Michel Bauwens on Technological Sovereignty in the Transition from a Marxist Capitalism to a Proudhonian Capitalism

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Video via https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=3_CfoZT7mvU&list=PLLwjsIMpn4X8VyNhIPG-YlHs9pq39zcRE


Michel Bauwens:

my keynote presentation for the platform cooperativism conference in Hong Kong

an argument that technology is NOT NEUTRAL, but the result of human design and therefore, to the values and interests of human groups

Today, four socio-technical systems are competing for dominance, two of them extractive towards communities and resources, two of them generative. The good news is that there are generative alternatives for the 2 exploitative ones

I talk here about platform coops, ledger coops, urban/bioregional provisioning coops, and cosmo-local protocol coops and I explain about the transition from a marxist capitalism, to a proudhonian capitalism, and possibly to a commons-centric, post-capitalist civilization.

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