Jack Linchuan Qiu on Resisting and Reinventing the Gig Economy in Asia

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Video via https://livestream.com/internetsociety/platformcoop2016/videos/141627159


Worker's Voices 4 - Claps of Thunder Amidst Silence: Resisting and Reinventing the Gig Economy in Asia:

"(39 mins) Jack Linchuan Qiu, Chinese University of Hong Kong -- Digital capitalism is global, but it is also regional and local, in its formation and transformation. This talk discusses observations from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Vietnam: how the working people join the gig economy under constraints of authoritarian capitalist platforms; how they resist, not only as individuals but in large networks of collective struggle; how they invent models of sharing and mutual support; with what implications for international solidarity in the Global South and beyond. In Asia as elsewhere, workers’ voices tend to be silenced. Yet as Lu Xun wrote in his poetry predicting a revolutionary future, we hear “claps of thunder amidst silence” — in traditional manufacture sectors as well as the New Economy in Asia today."