Category:Platform Cooperatives
Directory of Platform Cooperatives.
See also the updated directory: Internet of Ownership
Key Citations
"How can we determine which projects are addressing future business models from the perspective of empowerment?
Does the project?
- centralize identity and reputation with the individual people and devices?
- give ownership/access of data to individuals?
- create an interoperable protocol for users to port their identity and reputation elsewhere?
- exist to connect trusted peers or help determine a fair rate or provide added value to the peers?
Asking these questions allows us to construct distinctly different economic models that enable collaborative production and cooperative consumption. It’s up to us to decide what we will fund, build, and support with our currencies."
Are platforms replacing corporations
"What if the nature of the economic puzzles that corporations evolved to solve have shifted? Thanks to software, the internet and artificial intelligence, the expenses that Coase identified can now be reduced just as well with tools from outside the company as they can from within it. Finding freelance workers via online marketplaces can be less costly, less risky and quicker than recruiting full-time employees. Collaboration tools are opening up space for manager-free forms of work. And contracting costs are likely to fall markedly thanks to the advent of blockchain protocols – algorithms that replace trusted third parties, and instead automatically verify transactions using a huge digital ledger, spread across multiple computers. As a result of these innovations, a new way of working is emerging: a series of interactions that are open, skills-based and software-optimised. Where once we had the ‘corporation’, instead we are witnessing the ascendancy of the ‘platform’. The question is: should we see this as a promise, or a threat?"
- George Zarkadakis [1]
Key Resources
* Report: Designing positive platforms: a guide for a governance-based approach. By Ana Manzanedo and Alícia Trepat. Institute For The Future research on Positive Platforms, IFTF, May 2017
"A positive platform:
- a positive platform should offer its contributors the authority to make decisions about their working conditions and the right to organize themselves collectively.
- these professionals need benefits that go beyond basic financial compensation in exchange for the value they create."
Key Articles
- Guidelines for Developers of Platform Cooperatives ; see the article: Alternative policies for alternative Internets. By Melanie Dulong de Rosnay. Journal of Peer Production, Issue 9: Alternative Internets, 2016
- 5 Blockchain IOT Apps for Platform Coops. By Ashley Taylor.
- Law for the Platform Economy. By Julie E. Cohen. 51 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 133-2014 (2017) [2]
Key Books
- Ours to Hack and to Own. Ed. by Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider, fall 2017
Key Initiatives
- The Platform Cooperativism Consortium will "help to connect the practitioners in this eco system with each other and with organizations that can support their effort to change minds and bring real value and a fairer Internet to real people. For updated information in coming weeks stay tuned @platformcoop ."
- Second annual conference took place November 2016: Platform Cooperativism 2016
Key Videos
- strongly recommended by Trebor Scholz: Yochai Benkler on Advancing Towards an Open Social Economy
For more see our annotated video directory of the Platform Cooperativism 2016 conference.
Status Reports by Country
- Darren Sharp on the Emerging Ecosystem of Platform Cooperativism in Australia * (Australia)
- Nick Green on the Policy Aspects of Platform Cooperativism in Australia (Australia)
- Jack Linchuan Qiu on Resisting and Reinventing the Gig Economy in Asia (Asia)
- Francesca Bria on Barcelona’s Strategy for Technological Sovereignty * (Barcelona)
- Mayo Fuster Morell on Barcelona as a Case Study on Urban Policy for Platform Cooperativism * (Barcelona)
- Thomas Dönnebrink on the Progress of Platform Cooperativism in Europe * (Europe)
- Wolfgang Kowalsky on How the European Union Is Failing To Regulate the So-Called Sharing Economy *
- Giovanni Rinaldi on the Development of Data-Based Platform Cooperatives in Italy and Globally * (Italy)
- Ulrich Genicke on the MIDATA Health Data Cooperatives in Germany * (MIDATA)
Pages in category "Platform Cooperatives"
The following 175 pages are in this category, out of 175 total.
