambing’s most challenging field of interest was the development of a green industry infrastructure; he has worked particularly on the conversion of our combustion-orientated economy and the improvement of conditions for ethical and sustainable companies. In 2002 he joined (e5), a business association advocating carbon neutral technologies and services in the European Union. In this position, his most important fields of activity were UN climate politics, the modernisation of the European power plant park, emission trading and questions of climate justice. Since 2007, he has been working on open source strategies for carbon neutral technologies. He is co-author of the commons manifesto “Strengthen the Commons”."


inter alia:

  1. Member of the Steering Committee of the International Commons Conference, Berlin November 1 and 2,
  2. "Some Thoughts on the Commons"; Thesis Paper, prepared by the Steering Committee, International Commons Conference 2010, to stimulate discussion and reflection
  3. "Electricity Commons – Toward a New Industrial Society" in: David Bollier & Silke Helfrich: "The Wealth of the Commons: A World Beyond Market & State"; Levellers Press, 2012
  4. "Energy Infrastructure as Commons" (Workshop, Berlin, 6. April 2011)
  5. "Business, Economy and the Commons" (Roundtables; in the context of the Interdisciplinary Political Salons of the Heinrich Böll Foundation‘s „Time for commons“, 2010).
  6. “Lotterie zum Unbekannten” (“Lottery of the Unknown” - social plastic, 2009)
  7. “Climate Justice as Business Case – the transfers of carbon neutral technologies as a scenario of opportunities” (2009 – 2010)
  8. "The new industrial revolution, eco-innovation and the Humboldtean approach. Preliminary reflections on a novel model for a green global “knowledge explosion” "; in: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training – Cedefop (Hrsg.): "Future skill needs for the green economy"; Luxembourg 2009; S. 82-87
  9. "polyaphrodite" (social plastic, 2009)
  10. “e-turn 21 - The Challenges, Perspectives and Obstacles of the European Energy Sector with regard to a Sustainable Energy path: creating a compromise among European Energy actors” (2004 - 2006)
  11. “Orakel” (social plastic, 2006)
  12. “Clean Business Travel - Make business travel climate neutral” (2003 - 2004)
  13. “Tanz der Wirklichkeiten” (“Dance of Realities” - social plastic, 2003)
  14. “European Emission Trading System: Benchmarking, JI/CDM, Domestic Offset Projects” (2002-2004)
  15. “Wiesbaden Roundtable – Sustainable & Ethical Business and Green Politics” (2001/2002)