Divvy DAO

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= "an open-source platform to support a market organism of interoperable public and private group mediated enterprises".

URL = http://divvydao.org/


"Internet applications are now becoming decentralized leaving ripples of disruption across everything we do. Either we embrace this change or risk being left behind. Divvy aims to support member communities and their collaboration on a disintermediated organizational support infrastructure.

This is an invitation to combine the efforts of the many innovators within this space.

With that in mind, Divvy is building an open-source platform to support a market organism of interoperable public and private group mediated enterprises called The Divvy DAO.

The Divvy Platform will provide the tools that decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) require to be efficient, effective, and resilient, setting goals and establishing tasks in any enterprise while rewarding those putting forth the effort in completing those tasks."