Martin Pedersen
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J. Martin Pedersen - co-founder of Knowledge Lab [1], blogging on
martin has recently withdrawn from cyberspace activities, and lives in reclusion, striving for anonymity.
Selected Publications
- Pedersen, J.M. (2010) ‘Introduction: Property, Commoning and the Politics of Free Software‘, The Commoner, Special Issue, Volume 14, Winter 2010, 8-48.
- Pedersen, J.M. (2010) ‘Free Culture in Context: Property and the Politics of Free Software‘, The Commoner, Special Issue, Volume 14, Winter 2010, 49-136.
- Pedersen, J.M. (2010) ‘Properties of Property: A Jurisprudential Analysis‘, The Commoner, Special Issue, Volume 14, Winter 2010, 137-210.
- Pedersen, J.M. (2010) ‘Free Software as Property’, The Commoner, Special Issue, Volume 14, Winter 2010, 211-286.
- Pedersen, J.M. (2010) ‘Conclusion: Property and the Politics of Commoning‘, The Commoner, Special Issue, Volume 14, Winter 2010, 287-294.
- Pedersen, J. M. (2008) “Property Relations in the Knowledge Economy: In Search of Anti-capitalist Commons” in Mordini, E (ed.) “Ethics and Health in the Global Village – Bioethics, Globalization and Human Rights”. CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Roma.
Selected presentations
- "Property Imaginaries in Cyberspace Politics", presentation at CPERC-Cesagen-Sociology Workshop on Imaginaries: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives, Lancaster University, June 2010.
- “Reflections from the Rain Forest: Property, Politics and Autonomous Development in the Amazon”, invited presentation of field work findings with Nina Moeller at International Centre for Participation Studies, Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, November 2008.
- “Plant Lessons from Free Software: Can the spirit of a plant be protected in the market place?”, paper co-presented with Nina Moeller at the 11th International Congress Of Ethnobiology, June 2008, Cusco, Peru.
- Sessions prepared and facilitated at "Hack the Knowledge Lab: Technology, Creativity, Social Organisation" at Institute for Advanced Studies, February 3-5, 2006: “Privacy and Surveillance” and “Enclosures and Commons”.
- “Revisiting the Circumstances of Justice in the light of Free Software: What happened to Society?”, paper presented at A World for All?: the Ethics of Global Civil Society International Conference, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, September 2005.
- “Lessons from Cyberspace: The Free Software movement and the Configuration of Ownership”, paper presented at Imaging Social Movements, Edge Hill College, July 2004.
- “Free Software and Indymedia”, presentation at Wealth by Copyleft: Creativity in the Digital Age, The 3rd Oekonux Conference, Department of Philosophy, Vienna University, Austria, May 2004.
More Information
J. Martin Pedersen is a participant at the Berlin Commons Conference