Driver’s Seat Data Coop

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= "a driver-owned cooperative that offers a platform where drivers, primarily rideshare drivers, can share their driving data with Driver’s Seat customers, (e.g., local governments and transportation agencies)".




"Driver’s Seat Data Coop (“Driver’s Seat”) is a driver-owned cooperative that offers a platform where drivers, primarily rideshare drivers, can share their driving data with Driver’s Seat customers, (e.g., local governments and transportation agencies).

Drivers can track and share their driving data by using the Driver’s Seat’s mobile application (currently in beta testing).

Driver’s Seat addresses the following data privacy and stewardship issues and concerns:

  • Major ride sharing platforms (e.g., Uber and Lyft) do not share driving analytics with their rideshare drivers.
  • How the algorithms employed on ridesharing platforms work?
  • Transparency over what data is collected on rideshare platforms and specifically, data collected on individual rideshare drivers.
  • The use of rideshare information for and against rideshare drviers and users
  • Local government access to rideshare data to assess transportation activity
  • Rideshare driver access to granular customer reviews and ratings
  • Getting additional information for rideshare drivers to improve their driving analytics.
  • For rideshare drivers (e.g., Uber and Lyft drivers), Driver’s Seat will provide free data insights on their driving habits to help drivers better optimize their earnings. Additionally, as a co-operative enterprise, rideshare drivers have a say in the co-op’s decision-making through voting, and are entitled to a profit-share from the co-op.
  • For local governments and transportation agencies, Driver’s Seat will provide rideshare data so that they can make data-driven decisions about “how ridershare relates to transit, how to reduce congestion and VMTs, and how rideshare and delivery impact the curb”.

The consumer desire for greater data autonomy, and receiving remuneration is actuated at Driver’s Seat because drivers retain control over how their driving data is shared with third parties, and the opportunity to be remunerated for sharing their driving data with local governments and transportation agencies." (