- Camille Kerr on Unionized Platform Cooperatives for the Caregiving Industry
- Candlestick Courier Collective
- CodeSolid
- Collaborative Platforms, Labor and Social Protection
- Comparing the Business Models of Platform Cooperatives and Investor Owned Sharing Economy Platforms
- Conflicts and Tensions around the Framing of the Fairbnb Project
- Coomappa Drivers Cooperative - Araraquara Brazil
- CoopCycle
- CoopData
- Cooperative Identity Provider
- Cooperative Networks
- Cooperative Platforms in a European Landscape
- Cooperative Platforms in Europe
- Cooperative Taxi Platforms and Apps
- Cooperative Technologists
- Coopify
- Coopérative Les oiseaux de passage
- Covivi
- Cycle Courier Cooperatives
- Elia Kager on Platform Coops in Berlin
- Emergence of Democratic Firms in the Platform Economy
- Emma Yorra on Coopify
- Ethical Deliveries - Bologna
- European Policy Response to the Platform Economy
- Eva
- Eva Coop
- EVA Mobility Coop
- Evaluating the Legal and Governance Structures of Shared-Services Platform Cooperatives
- Evgeny Morozov on the Technological Sovereignity of Cities and the Role of Platform Cooperatives
- Exploring the Governance of Platform Cooperatives
- Mark Simmonds and Graham Mitchell on the Platform 6 Platform Coop Incubator in the UK
- Maru Bautista on the Platform Cooperative for Cleaning Workers in Brooklyn
- Maru Bautista on the Up and Go Cooperative Platform for Residential Cleaning Services
- Mayo Fuster Morell on Barcelona Platform Cooperativism Support Program
- Member’s Media
- Michel Bauwens on Commons-Oriented Technologies
- Michel Bauwens on Technological Sovereignty in the Transition from a Marxist Capitalism to a Proudhonian Capitalism
- Micky Metts on Agaric the Worker-Owned Cooperative for Web Developers
- Mobility Factory
- Mobility Factory SCE
- Modo
- Nathan Schneider on Democratic Design in the Online Economy for a Internet of Distributed Ownership
- Nathan Schneider on Exit to Community and Community Ownership Through Platform Coops
- Nathan Schneider on Fixing the Digital Economy Through Cooperatives and Cooperation
- Nathan Schneider on Platform Cooperativism
- Nathan Schneider on the Internet of Ownership Project
- Nathan Schneider on Transforming Twitter into a Platform Cooperative
- Nick Green on the Policy Aspects of Platform Cooperativism in Australia
- Nubo Coop
- People's Ride
- Peter Bosmans on the Belgian Febecoop Experience and Platform Cooperativism
- Plateformes en Communs
- Platform
- Platform Based Peer Production
- Platform Capitalism
- Platform Co-op Directory
- Platform Coop Conference in Hong Kong 2018
- Platform Cooperative Ecosystem in Brazil
- Platform Cooperatives
- Platform Cooperativism
- Platform Cooperativism 2016
- Platform Cooperativism Asia Conference
- Platform Cooperativism Between Subversion and Cooptation
- Platform Cooperativism Consortium
- Platform Cooperativism Panel on the Union-Coop Model
- Platform Coops in Germany
- Platform Coops in Transportation
- Platform Economy
- Platform Economy Policies in Barcelona
- Platform Labour in Urban Spaces
- Platform Revolution
- Policies for Community-Owned Platforms
- Positive News
- Power and Control in Platform Monopoly Capitalism
- Protocol Cooperativism
- Sasha Costanza-Chock et al. on How to Build Platform Coops
- Savvy Coop
- Seed Coop
- Shared-Services Platform Cooperatives
- Silvia Zuur on Enspiral
- Snowdrift
- Social Charter for Smart Platforms
- Socially Responsible Investment for Worker Cooperatives
- Stocksy
- Stocksy United
- Swedish Unionen on How to Organize Swedish Labor in Platform Capitalism
- Tech New Deal
- Techno-Politics of Data and Urban Cooperative Platforms
- Theory of Everybody
- Thomas Dönnebrink on the Progress of Platform Cooperativism in Europe
- Towards a Fair Sharing Economy
- Towards a Global Infrastructure for Commons-Based Provisioning
- Trade Union and Cooperative Solutions To Self-Employment
- Transnational Movements of Precarious Labor
- Transportation Network Company
- Trebor Scholz in Conversation on Platform Cooperativism
- Trebor Scholz on Advancing Platform Cooperativism
- Trebor Scholz on How Platform Cooperativism Can Unleash the Network
- Trebor Scholz on Platform Cooperativism
- Trebor Scholz on the Prospects of the Cooperative Platform Economy